The Meaning Behind The Song: East of Java by The Impressions - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: East of Java by The Impressions

The Meaning Behind The Song: East of Java by The Impressions

As a music enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for hidden gems from the past. One such gem that has always held a special place in my heart is “East of Java” by The Impressions. I first heard this song on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and little did I know that it would become an instant favorite of mine.

“I found, I found, the best of the world, for your love, I’ll need the rest of the world,” these lyrics struck me from the very beginning. The song opens with the mention of a “Java girl” and the narrator finding the best of the world in her arms. It is a beautiful proclamation of love and devotion. The mention of Java, an island in Indonesia, adds an exotic touch to the song.

The lyrics continue to paint a picture of a love that knows no bounds. Somewhere east, east of Java, an ember moon lights up the skies. The narrator mentions a pair of almond eyes, constantly searching the sea for him. This imagery creates a sense of longing and anticipation, as if the two lovers are separated by vast distances but are still connected by their love.

The repetition of “east of Java, east of Java, east of Java” further emphasizes the idea of distance and the lengths one is willing to go for love. It conjures up images of a world far away, filled with romantic allure and possibilities.

The second verse of the song follows a similar pattern, reiterating the narrator’s devotion to the Java girl. “Never more, will I go sailing away, with my heart in hand, I’m coming to stay,” these lines express a commitment to be with the Java girl forever.

The song is beautifully accompanied by The Impressions’ soulful melodies, with Curtis Mayfield’s smooth vocals taking center stage. The instrumentation perfectly complements the lyrics, creating a dreamy atmosphere that engulfs the listener.

Although there is no concrete information available about the inspiration behind the song, it has been said that Java was often associated with romance and adventure in popular culture during that time. The idea of a Java girl symbolizes an exotic love interest, something out of the ordinary.

“East of Java” is a testament to the power of love and the lengths we are willing to go for the ones we hold dear. It captures the essence of a romance that surpasses physical distance and brings two souls together.

I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house, and it instantly captivated me. Its soothing melodies and heartfelt lyrics transported me to a world of love and devotion. It’s a song that has remained with me ever since, always reminding me of the power of love and the lengths we are willing to go to be with the ones we cherish.

In conclusion, “East of Java” by The Impressions is much more than just a song. It is an encapsulation of love and the longing that accompanies it. Through its lyrics and melodies, it paints a beautiful picture of a romance that transcends physical boundaries. If you haven’t listened to it yet, I highly recommend giving it a try. Let yourself be transported to the enchanting world of “East of Java.”

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