A Journey Through Miramare Park: Where History Meets Art

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by InTrieste

In a captivating fusion of magic and theatrical allure, Miramare Park set the stage for a one-of-a-kind performance that promised to transport visitors through time and imagination. “Miramare Through the Looking Glass” unveiled a collaborative masterpiece conceived and brought to life by the visionary Italian-British artist and director, Silvia Mercuriali.

This immersive experience, a symphony of sound and storytelling, invited participants to embark on an interactive exploration of the historic grounds of Miramare Castle. Inspired by the park’s rich heritage, the whispers of past visitors, and the tireless custodians of its botanical wonders, Mercuriali crafted a narrative tapestry that transcended boundaries of time and space.

The genesis of this auditory odyssey traced back to 2022 when Mercuriali, amidst an artistic endeavor in Trieste under the auspices of the Il Rossetti, found inspiration in Miramare’s sprawling landscape. Guided by the vision of Paolo Valerio, the theater’s director, she harnessed the park’s majestic trees and blossoming avenues as her muse, laying the groundwork for a transformative artistic endeavor.

Thanks to a collaboration forged with the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, visitors to Miramare Park could partake in this extraordinary journey, free of charge, for a limited time. Guided solely by Mercuriali’s voice and the echoes of history, participants surrendered themselves to the allure of this sonic realm, embarking on a voyage that transcended the constraints of the present moment.

“Miramare Through the Looking Glass” was not merely a walk; it was a symphony conducted by the voices of Mercuriali herself, alongside luminaries such as Andreina Contessa, the director of the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle, and Giorgia Ottaviani, the park’s esteemed architect. Together with the dedicated gardeners, custodians, and curious visitors, they composed a harmonious chorus that reverberated through the centuries.

Accompanying this auditory journey was incidental music, recorded on June 18, 2023, featuring the ethereal rendition of ‘Senza L’amor’ by Tosti FP, interpreted by Claudia Mavilia and accompanied by Alberto Olivo. It served as a melodic backdrop, enhancing the immersive experience and enriching the tapestry of Miramare’s enchanting narrative.

As the sun set on Miramare Park, the echoes of “Miramare Through the Looking Glass” lingered, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts and minds of all who had dared to embark on this extraordinary voyage through history, art, and imagination.

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