Budapest Danube River • See Current Water Levels
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Budapest Danube River

→ See Current Water Levels

Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, is located in the central part of Europe. It is bisected by the Danube river, which separates the hilly Buda district on the west bank from the flat Pest district on the east bank.

Danube map

The Danube river is one of the most important rivers in Europe. It originates in Germany's Black Forest and flows through 10 countries, including Hungary, before emptying into the Black Sea.

In Budapest, the Danube is crossed by several beautiful bridges, including the iconic Chain Bridge, which is one of the city's most famous landmarks.

Danube River Water Levels

The current water level in the city center of Budapest (along the Danube) is 645 cm, last recorded on 6/8/2024.

This chart provides hourly updates of water levels in centimeters for the Danube River in Budapest.

The current water flow in Budapest is 5905 m3/s and the temperature today is 17 Celsius.

The water levels in the Danube are generally unpredictable, but fortunately, Hungary's biggest river usually experiences moderate water level changes, making it an ideal location for cruising.

Temperature and Water Flow

This chart displays the water temperature and flow rate of the Danube River in Budapest, measured in cubic meters per second (m³/s). Budapest Danube River

Low and high tide

Low water levels typically occur at the end of a hot summer, while high water levels usually happen during the spring months.

This is because all the snow is melting in the mountains, causing rivers to carry extra water to the Danube. These changes in water level can impact the cruising experience.

Dinner cruises

Whether you are looking for a romantic dinner cruise or a sightseeing tour, Budapest has many options for cruising on the Danube.

Many of the city's most famous landmarks, such as the Hungarian Parliament Building, the Fisherman's Bastion, and Buda Castle, can be seen from the water, making a river cruise a great way to experience the city's beauty.

Water Levels Point
