Cebuano words best describing Cebuanas

Cebuano words that best describe Cebuanas


Cebuano words that best describe a Cebuana.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Cebuanas are known to be headstrong women.

We love to do things on our own and make sure we get things done, by rook or by krook.

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Excelling or facing adversities is just part of how they would want to show how Cebuanas are built differently.

Today, let’s get into some Cebuano terms that would best describe Cebuanas.


— this is the Cebuano term for saying beautiful. A simple but powerful word that can surely uplift ladies and make them feel extra special.


— the Cebuano term that means showing care and comfort to the people around them. This is a simple way for Cebuanas to show how they pamper the ones they love.

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— being generous in all aspects of life. May it be offering help through monetary, efforts and support, they make sure to give whatever they can.


— in terms of singing, dancing, and showing their creative side is one of the many things that Cebuanas can be proud of.


— they don’t get scared easily, they don’t falter and they make sure they fight back especially if they know they have the right to or when they know they have to, for themselves and for the people they love.

These are just some of the many traits of a Cebuana that would make us different from others.

Either way, Cebuana or not, women are not just homemakers in today’s world, but making their own way in making a change in the world.

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TAGS: Cebuanas, Cebuano term
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