40 Facts about the movie South Pacific - Facts.net
Rivi Carino

Written by Rivi Carino

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

The movie “South Pacific” is a beloved classic that has captivated audiences since its release in 1958. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by James A. Michener, this musical extravaganza took the world by storm, not just with its memorable songs and stunning performances, but also with its portrayal of complex themes such as love, war, and racial prejudice.

In this article, we will dive into 40 fascinating facts about the movie “South Pacific” that will enhance your appreciation for this cinematic gem. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the cultural impact it had during its time, we will take you on a journey that explores the making of this iconic film.

So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and get ready to uncover some intriguing insights into the world of “South Pacific.” Let’s explore why this movie continues to enchant audiences young and old, and why it remains an important piece of cinematic history.

Key Takeaways:

  • “South Pacific” is a classic musical film set in the South Pacific during World War II, featuring iconic songs and themes of love and prejudice. It won several Academy Awards and continues to inspire filmmakers and performers.
  • The film’s portrayal of interracial relationships, anti-war message, and timeless themes of unity and understanding make “South Pacific” a beloved and impactful movie that resonates with audiences to this day.
Table of Contents

South Pacific was released in 1958.

South Pacific is a classic American musical film that was released in It was based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical composed by Richard Rodgers and written by Oscar Hammerstein II.

The film is set during World War II in the South Pacific.

The movie takes place on a fictional island in the South Pacific during World War II. It tells the story of two parallel love affairs between characters stationed on the island.

The film was directed by Joshua Logan.

Joshua Logan directed the film adaptation of South Pacific. He was known for his work in both theater and film, and he brought the story to life on the big screen.

The cast includes popular actors like Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brazzi.

Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brazzi played the lead roles in South Pacific. They were joined by a talented cast that included John Kerr, Ray Walston, and Juanita Hall.

The film features iconic musical numbers.

South Pacific is known for its memorable musical numbers, including “Some Enchanted Evening,” “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair,” and “Bali Ha’i.” These songs became instant classics and are still beloved by audiences today.

The film addresses themes of love and prejudice.

Alongside its entertaining musical performances, South Pacific delves into important themes such as love, interracial relationships, and the damaging effects of prejudice. It provided a thought-provoking commentary on societal issues during its time.

The movie won several Academy Awards.

South Pacific was nominated for several Academy Awards and won in the categories of Best Sound, Best Music, and Best Cinematography. It is considered one of the most successful musical films of its era.

The film broke ground with its portrayal of interracial relationships.

South Pacific was groundbreaking for its time in its frank depiction of interracial relationships. It challenged societal norms and helped pave the way for more inclusive storytelling in the future.

The movie was a box office success.

South Pacific was well-received by audiences and became a box office success. It grossed over $36 million worldwide and remains a popular film among fans of musicals and classic cinema.

The soundtrack of the film was a best-seller.

The film’s soundtrack, featuring the iconic songs from the musical, became a best-seller. It spent over 70 weeks on the Billboard 200 chart and further solidified the film’s popularity and cultural impact.

The movie’s screenplay was written by Paul Osborn.

Paul Osborn adapted the stage musical into a screenplay for the film. He carefully captured the essence of the original story and characters, maintaining its charm and emotional depth.

The film showcases the beauty of the South Pacific region.

Through its stunning cinematography, South Pacific showcases the breathtaking beauty of the South Pacific region. The lush landscapes and clear blue waters add an enchanting backdrop to the film’s narrative.

Rogers and Hammerstein earned a special Pulitzer Prize for their work.

South Pacific was awarded a special Pulitzer Prize for Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II for their contributions to the American musical. It recognized their outstanding achievements in the realm of theater.

The film emphasizes the importance of love overcoming obstacles.

Love and its ability to conquer obstacles are central themes in South Pacific. The film reminds viewers of the power of love and the need to overcome prejudice and fear in order to find true happiness.

The movie inspired a successful revival in the 2000s.

South Pacific’s enduring popularity led to a successful Broadway revival in the 2000s. The revival garnered critical acclaim and introduced a new generation of theatergoers to the timeless story and music.

The film features vibrant and colorful costume designs.

The costume designs in South Pacific are visually stunning and add to the overall aesthetic of the film. The vibrant colors and intricate details of the costumes enhance the visual experience for the audience.

The characters in the movie face personal and wartime challenges.

The characters in South Pacific navigate personal struggles and the challenges of war. Their journeys and growth throughout the film provide a compelling narrative that keeps audiences engaged.

The movie’s score includes classical and traditional Polynesian elements.

The musical score of South Pacific incorporates classical compositions and traditional Polynesian music, creating a unique and captivating blend. It adds depth and cultural authenticity to the overall sound of the film.

The film explores the complexities of relationships.

South Pacific explores the complexities of relationships, both romantic and platonic. It delves into the intricate dynamics between characters and the challenges they face in maintaining their connections.

The movie’s title refers to the region where the story takes place.

The title “South Pacific” references the geographical region where the film’s story unfolds. It captivates audiences by evoking a sense of adventure and the allure of the exotic location.

The film’s original Broadway production premiered in 1949.

The original Broadway production of South Pacific premiered in It enjoyed a successful run and received acclaim for its compelling storytelling and unforgettable music.

The film’s theme of racism still resonates today.

South Pacific’s exploration of racism remains relevant in today’s society. It serves as a reminder of the importance of equality and acceptance, urging audiences to challenge their own biases.

