Kieran Tierney: Arsenal defender provides three assists in Scotland romp - BBC Sport

Kieran Tierney: Arsenal defender provides three assists in Scotland romp

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Kieran TierneyImage source, SNS
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Kieran Tierney won his 19th cap for Scotland against Faroe Islands

Excellent. Marvellous. Brilliant. Unbelievable. Frighteningly good.

Praise was not in short supply for Kieran Tierney after he provided three assists from centre-back in an eye-opening display as Scotland beat Faroe Islands 4-0.

The Arsenal defender himself settled for "no bad" when asked to appraise his performance. But just how good was the 23-year old in the World Cup qualifier at Hampden?

Where was he playing?

Steve Clarke was asked as much post-match, with his questioner comparing Tierney to the best player in the school playground rampaging around the pitch.

Although notionally deployed on the left side of a back three - as he had been in the draws against Austria and Israel - Tierney's attacking instincts were far from inhibited in that role.

He barrelled forward with abandon at times, with his three assists a mark of how advanced he was.

Tierney himself sheepishly acknowledged that Clarke "probably wanted me to sit a bit more but I couldn't help myself".

"I just tried my best as always," he added. "I had more time to get forward and I enjoyed it. Everyone knows I like being high and wide and putting crosses in and tonight I did a bit of that."

And how, as both his touch and heat maps show...

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Tierney rampaged up the entire left flank throughout his 79 minutes on the pitch

'You could see him in Spain or Germany' - analysis

Former Scotland forward Billy Dodds on Sportsound

He was excellent, marvellous, all the descriptive words you want to use, you can use them. It won't happen against better opposition - your left centre half bombing forward - but it was lovely to watch.

He is a future Arsenal captain for years to come if he keeps going the way he's going. He's got that driving force, the tackling, the pace, the tenacity, but don't forget quality. Everything he does is brilliant. The £25m [fee to buy him from Celtic] was a steal for Arsenal. Even off the pitch, he is so impressive.

Former Scotland defender Willie Miller on Sportsound

The left-hand side of our team is just outstanding, it's fabulous watching Tierney and Andy Robertson. Tierney is the outstanding performer over the three games. The pace, drive and quality he has is unbelievable. He had everything tonight.

He has a platform coming up at the Euros - if he wants to go bigger than Arsenal - to go out and perform against better-quality opposition. I think he can go anywhere. You could see him in Spain or Germany, couldn't you?

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Former Scotland midfielder Leanne Crichton on Sportsound

His decision making is frighteningly good, he sees the next one or two passes ahead. He never at any point receives the ball and then has to think what he's doing. He can see the game in front of him.

You just know he's on a different level from most. The only thing he's not got is that he's not English, if he is English he would be linked with everybody.

What did the fans say?

Macdunes1: Andy Robertson wears Kieran Tierney pyiamas.

Declan: Roberto Carlos has posters of Kieran Tierney on his wall.

Flemski26: Kieran Tierney is Scotland's best player. There's no debate about it

Jamie McIlduff: A Kieran Tierney masterclass tonight playing at cb. What a player.

Golden Golden: Kieran Tierney with a monstrous display.

CraigtonBadBoy: Ye canny no like Kieran Tierney, man.

Danny Murdoch: Surely a big team comes in for Kieran Tierney in the summer.

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