12 Fascinating Facts About D. B. Woodside - Facts.net
Kelila Canada

Written by Kelila Canada

Modified & Updated: 14 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Cheatsheet.com

D. B. Woodside is a talented actor who has made his mark in the world of entertainment with his incredible performances and magnetic screen presence. Known for his exceptional acting skills and striking good looks, Woodside has captivated audiences in various film and television projects.

In this article, we will delve into the life and career of D. B. Woodside, and uncover 12 fascinating facts about this versatile actor. From his early beginnings to his most iconic roles, we will explore the journey that has led him to become one of the most sought-after actors in the industry.

So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the intriguing world of D. B. Woodside!

Key Takeaways:

  • D. B. Woodside’s diverse career spans from high school theater to popular TV shows, showcasing his talent and dedication to acting. His social impact and martial arts skills add depth to his fascinating journey.
  • From his debut in “Romeo Must Die” to his fan-favorite role in “Lucifer,” D. B. Woodside’s versatile acting and charitable efforts make him an inspiring figure in the entertainment industry.
Table of Contents

D. B. Woodside started his acting career in high school.

D. B. Woodside, best known for his role as Amenadiel on the hit TV series “Lucifer,” discovered his passion for acting while attending high school. He participated in various school productions, showcasing his natural talent and dedication to the craft.

D. B. Woodside made his film debut in “Romeo Must Die.”

In 2000, Woodside made his big-screen debut alongside martial arts legend Jet Li in the action-packed film “Romeo Must Die.” His performance as Colin, a loyal lieutenant, earned him recognition and paved the way for his future success in both film and television.

D. B. Woodside has a strong theater background.

Before gaining popularity on screen, Woodside honed his acting skills in the theater. He has performed in various stage productions, including Shakespearean plays such as “Macbeth” and “Othello,” showcasing his versatility as an actor.

D. B. Woodside has appeared in several popular TV shows.

Woodside’s talent has graced numerous television shows throughout his career. He has had memorable guest appearances in acclaimed series such as “24,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “Suits,” demonstrating his range as an actor.

D. B. Woodside portrayed the iconic character Kermit Roosevelt in “The Good Shepherd.”

In the 2006 film “The Good Shepherd,” Woodside earned praise for his portrayal of Kermit Roosevelt, a key character in the CIA drama directed by Robert De Niro. His performance showcased his ability to bring depth and complexity to his roles.

D. B. Woodside’s character in “Lucifer” has become a fan-favorite.

One of Woodside’s most recognized roles is that of Amenadiel, an angel in the TV series “Lucifer.” His portrayal of the righteous celestial being has garnered a dedicated fan base and solidified his status as a talented and versatile actor.

D. B. Woodside has directed episodes of “Lucifer.”

Besides acting, Woodside has also taken on the role of director on “Lucifer.” His behind-the-scenes contributions have showcased his creativity and ability to bring out the best in the show’s storytelling and performances.

D. B. Woodside is skilled in martial arts.

Woodside’s physicality on screen is not just acting; he has trained in martial arts and demonstrated his skills in fight scenes throughout his career. His dedication and commitment to mastering various forms of combat add depth to his action-oriented roles.

D. B. Woodside is actively involved in charitable causes.

Woodside is known for his philanthropic efforts and actively supports organizations that focus on education and social equality. His commitment to making a positive impact outside of his acting career reflects his compassionate nature.

D. B. Woodside has a strong social media presence.

Woodside engages with his fans on various social media platforms, building a connection with his audience and sharing insights into his personal life and projects. His active presence demonstrates his appreciation for the support he receives from his fans.

D. B. Woodside has received critical acclaim for his performances.

Woodside’s talent has been recognized by both critics and audiences alike. He has received praise for his nuanced performances, capturing the depth and complexity of his characters with authenticity and charisma.

D. B. Woodside continues to expand his acting career.

With a strong foundation in both film and television, Woodside shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to take on challenging roles, further establishing himself as a talented and respected actor in the industry.

These 12 fascinating facts about D. B. Woodside highlight his journey from high school theater to becoming a beloved actor in both film and television. His variety of roles, dedication to his craft, and advocacy for social causes make him a truly fascinating and inspiring figure in the entertainment industry.


D.B. Woodside is an incredibly talented actor who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Through his remarkable performances and versatile range, Woodside has captivated audiences around the world. With these twelve fascinating facts, we have gained insight into his career, personal life, and achievements.From his breakout role in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” to his portrayal of Amenadiel on the popular series “Lucifer,” Woodside has consistently delivered exceptional performances. His dedication to his craft and ability to bring depth and complexity to each character he portrays have earned him a well-deserved place among Hollywood’s finest.Beyond his acting prowess, Woodside is also a philanthropist, using his platform to support various charitable causes. His commitment to making a positive impact on the world is truly admirable.As we continue to follow D.B. Woodside’s career, we can only anticipate even greater achievements and remarkable performances. He is undoubtedly an actor worth keeping an eye on, as his talent and passion for his craft show no signs of slowing down.


1. What is D.B. Woodside’s most famous role?

D.B. Woodside is best known for his portrayal of Amenadiel on the hit series “Lucifer.”

2. Has D.B. Woodside won any awards for his acting?

While he has not won any major awards, Woodside’s performances have garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan following.

3. What other TV shows has D.B. Woodside appeared in?

Woodside has appeared in popular TV shows such as “24,” “Suits,” and “Parenthood,” among others.

4. Is D.B. Woodside involved in any charitable work?

Yes, Woodside is actively involved in charity work and supports various causes, including organizations focused on education and environmental conservation.

5. How did D.B. Woodside first get into acting?

Woodside developed an interest in acting at a young age and pursued his passion by studying acting and theater in college.

6. Does D.B. Woodside have any upcoming projects?

As of now, there are no specific upcoming projects announced, but fans can expect to see Woodside continue to shine in future roles.

7. Where was D.B. Woodside born?

D.B. Woodside was born in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

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