Callejón sin salida (Fear Street, #29) by R.L. Stine | Goodreads
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Fear Street #29

Callejón sin salida

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Natalie Erickson comparte con sus amigos un terrible secreto. Todos estaban en el coche aquella noche de niebla, la noche en que alguien murió en la calle sin salida.Ahora alguien sabe demasiado y acecha el peligro, aunque no sepan dónde. Natalie solo quiere librarse de esta pesadilla. Pero éste es el problema de los callejones sin salida, que no hay escapatoria posible...

143 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 1995

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About the author

R.L. Stine

1,668 books16.9k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.

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Profile Image for Just A Ginger.
568 reviews25 followers
July 3, 2017
I don't have a problem with the idea of the book, I have a problem with dumb characters.

I do want to read the entire Fear Street series but sometimes it is hard to get through the way these 'teenagers' act.

I guess people under pressure, or people afraid do weird things. So I can't judge to harshly.

I thought Natalie Erickson was kind of a dick. Ironically my nephew has that same last name. ANYWAYS she was a dick, her boyfriend got a little drunk got a bit ridiculous, not in a mean way or a grabby or forceful way but he just became a goofy idiot drunk.

Two nights ago my bf and I went out to a Muddy 13, and after to the bar, he got super drunk & it was adorable. I took care of him the whole time, I drove him home safely & everything went great.

MORAL of the story you don't freakin leave your bf drunk to DRIVE HOME. This effin idiot says SHE is the smart one for driving home with friends instead of getting into the car with that drunk jerk. Did you forget about him? That drunk jerk is about to DRIVE HOME because you didn't just grab him and say 'hey, let's go with these guys, we can get your car later' you know? Like WTF.

Clearly. I hoped she would die, because she's an idiot. I don't care how young you are, you know not to drink and drive, and you know not to let your friends drink and drive. It ain't rocket science.

THAN the next idiot shows up, her friend that is driving them all home. She can't see anything, so she decides to go slow, slow being 50. She was just going 60 when she can't see anything in front of her because of the fog, so she SLOWS down to 50. Have you ever driven in really thick rain or fog or snow? You drive like a freakin grandma. You don't drive slow enough for someone behind you to hit you incase they don't see you and are going fast, but you don't go 50 in it either.

After the incident happens, half of them want to go to the police, and half of them don't. It's a struggle, but they are terrified of getting in trouble. I'd take getting in trouble over trying to hide this any day. One of the characters even said "Every time the phone rings. Every time someone comes to the door I'll think it's the police" "We'll live in constant fear" And that is so true. If you break the law, and do something like that, the cops usually find the person who-dun-it.

Did you think we were done with the idiot characters? Oh no, no we aren't.

Todd, what a great freakin guy. He is such a great guy that he says the most wonderfully sexist bullshit.

"Girls don't hunt," Todd told her, "Girls stay home and wait for the men to bring home food."

Literally all I can say about Todd....

When the murders start, they are interesting, but I didn't care. The problem with most of these books are the characters who are flat, or annoying, or downright idiots who I want to be killed. I pray to the psychos of these books 'please, just kill them, kill them all'.

But the mysteries are usually good, and usually you always point fingers at the wrong person.

So the big reveal definitely took me off guard, for some reason I didn't see it coming, although I should have.

Overall it was a fast paced interesting read, but the idiot characters brought this to a two star for me.
Profile Image for Buchstapler.
107 reviews19 followers
September 6, 2017
Das war ganz ok. Teilweise war es mir zu unlogisch. Wenn immer diejenigen sterben, die sagen, dass sie zur Polizei gehen werden. Was macht man dann? Genau: Erstmal allen erzählen, dass man jetzt auch zur Polizei gehen wird. Statt einfach zur Polizei zu gehen xD Naja, ansonsten war es auch sehr vorhersehbar und von Anfang an eigt. klar wem da welche Rolle zu Teil wird.
Profile Image for Elyse.
2,705 reviews139 followers
April 29, 2023
Started last night. Finished today during Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon! Wow, it felt weird to step back into an R. L. Stine book as a functioning (though maybe not fully) adult!! The writing is not great. The material is definitely dated, this was published in 1995, when I was 9, but the thrill of a Stine book was still there.
Profile Image for kylajaclyn.
702 reviews47 followers
June 23, 2019
This one was just all right. But it was better than Bad Dreams, the last one I read, so there's that.

However, Dead End is a rip-off, more or less, of I Know What You Did Last Summer. The twist is not the same, but the fact that they all spend the whole book making each other swear that they won't say anything about a car accident is more than a little similar.

The book opens at a party. We have Natalie, the protagonist, her best friend, Randee, their friends Carlo and Gillian, Todd, and Natalie's boyfriend, Keith. Natalie doesn't really know why she's best friends with Randee, because Randee isn't that pretty. She's also not sure why she's friends with Keith, who is a sloppy drunk. At least he is at this party. When Natalie wants to leave the party she refuses to go with Keith because he is acting like a fool. So instead she gets in Randee's car (well, her parents' car) along with Todd, Carlo, and Gillian. It's a rainy night, and they've all had a bit to drink (though not as much as Keith). I immediately notice how irresponsible Natalie is for letting Keith take his own car home instead of insisting that someone else drives him.