The movie highlights the sacrifices made during wartime.

South Pacific shines a light on the sacrifices made by individuals during wartime. It portrays the bravery and resilience of those serving in the military while also addressing the toll that war takes on relationships.

The film was shot on location in Hawaii and Tahiti.

South Pacific was filmed on location in Hawaii and Tahiti, adding authenticity to the film’s depiction of the South Pacific. The stunning landscapes contribute to the overall visual splendor of the movie.

The songs from the film have been covered by numerous artists.

The songs from South Pacific have been covered by a multitude of artists over the years. From Frank Sinatra to Barbra Streisand, the music continues to resonate with performers and listeners alike.

The film’s release coincided with the era of widescreen cinema.

South Pacific was released during the era of widescreen cinema, maximizing the visual impact of the film. The expansive shots and grand scale of the production captivated audiences in theaters.

The movie received praise for its anti-war message.

The film’s anti-war message resonated with audiences and critics alike. It highlighted the futility and devastating effects of war, encouraging viewers to reflect on the importance of peace.

The film includes memorable comedic moments.

South Pacific offers moments of lighthearted comedy amidst its dramatic narrative. The witty dialogue and comedic timing of the actors provide levity and balance to the overall tone of the film.

The movie explores the cultural clash between the Americans and the island inhabitants.

South Pacific examines the cultural clash between the American military personnel stationed on the island and the native inhabitants. It raises questions about imperialism and the impacts of colonization.

The film’s message of unity and understanding is timeless.

The film’s underlying message of unity and understanding still resonates today. It serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in bridging divides and fostering harmonious relationships.

The movie delves into the complexities of forbidden love.

South Pacific explores the theme of forbidden love and the challenges faced by couples who must navigate societal expectations and prejudices. The emotional journey of these characters captivates audiences.

The film’s cast underwent extensive vocal training.

The cast of South Pacific underwent extensive vocal training to bring the musical numbers to life. Their impeccable singing abilities contribute to the overall quality of the film’s performances.

The movie’s theme of acceptance is relevant in today’s diverse society.

South Pacific’s emphasis on acceptance of others, regardless of differences, is highly relevant in today’s diverse society. It encourages audiences to embrace diversity and promote inclusivity.

The film features a memorable scene with a washing machine.

South Pacific includes a memorable scene where characters utilize a washing machine to demonstrate their ability to adapt to island life. The scene adds humor and showcases the resourcefulness of the characters.

The film’s success led to a stage revival.

Following the success of the film, South Pacific received a stage revival in the 1960s. The production reintroduced the story to theater audiences and solidified its status as a beloved musical.

The movie’s themes of love and loss make it emotionally impactful.

South Pacific’s exploration of love and loss resonates with viewers on an emotional level. The film’s ability to evoke genuine emotions from audiences is a testament to its compelling storytelling.

The film was adapted from James A. Michener’s book “Tales of the South Pacific.”

South Pacific was adapted from James A. Michener’s book “Tales of the South Pacific.” The film brought the narrative and characters from the book to a wider audience, earning critical acclaim in the process.

The movie’s message of hope is ever-present.

South Pacific’s underlying message of hope serves as a beacon throughout the film. It reminds viewers that even in the face of adversity, there is always the possibility for a brighter future.

The film’s choreography is visually stunning.

The choreography in South Pacific is visually striking and enhances the musical numbers. The dance sequences contribute to the overall spectacle of the film and leave a lasting impression on viewers.

The movie’s legacy continues to inspire generations of filmmakers and performers.

South Pacific’s enduring legacy continues to inspire filmmakers and performers to this day. Its timeless story, memorable music, and powerful themes have left an indelible mark on the world of cinema and theater.


In conclusion, “South Pacific” is a timeless classic that captivated audiences with its stunning scenery, enchanting music, and powerful storytelling. Its impact on the film industry cannot be overstated, as it paved the way for future musical movies and showcased the talents of its incredible cast and crew. From its memorable songs like “Some Enchanted Evening” to its thought-provoking themes of love, war, and cultural differences, “South Pacific” continues to be an influential and beloved film. Whether you’re a fan of movie musicals or simply appreciate a well-crafted story, this iconic movie is a must-watch.


1. When was “South Pacific” released?

South Pacific” was released on March 19, 1958.

2. Who directed the movie?

The movie was directed by Joshua Logan.

3. What is the setting of “South Pacific”?

The movie is set on a secluded island during World War II.

4. Who starred in “South Pacific”?

The main cast includes Rossano Brazzi, Mitzi Gaynor, John Kerr, and Ray Walston.

5. Are the songs in the movie original?

Yes, the songs in “South Pacific” are original and were composed by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II.

6. Did “South Pacific” receive any awards?

Yes, the movie won several Academy Awards, including Best Sound and Best Music.

7. How long is the movie?

“South Pacific” has a runtime of 157 minutes.

8. Is “South Pacific” based on a true story?

No, the movie is based on the musical play of the same name, which is in turn based on James A. Michener’s novel “Tales of the South Pacific.”

9. What is the significance of the movie’s title?

The title “South Pacific” refers to the location of the story, highlighting the exotic and remote nature of the island setting.

10. Can “South Pacific” still be enjoyed by modern audiences?

Absolutely! The timeless themes and exceptional music of “South Pacific” continue to resonate with audiences of all generations.

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