Climb an Angry Mountain (1972) - Leonard Horn | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related | AllMovie
Climb an Angry Mountain

Climb an Angry Mountain (1972)

Genres - Drama  |   Sub-Genres - Crime Drama, Police Detective Film  |   Release Date - Dec 23, 1972 (USA)  |   Run Time - 120 min.  |   Countries - United States  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Synopsis by Hal Erickson

The made-for-TV Climb an Angry Mountain revives the reliable "country cop vs city cop" concept, with Fess Parker and Barry Nelson on either side of the argument. New York City officer Nelson wants to use state-of-art methods to track down a fugitive Indian criminal (played by former football star Joe Kapp) who is hiding out on California's Mount Shasta. Local rancher/sheriff Parker wants to handle the case on his own, since his son (Clay O'Brien) is the fugitive's hostage. The rival authority figures eventually come to the "united we stand" understanding in trailing their quarry. Climb an Angry Mountain benefits mightily from extensive location shooting.




fugitive, police-officer, hostage, mountains, Native-American, sheriff, son