dysentery - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish


External sources (not reviewed)

Chin National Front decried drastic shortage of medicines while Chin
[...] people die of malaria and dysentery.
Chin National Front denunci� la dr�stica escasez de medicinas mientras el pueblo
[...] chin muere de malaria y disenter�a.
[...] diseases, particularly dysentery and diarrhoea, are the [...]
leading causes of death for children under the age of five.
Las enfermedades transmitidas por el
[...] agua, en especial la disenter�a y la diarrea, son las [...]
principales causas de mortalidad
entre los ni�os menores de cinco a�os.
It is likely that epidemics will be unleashed,
[...] including cholera and dysentery in epidemic and even [...]
pandemic proportions.
Es probable que se desencadenen epidemias,
[...] incluyendo c�lera, disenter�a en proporciones epid�micas [...]
y hasta pand�micas.
Shigellosis is a bacterial infection of the colon that
[...] can cause diarrhoea, dysentery (diarrhoea with blood [...]
and/or mucus) and may lead to death.
La shigelosis es una infecci�n bacteriana del colon que
[...] puede causar diarrea, disenter�a (diarrea con sangre [...]
y/o moco) y provocar la muerte.
Amebic dysentery is a severe form [...]
of amebiasis associated with stomach pain, bloody stools, and fever.
La disenter�a amebiana es una forma [...]
grave de amebiasis asociada con dolor de est�mago, deposiciones con sangre y fiebre.
In Bhutan, students at Sherubtse College noticed regular
[...] outbreaks of typhoid and dysentery in their community and [...]
decided to tackle the problem at source.
En Bhut�n, los estudiantes del Colegio Sherubtse notaron que
regularmente se produc�an brotes
[...] de fiebre tifoidea y disenter�a en su comunidad y decidieron [...]
abordar el problema en la ra�z.
Shigella dysentery is a relatively [...]
common illness and occasionally causes death, worldwide.
La disenter�a por Shigella es una [...]
enfermedad relativamente com�n a nivel mundial, que ocasionalmente causa la muerte.
Avoiding risky foods will also help protect you from other illnesses, including travelers'
[...] diarrhea, cholera , dysentery, and hepatitis A .
Evitar los alimentos riesgosos
tambi�n lo ayudar� a protegerse de otras enfermedades, incluyendo la
[...] diarrea del viajero, c�lera, disenter�a y hepatitis A.
Contact your doctor if
[...] you think you may have amoebic dysentery.
Consulte a su m�dico si
[...] cree que puede tener disenter�a amebiana.
If you experience any of these symptoms do
[...] not assume it is due to amoebic dysentery.
Si usted experimenta alguno de estos s�ntomas,
[...] no asuma que se debe a disenter�a amebiana.
All told, they are known to be involved in the
transmission of more than 65 diseases�to humans
[...] alone,�including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera,�leprosy and [...]
En conjunto, se sabe que estan implicadas en la
transmisi�n de m�s de 65 enfermedades a humanos solamente,
[...] incluyendo fiebre tifoidea, disenter�a, c�lera, lepra y tuberculosis.
This is when incidents of malaria will start showing up and the full impact of water
[...] borne diseases like dysentery and cholera will [...]
be felt.
Es ahora cuando pueden comenzar los brotes de paludismo y las enfermedades transmitidas
[...] por el agua como la disenter�a y el c�lera.
The aim of this project was to use interactive visual simulation (VR) as a means of demonstrating basic hygiene to rural communities and to focus
primarily on sanitation, water and the prevention of associated disease (such
[...] as malaria, bilharzia, dysentery and cholera).
El objetivo de este proyecto es utilizar la simulaci�n visual interactiva (RV) para explicar la higiene b�sica a las comunidades rurales y centrarse principalmente en el
saneamiento, el agua y la prevenci�n de enfermedades conexas (como el paludismo, la
[...] esquistosomiasis, la disenter�a y el c�lera).
Wangai has two brothers and one sister: he had another two
[...] sisters but both died of dysentery before they were four [...]
years old.
Wangai tiene dos hermanos y una hermana; ten�a dos hermanas m�s,
[...] pero ambas murieron de disenter�a antes de cumplir los [...]
cuatro a�os.
The educational dimensions of other causes of death
and devastation such as malaria, multiple drug-resistant
[...] tuberculosis and dysentery also remain inadequately [...]
