Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Weasley Siblings

Saim Cheeda
Updated April 26, 2024 62.2K views 16 items
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653 voters
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Vote up the most surprising details about the Weasley kids.

Fans of the Harry Potter series are generally fond of the Weasley family because of the protagonist's friendship with Ron. The Weasleys serve as one of Harry's major connections to the Wizarding World and it's always interesting to learn fun facts about them. 

While things like the Weasleys' assistance of Harry during his search for the Deathly Hallows and saving Sirius from being sent to Azkaban are known, there are larger details from the books, as well as reveals from J.K. Rowling herself, that many might not be aware of.

Things you didn't know about Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny might just change the way you see the characters.

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    297 VOTES

    Bill Had The Option To Study At South America's Wizarding School But Couldn't Afford It

    Bill Had The Option To Study At South America's Wizarding School But Couldn't Afford It
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 / Warner Bros. Pictures

    The South American school Castelobruxo has an exchange student program with Hogwarts, which those talented in the subjects of Herbology and Magizoology (Care of Magical Creatures) can qualify for.

    Bill was the most gifted student in his year and had the option to go to Castelobruxo on the exchange program. He had a penfriend who went to the school, and their correspondence became strong enough for Bill and his penfriend to try out for the program.

    Bill was ultimately unsuccessful because his father was unable to afford the expensive trip - things became worse when his angered penfriend sent him a cursed hat.

    297 votes
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    430 VOTES

    George Married Angelina Johnson, Fred's Former Girlfriend

    George Married Angelina Johnson, Fred's Former Girlfriend
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros. Pictures

    George never really gets over Fred's passing and finds solace with his former girlfriend, Angelina Johnson. Fred and Angelina attend the Yule Ball together and casually date until the end of their time at school.

    Fred's passing brings George and Angelina close and they eventually marry - they even name their son Fred Weasley II as a tribute.

    430 votes
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    495 VOTES

    Bill And Percy Are Higher-Achieving Students Than Hermione And Among The Greatest In Hogwarts History

    Bill And Percy Are Higher-Achieving Students Than Hermione And Among The Greatest In Hogwarts History
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros. Pictures

    The most O.W.L. subjects a student can take appears to be 13, which not even Hermione can attempt - she ends up dropping two subjects and passes with 11 O.W.L. pass grades.

    It turns out that Hermione wasn't necessarily the smartest student in Hogwarts in the contemporary era: Bill and Percy Weasley passed more O.W.L. exams. 

    The brothers claimed 12 O.W.L. pass grades. Even more impressive is that Bill and Percy received “Outstanding” in all their exams; Hermione receives an “Exceeds Expectations” in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

    Bill and Percy also somehow complete their O.W.L. exams without needing Time-Turners, while Hermione couldn't cope with her schedule on her own.

    495 votes
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    388 VOTES

    Charlie Is Considered A Gryffindor Quidditch Legend

    Charlie Is Considered A Gryffindor Quidditch Legend
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Although Charlie is seldom seen (and not at all in the movies), he's one of the most talented Weasley siblings. Charlie excels at Quidditch at a level that makes him a legendary figure at the school.

    It's noted that before Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in Harry's third year, they hadn't won it since Charlie was the house's Seeker. Professor McGonagall and Oliver Wood claimed they didn't have any chance of winning the cup until Harry became Seeker because no one could match Charlie's legendary reputation.

    Charlie is noted to have been such an incredible player that he could have played for the England National Quidditch Team if he'd tried.

    388 votes
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    272 VOTES

    Charlie Is The Only Surviving Weasley Sibling To Remain Unmarried

    Charlie Is The Only Surviving Weasley Sibling To Remain Unmarried
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Charlie is noted to prefer dragons over pretty much anything else and never develops an interest in romance. He's still on the younger side during the main Harry Potter timeline, but he never ends up settling down with a family as an adult. 

    By the time of the epilogue, Charlie is still single and has continued to solely focus on his research on dragons. He's in his mid-40s by the time his nieces and nephews have started attending Hogwarts, although he's more than content to be on his own.

    272 votes
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    407 VOTES

    Fred And George Are Indirectly Responsible For Albus Dumbledore's Assassination

    Fred And George Are Indirectly Responsible For Albus Dumbledore's Assassination
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Fred and George don't mean to cause harm to anyone, but their antics have a huge impact. In Order of the Phoenix, the pair stuffs Graham Montague in the Vanishing Cabinet - Montague eventually escapes and relays the story to Draco Malfoy, who then uses the cabinet to bring the Death Eaters to Hogwarts in Half-Blood Prince.

    Fred and George also sell Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder to anonymous customers, one of whom happens to be Malfoy. Malfoy uses the powder in the Hogwarts halls to allow the Death Eaters to pass through freely while the heroes are unable to see them. 

    Ron connects the dots that link Fred and George to Malfoy's use of the Instant Darkness Powder and resolves to have a talk with them over the lack of background checks they do toward their customers.

    407 votes
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    355 VOTES

    Ginny Is The First Female In The Weasley Clan In Several Generations

    Ginny Is The First Female In The Weasley Clan In Several Generations
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Ginny is the only girl among six brothers. Her status as a daughter is significant not only for her generation, but the Weasley family as a whole because the clan didn't have any female members born for seven generations.

    The Weasley clan had such a large extended family because it had only male heirs for decades until Ginny's birth. Before then, the only women with the Weasley name were those who had married into the family. Ginny's mother and father doted on by her in part because she was their only daughter.

