1. Why do recruiters ask What is your ambition in life?
  2. What is your ambition in life? Sample answers
  3. Dos and Don'ts of answering What is your ambition in life?

What is your ambition in life?

This question can be nerve-wracking and answering it can make you contemplate your entire life.

The stakes get higher when this question is asked in an interview, making it crucial to prepare the answer to this common interview question.

So, here is all you need to know about answering What is your ambition in life? with sample answers.

By the end of this article, you will understand what the interviewer wants to know, how to craft effective answers, and what mistakes to avoid.

Let's get started!

Why do recruiters ask What is your ambition in life?

Recruiters ask this question to assess your goals and aspirations.

The interviewer wants to know if you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in your professional life and if your goals align with the company's vision and mission.

The answer to this can be a deal breaker, making it crucial to answer this question thoughtfully and effectively to make a positive impression on the interviewer.

Be honest and specific in your answer. Avoid giving generic answers like "I want to be successful" or "I want to make a lot of money". Instead, focus on your long-term career goals and how you plan to achieve them.

For instance, if you're applying for a job in marketing, your ambition could be to become a marketing manager in five years and lead a team of marketing professionals.

This answer shows that you have a clear goal and have thought about your career progression.

Being honest and specific in your answer will help the interviewer understand your career aspirations and assess if you're a good fit for the job and the company culture.

What is your ambition in life? Sample answers

Let us understand how to answer this question with a few sample answers!

Sample answers for freshers

For those who are just starting their careers, it can be challenging to answer the question, "What is your ambition in life?" Here is how you can get this question right!

Answer 1

My ambition in life is to learn as much as I can and grow in my career. I am excited to gain experience in the field and work with a team of professionals who can mentor me and help me achieve my goals.

This answer shows eagerness to learn and grow in your career. It also highlights that you are looking for guidance and support from your colleagues.

Answer 2

My ambition in life is to make a positive impact on society. I believe that by working in this field, I can contribute to making a difference in people's lives and improving the world we live in.

This answer shows that you are passionate about making a difference and that you see your career as a means of achieving that goal. It also demonstrates that you have a sense of purpose and a desire to do meaningful work.

Answer 3

My ambition in life is to become an expert in my field. I want to develop my skills and knowledge to the point where I can make significant contributions to the company and get recognized as a leader in the industry.

This answer shows that you are ambitious and have specific goals for your career. It also demonstrates that you are committed to your profession and are willing to invest the efforts to become an expert in your field.

Overall, these sample answers show that entry-level job seekers can have a variety of ambitions, from learning and growing in their careers to making a positive impact on society to becoming an expert in their field.

The key is honesty, being specific in your answer, and tying it to the job you're applying for.

Sample answers for job seekers with intermediate experience

These answers are perfect for people who have intermediate years of experience ranging from 3-7 years.

Answer 4

My ambition is to become a subject matter expert in my field and contribute to the company's growth.

I am constantly learning and upgrading my skills to achieve this goal. I also aim to mentor and guide my team members to help them achieve their career goals.

This answer is effective because it shows a clear career goal and ambition to grow in the company. It also highlights the willingness to learn and mentor others, which are desirable qualities for mid-career professionals.

Answer 5

My ambition is to take on more leadership roles and responsibilities in my field.

I have gained significant experience in my current role, and I am ready to take on new challenges.

I want to use my skills and knowledge to positively impact the company and its customers.

This answer is effective because it shows a desire to take on more responsibilities and grow as a leader. It also highlights the desire to make a positive impact, a desirable quality for mid-career professionals.

Answer 6

My ambition is to start my own business. I am currently gaining valuable experience and skills in my current role, which I believe will be useful when I start my venture.

I am also networking and building relationships with potential partners and investors.

This answer is effective because it shows a long-term career goal and ambition to become an entrepreneur. It also highlights the willingness to gain relevant experience and skills before pursuing this goal, which is a desirable quality for mid-career professionals.

Sample answers for experienced job seekers

These answers are fit for people with experience of more than 8 years.

Answer 7

My ambition in life is to impact the world positively. I believe that, as a leader, I can inspire and motivate my team to achieve great things.

I want to create a work environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to bring their best selves to work.

Ultimately, I hope to make a difference in the lives of those around me and contribute to a better world."

This answer is effective because it shows that the candidate has a clear vision for their leadership style and how they want to impact their team and the world. It also highlights their values and commitment to creating a positive work environment.

