34 Facts About Aidan Gallagher - Facts.net
Catriona Bierman

Written by Catriona Bierman

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Looper.com

Aidan Gallagher is a name that has become well-known in the world of entertainment. At just 18 years old, this young actor and musician has already achieved remarkable success and gained a huge fan following. Best known for his role as Number Five in the popular Netflix series “The Umbrella Academy,” Gallagher has proven himself to be a talented and versatile performer.

But there is much more to Aidan Gallagher than just his acting career. With a passion for environmental activism and a dedication to making a positive impact on the world, he has become an inspiring figure for many. In this article, we will delve into 34 fascinating facts about Aidan Gallagher, showcasing his incredible journey, his achievements, and his contributions beyond the entertainment industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aidan Gallagher is not only a talented actor but also a passionate environmental activist, using his platform to raise awareness about climate change and advocate for sustainable living.
  • Aidan’s multifaceted personality, dedication, and passion for making a positive impact in the world serve as an inspiration to many, proving that age is no barrier to achieving greatness.
Table of Contents

Early Life

Aidan Gallagher was born on September 18, 2003, in Los Angeles, California. From a young age, he showed a passion for acting and performing.

Acting Debut

Aidan made his acting debut in 2013 when he appeared in an episode of the hit television series “Modern Family.”

Rising Star

His breakthrough role came in 2019 when he starred as Number Five in “The Umbrella Academy,” a role that propelled him to stardom.


Aidan is fluent in both English and Spanish, showcasing his dedication to learning and communication.

Environmental Activism

Aside from his acting career, Aidan is a passionate environmental activist, using his platform to raise awareness about climate change and advocate for sustainable living.

United Nations Ambassador

In 2018, Aidan was appointed as the youngest-ever United Nations Environment Goodwill Ambassador, further solidifying his commitment to environmental causes.

Social Media Star

Aidan has a significant following on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he shares updates on his acting projects and environmental initiatives.


In addition to acting, Aidan is also a talented musician. He plays the piano and has shared his musical talents on social media.


Aidan has supported several charitable causes, including organizations that focus on wildlife preservation, climate change, and providing clean drinking water to people in need.

Inspirational Quotes

Aidan often shares inspirational quotes on his social media accounts, encouraging his followers to take action and make a difference in the world.

Comedy Skills

Aside from his dramatic roles, Aidan has showcased his comedic abilities through his appearances on various talk shows and comedy sketches.

Vegan Lifestyle

Aidan follows a vegan lifestyle and promotes the benefits of plant-based eating for personal health and the environment.

Youngest Producer

In 2020, Aidan became the youngest executive producer in Hollywood history with his involvement in the environmental documentary “The Purple Ferrari.”

Love for Animals

Known for his love for animals, Aidan has been an advocate for animal rights and adoption, encouraging his fans to consider adopting pets from shelters.

Musical Influences

Aidan’s music taste is diverse, ranging from classic rock bands like The Beatles to contemporary artists like Billie Eilish.

Favorite Superhero

Aidan has expressed his love for the character Spider-Man and cites him as one of his favorite superheroes.

Martial Arts

Aidan has trained in martial arts, showcasing his physical abilities and discipline.

Creative Writing

Outside of acting, Aidan enjoys creative writing and has shared some of his original work on social media.

Environmental Podcast

Aidan hosts an environmental podcast called “The Aidan Gallagher Show,” where he discusses various environmental topics and interviews experts in the field.

Strong Work Ethic

Aidan is known for his dedication and strong work ethic, constantly striving to improve his craft and make a positive impact.

Award Nominations

For his role in “The Umbrella Academy,” Aidan has received nominations for prestigious awards such as the Saturn Awards and MTV Movie & TV Awards.

Greenpeace Support

Aidan actively supports Greenpeace, an environmental organization dedicated to protecting the planet and promoting peace.

Fashion Sense

Aidan has a unique fashion sense, often seen sporting stylish outfits that reflect his personality and individuality.

Love for Nature

Spending time in nature is essential for Aidan, who finds solace and inspiration in the great outdoors.

Collaboration with NGOs

Aidan has collaborated with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to raise funds and awareness for environmental projects.

Passion for Photography

Photography is one of Aidan’s hobbies, and he often captures stunning moments in nature and shares them with his followers.

Adored by Fans

Aidan has a dedicated fanbase who admire not only his talent but also his commitment to making the world a better place.

Friendships with Co-stars

Aidan has developed close friendships with his co-stars from “The Umbrella Academy,” and they often show support for each other on social media.

Role Model

Many young people look up to Aidan as a role model for his activism, talent, and positive influence.

Eloquent Speaker

Aidan possesses excellent public speaking skills and has delivered speeches at various environmental conferences and events.

Global Reach

Aidan’s influence extends beyond the United States, as he has fans from all around the world who appreciate his work and support his causes.

Youth Empowerment

A passionate advocate for youth empowerment, Aidan encourages young people to use their voices and take action for the causes they believe in.

Future Projects

Fans eagerly anticipate Aidan’s future acting projects and are excited to see his continued growth and success in the entertainment industry.

A Bright Future

With his immense talent, dedication, and passion, Aidan Gallagher has a promising future ahead in both his acting career and environmental advocacy.

These 34 facts about Aidan Gallagher showcase his multifaceted personality, talent, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Aidan’s young age and impressive accomplishments serve as an inspiration to many, proving that age is no barrier to achieving greatness. Whether it’s through his captivating performances on screen or his efforts to protect the environment, Aidan continues to leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide. Keep an eye out for this rising star as he continues to make waves in the entertainment industry and beyond.


Aidan Gallagher is undeniably a rising star in the entertainment industry. With his impressive acting skills, environmental activism, and musical talent, he has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. From his breakthrough role as Number Five in “The Umbrella Academy” to his dedication to promoting sustainability, Aidan has proven himself to be a multifaceted and inspirational individual.

As Aidan continues to pursue his career and make a positive impact on the world, it’s clear that he is a force to be reckoned with. With his talent, passion, and determination, there’s no doubt that he will continue to thrive and achieve great success in the years to come.


1. How old is Aidan Gallagher?

Aidan Gallagher was born on September 18, 2003, which makes him currently 18 years old.

2. What is Aidan Gallagher best known for?

Aidan Gallagher is best known for his role as Number Five in the popular Netflix series “The Umbrella Academy.”

3. Is Aidan Gallagher involved in any environmental causes?

Yes, Aidan Gallagher is actively involved in environmental causes. He is a United Nations Environment Goodwill Ambassador for North America and has been actively raising awareness about environmental issues, particularly focusing on ocean conservation and plastic pollution.

4. Does Aidan Gallagher have any other talents besides acting?

Yes, Aidan Gallagher is not just an actor but also a talented musician. He plays multiple instruments, including the piano and guitar, and has released his own music.

5. Has Aidan Gallagher won any awards for his acting?

As of now, Aidan Gallagher has been nominated for several awards, including the Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series. Although he has yet to win any major awards, his talent and potential have been widely recognized.

If you're captivated by Aidan Gallagher's incredible journey, why not explore more fascinating stories? Uncover the enigmatic world of The Umbrella Academy, where Gallagher's character shines. Dive into the life of another legendary actor, Daniel Day Lewis, through 45 intriguing facts. And for those passionate about the environment, don't miss the 22 mind-blowing facts about environmental activist Peter Garrett. Each story offers a unique glimpse into the lives of remarkable individuals who have left their mark on the world.

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