Teacher and Advisor Receives WEM Recognition | Articles

Teacher and Advisor Receives WEM Recognition

Teacher and Advisor Receives WEM Recognition

We warmly congratulate Mr. Josh Bauer, Sauk Rapids-Rice High School marketing teacher and DECA advisor, for receiving the 2021 WEM Outstanding Educator Award in the Academic Challenge Coach category on Monday, April 26! He represents Minnesota as a state honoree.

Josh Bauer watches Zoom presentation with Principal Nohner as he receives WEM award

The WEM Foundation recognizes and supports educators each year for “their important role in helping all students achieve academically.” The foundation “seeks to bring recognition to the often ‘unsung heroes’ who meet the challenges of teaching in a variety of settings.” Learn more: www.synergyexchange.org/wem-outstanding-educator-awards

Presenters from the WEM Foundation were on hand via Zoom to present Mr. Bauer with the award. In May, honorees will attend the WEM Awards Brunch. They also receive a trophy, a one-year membership to Synergy and a monetary gift.

Thank you, Mr. Bauer, for all you do. You truly are an unsung hero to many and so deserving of this award!