identified - English-Spanish Dictionary -


From the verb identify: (⇒ conjugate)
identified is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
identify [sb/sth] vtr (recognize identity)identificar vtr
  reconocer vtr
Note: Ante complemento directo de persona debe usarse la preposición «a».
 The witness identified the criminal.
 El testigo identificó al criminal.
identify [sth] vtr (recognize [sth] exists)nombrar vtr
 Several people were identified as possible suspects in the robbery.
 Varias personas han sido nombradas como posibles sospechosos del robo.
identify vi (relate emotionally)identificarse con v prnl + prep
 Even though I'm now a manager, I understand the workers' problems; I was one of them once, so I can identify.
 Aunque ahora soy encargado, entiendo los problemas de los trabajadores; yo era uno de ellos antes y puedo identificarme con ellos.
identify as [sb/sth],
self-identify as [sb/sth]
v expr
(consider as your identity)identificarse como v prnl + prep
 A person who identifies as non-binary may use the pronoun "they".
identify with [sb] vi + prep (relate to [sb])identificarse con v prnl + prep
  sentirse identificado con loc verb + prep
 I really identify with the characters in the movie.
 Realmente me identifico con los personajes de la película.
identify with [sth] vi + prep (understand feelings, etc.)identificarse con v prnl + prep
  sentirse identificado con loc verb + prep
 Anybody who has been through the same experience will be able to identify with Amy's disappointment.
 Cualquiera que haya vivido la misma experiencia podrá identificarse con la desilusión de Amy.
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
identify [sb/sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep (consider related to)asociar con vtr + prep
Note: Ante complemento directo de persona debe usarse la preposición «a».
 Voters identify the party leader with a new kind of politics.
 Los electores asocian al líder del partido con una nueva forma de hacer política.
identify yourself with [sb/sth] v expr (associate with [sb], [sth])identificarse con v prnl + prep
  sentirse identificado con loc verb + prep
 The largest group of people that don't identify themselves with a religion is young people.
 El mayor número de personas que no se identifica con una religión es el grupo de los jóvenes.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

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