    355 votes
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    371 VOTES

    Ron Becomes The Co-Owner Of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes After Fred's Passing

    Ron Becomes The Co-Owner Of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes After Fred's Passing
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Ron, Harry, and Neville are exempt from the tests needed to join the Auror Office because of their heroics in the Battle of Hogwarts. Out of the three, only Harry continues in his career - Neville becomes the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts and Ron becomes the co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

    Ron spends only two years as an Auror before deciding to join George in running the joke shop. The brothers turn out to be great partners because the shop is a financial success.

    371 votes
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    307 VOTES

    Fred And George Have The Same Patronus

    Fred And George Have The Same Patronus
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. Pictures

    It's rare for people who are not romantically involved to have the same Patronus - couples like Tonks and Lupin share one, and Snape's becomes a doe because of his love for Lily.

    Harry's stag Patronus is the same as his father's, although they never cast it around each other due to James's demise at an early age. Fred and George are unique for learning to cast a Patronus around the same time and for the Patronus to be the same animal: a magpie.

    The twins' Patronus takes that shape because they have similar mentalities and are talkative thieves. 

    307 votes
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    296 VOTES

    Ginny Becomes A National Quidditch Player And Journalist

    Ginny Becomes A National Quidditch Player And Journalist
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Ginny is the only one of her siblings to take her Quidditch skills to the next level. After graduating from Hogwarts, Ginny goes on to become a professional Quidditch player as a Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies.

    Ginny enjoys a successful career and even becomes the captain of the Holyhead Harpies before retiring from the sport. Ginny's connection with Quidditch continues, as she goes on to work for the Daily Prophet as a sports correspondent editor.  

    296 votes
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    257 VOTES

    Percy Is The Youngest Wizard To Be Promoted To The Minister Of Magic's Cabinet

    Percy Is The Youngest Wizard To Be Promoted To The Minister Of Magic's Cabinet
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Percy becomes estranged from the family after he's promoted to the position of Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic. He's angered when his family isn't impressed - Arthur points out that no one has ever ascended to such a position at Percy's age, which seems suspicious.

    At the time of his appointment, Percy had only left Hogwarts for a year, making him just 19 years of age. Arthur sees through Cornelius Fudge's attempt at using Percy to spy on the Weasleys, but the latter doesn't agree and cuts ties with the family.


    257 votes
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    300 VOTES

    Fred Was Slain By An Explosion During The Battle Of Hogwarts

    Fred Was Slain By An Explosion During The Battle Of Hogwarts
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Fred's demise might seem like a mystery to most since there were no signs of injury on his body. Harry witnesses Fred having a laugh with Percy before there's an explosion, which causes everyone to be knocked away by the force.

    Fred's passing was a result of trauma from the blast - he was standing too close and got the full force of the explosion. Harry notes that the ghost of Fred's last smile is still etched on his face, which means that Fred never realized he was about to perish.

    300 votes
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    280 VOTES

    Ginny Learned To Play Quidditch By Using Her Brothers' Equipment In Secret

    Ginny Learned To Play Quidditch By Using Her Brothers' Equipment In Secret
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Warner Bros. Pictures

    In Order of the Phoenix, Ginny easily wins a place as the Gryffindor Seeker after Harry is banned by Dolores Umbridge, and she later becomes a Chaser without much difficulty, as well. 

    George is impressed because he and his brothers never let her play with them, but Hermione reveals that Ginny had been breaking into the Weasleys' broom shed since the age of 6 to train herself at Quidditch and practiced on each of her siblings' brooms.

    This serves as an explanation for how Ginny is such a talented player and why she excels in different playing positions.

    280 votes
  • 14
    261 VOTES

    All Of The Siblings' Corpses Are The Form Of Molly's Boggart

    All Of The Siblings' Corpses Are The Form Of Molly's Boggart
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Molly's Boggart is revealed in Order of the Phoenix when she fails to defeat one at 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry comes across her sobbing in a room where he sees Molly mourning over a deceased Ron.

    Harry realizes it's a Boggart since he'd just seen Ron downstairs, then sees the Boggart morph into the bodies of Bill, Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, and Harry himself. Since Molly had already been crying before the Boggart had changed into Ron's body, it's clear that she'd seen all the siblings' corpses.

    The moment showed that losing her family was Molly's biggest fear.

    261 votes
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    266 VOTES

    Fred And George Did Underage Magic Outside Of School Undetected

    Fred And George Did Underage Magic Outside Of School Undetected
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Warner Bros. Pictures

    The Ministry can only track underage magic when there aren't any other wizards of age in the vicinity of the suspected young witch or wizard. Since Fred and George live in the Weasley household, where their elder siblings and parents are adults, the brothers realize they can't be caught.

    While it's not outright stated, Harry hears loud explosions from their room, which wouldn't be possible without the use of magic. Even making potions require some sort of magical incantation, which means the brothers were doing underage magic without the Ministry realizing it. 

    266 votes
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    206 VOTES

    Fred Is Responsible For Ron's Fear Of Spiders

    Fred Is Responsible For Ron's Fear Of Spiders
    Photo: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros. Pictures

    Ron is notoriously terrified of spiders and becomes shell-shocked when he comes across any of them. The reason for his fear is his own brother: The 5-year-old Fred used magic in anger to turn Ron's teddy bear into a spider after the 3-year-old Ron accidentally broke Fred's toy broomstick.

    Ron continues to harbor a fear of arachnids because of his childhood trauma, although Fred's actions were mainly because he was a child himself and didn't have control over his emotions.

    206 votes