Update on Yahoo India | Yahoo Help - SLN35842

Update on Yahoo India

What happened to the Yahoo India Homepage? Why am I not able to see stories and news?

Effective August 26, 2021, we have ceased publication of content in India and have shut down Yahoo's content operations in the country. The content offerings closed include Yahoo News, Yahoo Cricket, Finance, Entertainment and MAKERS India.

We did not come to this decision lightly. However, Yahoo India has been impacted by changes to regulatory laws in India that now limit the foreign ownership of media companies that operate and publish digital content in India.

Yahoo has had a long association with India and we're really proud of the premium, local content we have provided our users here for the last 20 years. Once again, thank you for your support and trust in our brand.

Please note: In case you are a Yahoo Mail user, this change does not affect you in any way. This development does not impact our products Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Search, where we will continue to serve users in India as before, without any change.

So, have all Yahoo India news sites shut down?

Yes. The Yahoo India sites that have shut down include Yahoo Cricket, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, Entertainment, and MAKERS India. The new FDI regulations for digital media limit foreign ownership of media companies that operate and publish digital content in India in the 'News and Current Affairs' space, impacting our products Yahoo Cricket, Finance, News, Entertainment, and MAKERS India.

You can, however, continue to access Yahoo Search and Yahoo Mail.

But why is Yahoo Cricket shutting down? It's sports!

Yahoo Cricket has a 'news' component, which is why it was impacted under the new FDI regulations that limit foreign ownership of media companies that operate and publish digital content in India in the 'News and Current Affairs' space.

Will this move impact my Yahoo Mail account as well?

No. Yahoo Mail is not covered by FDI regulations for digital media and is therefore not impacted by this change.

Yahoo Mail will continue to operate in India as normal. Click https://in.mail.yahoo.com to access your Yahoo Mail account. You can also find a link to Yahoo Mail on the Yahoo India Search page https://in.search.yahoo.com.

Will my mail account address change?

Absolutely not. To reiterate, there will be no impact on your Yahoo Mail account from this development. Your email ID will remain unchanged.

Could Yahoo India resume at some point?

We've had a long association with India, and remain open to opportunities that connect us to users here.