Tampoco han recibido la atenci�n suficiente, hasta ahora, las dimensiones educativas de
otras epidemias y causas de muerte, tales como la malaria, la tuberculosis con
[...] f�rmacorresistencia m�ltiple y la disenter�a.
Dysentery (infectious diarrhea that [...]
causes bleeding)
Disenter�a (diarrea infecciosa que [...]
causa sangrado)
Dysentery is another important cause [...]
of death related to diarrhoea.
La disenter�a es otra importante causa [...]
de muerte relacionada con la diarrea .
Indeed, economic growth typically enables societies to provide their
members with a cleaner, healthier
[...] environment: cholera and dysentery due to water pollution [...]
are not problems faced by developed
societies, even when confronted with natural disasters.
En realidad, el crecimiento econ�mico suele proporcionar a los ciudadanos un
medio ambiente m�s limpio y m�s
[...] saludable; el c�lera y la disenter�a provocados por la contaminaci�n [...]
del agua no son problemas
propios de las sociedades desarrolladas, ni siquiera cuando en �stas se producen cat�strofes naturales.
They may also contain blood, in which case
[...] the diarrhoea is called dysentery.
La diarrea tambi�n puede contener sangre, en
[...] este caso se le llama disenter�a.
As well as this tragedy, I think that
we must now fear, because of the lack of clean drinking water, a spate of
[...] epidemics, cholera and dysentery in particular.
En este drama, creo que cabe temer ahora que,
debido a la escasez de agua potable, se produzcan tambi�n epidemias de todas clases,
[...] en particular de c�lera y disenter�a.
Almost half of the victims of the tsunami in Sri Lanka were children and of the
survivors, children are amongst the most
[...] vulnerable to diarrhea, dysentery and cholera which could [...]
take hold without immediate action.
Casi la mitad de las v�ctimas del tsunami en Sri Lanka fueron ni�os, y de los sobrevivientes, los
ni�os figuran entre los m�s
[...] vulnerables a la diarrea, la disenter�a y el c�lera, enfermedades [...]
que podr�an atacar si no hay acci�n inmediata.
Moreover, having been moved from malaria-free hilltops to malaria-infested valleys, often without
adequate developmental and health measures, many displaced communities have been ravaged by
[...] malaria and, also, by dysentery.
Adem�s, el traslado desde cimas de monta�as sin paludismo a valles infectados de paludismo, con frecuencia sin medidas adecuadas de
salud y desarrollo, hizo que muchas comunidades desplazadas fueran asoladas por el
[...] paludismo y tambi�n por la disenter�a.
The floods have also provided a breeding ground for parasites such as ascaris and other
round worms. As a result, there has been a fresh
[...] outbreak of bacterial dysentery, which is more widespread [...]
than cholera.
Las crecidas de los r�os han potenciado la aparici�n de par�sitos (asc�rides,
y otros gusanos redondos), lo que ha provocado un
[...] recrudecimiento de la disenter�a bacilar m�s importante [...]
que el c�lera.
Apart from the immediately lethal effects of blast, heat and radiation, many of the survivors would perish from the latent effects of ionising radiation (leukaemia, cancer, and genetic effects)
as well as the infectious diseases like
[...] cholera, tuberculosis and dysentery arising from the breakdown [...]
in local services.
Aparte de los efectos letales inmediatos de la explosi�n, el calor y la radiaci�n, muchos sobrevivientes morir�an por los efectos latentes de la radiaci�n ionizante (leucemia, c�ncer y efectos gen�ticos), como tambi�n
por las enfermedades infecciosas como el
[...] c�lera, tuberculosis y disenter�a, causadas por la falta [...]
de servicios locales.
Amebic liver abscess is caused
by Entamoeba histolytica, the same organism that causes amebiasis , an
[...] intestinal infection also called amebic dysentery.
El absceso hep�tico amebiano es causado por la
Entamoeba histolytica, el mismo organismo que causa la amebiasis , una infecci�n
[...] intestinal tambi�n llamada disenter�a amebiana.
Nationally, 30% of households reported
[...] incidence of diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice and typhoid [...]
or cholera.
En el �mbito nacional, se
[...] registraron casos de diarrea, disenter�a, ictericia y tifus o [...]
c�lera en el 30% de los hogares.
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