Life Before Loose: Janet on her childhood, her incredible career and how she got her famous surname | Loose Women
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Life Before Loose: Janet on her childhood, her incredible career and how she got her famous surname

If there's one thing we can say about our Janet Street-Porter it's that she really has lived an incredible life - and she told us all about it as she sat down to talk about Life Before Loose.

She took us back to where it all started - London in 1946. A year after World War II came to an end and two days after Christmas, her parents Cherrie and Stand welcomed baby Janet Bill into the world.

And what an impact that little girl would make! Janet opened up about her childhood in Fulham, her relationship with her parents, which was fraught at times, and her school days.

She also told us how her decision to study architecture ultimately resulted in her gaining her famous surname. Watch the video above to hear the tale in full.

So how did Janet Street-Porter transition from architecture to journalism? Well, she started out in the fashion pages, as she explained to Ruth, Denise and Jane - who were only too delighted to read some of her early columns back to her on air.

Hear them for yourself - and see Janet's priceless reaction - in the video below.

Having established herself in the media sphere, the only way was up and our Janet certainly put in the hours, working in radio and television and interviewing some of the world's biggest stars, from David Bowie to Arnold Schwarzenegger and beyond.

Her fearless attitude and determination to succeed saw her rise to the top of a male dominated world and make quite the name for herself.

But behind the public persona there's another Janet, who our panellists consider a dear friend. And Ruth, Denise and Jane encouraged her to show her vulnerable side in a candid discussion about her worries and the challenges she faced when her sister was diagnosed with brain cancer. You can watch their chat in the video below.

Loved Janet's Life Before Loose? Then why not check out Ruth, Nadia, Denise, Jane, Andrea, Coleen and Stacey's life stories here.

Watch Loose Women weekdays from 12.30pm on ITV, STV and the ITV Hub. And don't forget you can find us on YouTubeFacebookInstagram and Twitter too.

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Weekdays 12.30pm