Answer 8

My ambition in life is to continue learning and growing as a leader. I believe that there is always room for improvement, and I am constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities to develop my skills.

I want to inspire my team to do the same and create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Ultimately, I hope to leave a lasting legacy as a leader who helped others reach their full potential.

This answer is effective because it shows that the candidate is dedicated to personal and professional growth, which is an important quality for a senior-level position. It also highlights their desire to inspire and develop their team, which is a key aspect of leadership.

Answer 9

My ambition in life is to make a meaningful contribution to my industry. I have spent many years honing my skills and expertise, and I believe that I have a lot to offer.

I want to use my knowledge and experience to solve complex problems and drive innovation in my field.

Ultimately, I hope to leave a lasting impact on the industry and inspire others to do the same.

This answer is effective because it shows that the candidate has a clear understanding of their industry and their role within it.

It also highlights their desire to significantly contribute and inspire others, which are important qualities for a senior-level position.

Dos and Don'ts of answering What is your ambition in life?

Crafting your answer to the question "What is your ambition in life?" can be a daunting task, but it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong answer. However, there are some Dos and Don't s to remember.


1. Be authentic: Your answer should reflect your true ambition in life. Avoid giving a generic answer that you think the interviewer wants to hear. Instead, focus on what motivates and inspires you.

2. Tie your answer to the job: It is important to tie your answer to the job you are applying for. This will show the interviewer that you have thought about how this job fits into your long-term career goals.

3. Be specific: Avoid giving a vague answer that could apply to any job. Instead, be specific about what you hope to achieve in your career and how this job will help you get there.

4. Keep it professional: While it is important to be authentic, make sure your answer is professional and relevant to the job. Avoid sharing personal details that are not relevant to the job.

By following these tips, you can craft an effective answer that will impress the interviewer and show them that you are serious about your career.


1. Being vague: One of the biggest mistakes is giving a generic answer. Avoid being vague and instead, be specific about your goals and aspirations.

2. Being unrealistic: While it's good to have ambitious goals, it's important to be realistic. Don't make the mistake of stating an unrealistic goal that is not achievable.

3. Being irrelevant: Ensure that your answer is relevant to the job you're applying for. Avoid talking about goals that are not related to the position or the company.

4. Being too personal: While honesty is crucial, avoid sharing personal goals that are not relevant to the job. Keep the focus on your professional goals.


In conclusion, "What is your ambition in life?" is a common interview question that job seekers need to prepare for. It is an opportunity for job seekers to showcase their aspirations and goals.

Understanding the question and being honest and specific in your answer are crucial.

We have provided sample answers for entry-level, mid-career, and senior-level job seekers, along with tips for crafting your answer and avoiding common mistakes.

Remember to be authentic and tie your answer to the job you're applying for. Practice your answers and be confident in your response.

With these tips, you can impress your interviewer and land your dream job. Good luck!


  1. What is the ambition of your life?
    My ambition in life is to make a meaningful impact on the world and leave a positive legacy. I aspire to continuously grow personally and professionally, while also contributing to the betterment of society in whatever capacity I can.
  2. What is your ambition's best answer?
    My ambition is to lead a fulfilling life where I am constantly learning, growing, and making a positive impact on those around me. Whether it's through my career, relationships, or personal endeavors, I strive to pursue excellence and leave a lasting legacy that inspires others.
  3. How do I know my ambition?
    Finding your ambition involves self-reflection, exploration, and understanding your values, interests, and goals. Ask yourself questions like:
  • What activities or pursuits bring me joy and fulfillment?
  • What issues or causes am I passionate about?
  • What are my long-term goals and aspirations?
  • What legacy do I want to leave behind?

    By considering these questions and listening to your inner voice, you can gain clarity on your ambitions and take steps towards realizing them. Additionally, seeking guidance from mentors, exploring different experiences, and staying open to new opportunities can help you discover your true ambition in life.

4. What are the best ambitions in life?
The best ambitions in life are those that align with one's values, passions, and aspirations. Some examples include:

  • Making a positive difference in the lives of others through philanthropy or community service.
  • Achieving personal and professional growth by continuously learning and challenging oneself.
  • Pursuing a career that brings fulfillment and allows for creativity and self-expression.
  • Cultivating meaningful relationships and fostering connections with loved ones.
  • Contributing to societal progress and environmental sustainability through advocacy or activism.
Interview Questions