Choosing a journal FAQs - Author Services

Frequently asked questions

Choosing a journal

How do I select a journal to publish in?

Before you choose which journal to submit your manuscript to, do some desk research and draw up a shortlist. Then make sure you familiarize yourself with the aims and scope of the journals. This will help you know if your work is suitable for the targeted journal.

Please read our guide to choosing a journal for more help.

You can also try the Taylor & Francis Journal Suggester to help you find the best home for your research article.

Are there any tools to help authors identify the best journal for their paper?

Yes, our Journal Suggester is a great tool to help you find Taylor & Francis journals that might be a good fit for your paper.

Where can I find a journal’s aims and scope?

The aims and scope of a journal is found on the journal’s home page on Taylor & Franics Online. Learn more on how to use a journal’s aims and scope to find the right journal for your research.

How can I view a journal’s metrics?

If the journal’s metrics are publicly available, you can view them on the journal’s Taylor & Francis Online homepage. Navigate to a journal you’re interested in and, in the About this journal menu, select Journal metrics. If the journal has an Impact Factor, this will be listed on the journal’s home page.

For help on using data to choose a journal for submission, please read our guide to understanding journal metrics.

Taylor & Francis Journal Suggester FAQs

How can the Journal Suggester help me?

The Journal Suggester can help you produce a shortlist of relevant Taylor & Francis journals that might be a good fit for you to consider. There are thousands of academic journals available today, with many new titles being launched each year. It can be difficult to know which one would be most suitable for publishing your work, especially if you’re working on interdisciplinary research.

How does the Journal Suggester work?

The Journal Suggester uses artificial intelligence to match the subjects covered in your article to related content across the corpus of over 5 million articles on Taylor & Francis Online.

Simply paste in the abstract of an article you’re working on, or keywords relevant to your article, and click ‘Reveal suggested journals’. The Suggester will produce a list of journals for you to consider which have previously published articles related to your abstract.

How accurate is the Journal Suggester?

Customer feedback tells us that the Journal Suggester provides highly relevant suggestions for the majority of abstract and keyword searches, and we plan to continue to improve the tool.  You should carefully assess the suggestions to make sure you choose the right fit for your work.

How do I know if the suggested journals have open access options that are right for my article?

The Suggester indicates which open access options are available for each journal, but make sure you visit the journal pages on Taylor & Francis Online for full details.

How is the data I entered into the journal suggester used and stored?

Your submitted abstracts are stored and compared with the results given by the Journal Suggester, and we also monitor which results are clicked on. This information is only used to improve the accuracy of the tool; it is not shared, and no data is directly identifying.

Does choosing one of the suggested journals guarantee acceptance?

No, the Journal Suggester is only designed to give you a list of journals to consider. Some will be more appropriate for your research article than others. All submitted articles will still go through the usual peer review process and the acceptance decision will be made by the journal’s academic editors.

What should I do once I’ve got the Suggester results?

The Suggester is only designed to be the first stage in a process; giving you a shortlist of options to consider further. Once you have that shortlist, ask the following questions to help narrow down your search:

  • Which of these journals did I consult most often during this research (do any appear frequently in my literature review)?

  • What do the aims and scope of the suggested journals tell me – which of these fit my research most closely?

  • Does my research funder or institution require me to publish open access (OA)? If so, which journals in my shortlist have compliant OA options (see below)?

  • What is the readership of these journals – are they regional journals or international, broad scope or specialist? Use the aims & scope pages to help decide which has the most appropriate readership for your research.

  • What types of peer review do these journals use – which one is my preference?

For more tips on narrowing down your list of options, see our guide to choosing a journal.

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