Randee is a timid driver and the rain and the come down from the party aren't helping. She is driving to take Todd home first, but she misses his turn. Instead, she comes to a dead end (get it?) road where, all of a sudden, they all hear a sickening crunch of metal and Natalie's head hits the top of the car. Then they notice another car in front of them. Randee insists to them there was no one in it, but Natalie, Carlo, and Gillian aren't so sure. Natalie thinks she sees a shadow moving in the car. She demands Randee goes back, but Randee refuses. She wasn't supposed to be at the party, and she definitely was not supposed to take her parents' car. She says they'll be in more trouble than they need to be if they tell, so they all need to keep quiet. Todd agrees, and Natalie, Carlo, and Gillian are forced into submission.

Todd calls Natalie the next day to tell her that he knows someone was in the car. And it turns out it was the mayor's daughter. So there is an urgent hunt out for the hit-and-run driver(s). Natalie feels sick, but Todd reminds her that she cannot say anything.

So the book has a lot more of these debates about should we tell, should we not tell? Then one day the five of them go hunting in the woods. Natalie doesn't like to hunt, and she finds herself a bit lost and turned around. It's then that she stumbles upon Carlo's dead body... without a head.

Randee, Gillian, and Todd come running, and Natalie eyes the gun in Todd's hands. She spends the rest of the book thinking that it has to be Todd that's the killer. And when Randee hooks up with Todd, Natalie is convinced that she is also in on the whole killing plot. Natalie Erickson: Great Best Friend.

Gillian grows certain that they must tell the police what happened. But when the three girls are over studying one day, Gillian finds - in what is one of the grossest Stine scenes ever - maggots crawling all over dead meat in her backpack. Sorry if you just had dinner.

Then, to the surprise of no on except maybe Natalie, Gillian turns up dead. She and Randee go to Gillian's house and see her twisted at the bottom of the stairs. She doesn't move on the next page (as usually happens in a Stine book).

Now it's down to just Natalie, Todd, and Randee. Natalie begs Randee to finally go to the police with her, and she agrees. They get there and tell the cops the whole story of that night. He comes outside and checks Randee's parents' car, but she only has a small dent from the accident and no new tires. The cop says that the hit-and-run person would have new tires on their car. And then he tells them, to their great surprise, that they are not the ones who killed the mayor's daughter.

He thinks they are pranking him by turning themselves in. Randee and Natalie insist they were there that night. But the policeman tells them again that they have a strong lead and they are not the ones who killed the mayor's daughter. He does say, however, that they will have to answer for leaving the scene of the crime even if they didn't kill anyone.

Natalie heads home in a daze. But when she comes home, she finds Keith there. And when she looks outside at his car, she notices something... strange. He has one spare tire and one regular. His car looks beat up. The policeman said the car made two different-sized tire marks. Natalie realizes at once what happened (and honestly, she should be blaming herself). It was Keith that hit the mayor's daughter fatally the night of the party. His drunken ass actually tried to get home. So although the five of them were there, they were not the only ones at the dead end.

Keith grabs Natalie's arm and forces her in his car. And then he just up and admits to everything. He killed Carlo and Gillian because they knew he really did it. Now he has to take care of Natalie. So he is taking her back to the dead end road... but this time so that SHE can die. Right past the dead end road there is a drop right off the side of a cliff. Natalie realizes Keith's intentions. He plans to run them off the side. Right when they get to the Dead End sign and Keith slows down a little, Natalie opens her door and jumps to the ground (gotta invest in those child-proof locks, Keith). But Keith keeps going, teetering until he finally goes over the edge and his car explodes. Natalie walks back to town, since she doesn't have a cell phone to call for a ride. And that's where it ends.


Randee's not really pretty. Her nose is kind of crooked, and she's still wearing braces even though she's seventeen.

Natalie is a stellar friend, ya'll.
Profile Image for Camila.
197 reviews34 followers
July 12, 2018
Vaya, definitivamente no lo ví venir.

Si bien el libro no es la gran cosa, ni mucho menos los personajes, me ha impresionado bastante. No me esperaba ese plot twist, de ninguna manera. Me ha dejado sin palabras, y es eso lo que ha hecho que el libro sea fantástico para mí.
Profile Image for Lu ✨.
263 reviews2 followers
February 19, 2022
Natalie se encuentra en la casa de una de sus amigas celebrando una fiesta, junto a su novio Keith y otros compañeros de escuela. Pero cuando este último se embriaga, Natalie decide regresar a casa con sus amigos en lugar de con su novio, ya que se molesta con él y lo que menos quiere es hacer el trayecto en la calle con él borracho.
Sin embargo, Natalie tal vez habría deseado volver con él cuando durante el viaje su amiga choca en un movimiento desenfrenado con otro coche en un callejón sin salida. ¿El problema? Había una mujer dentro, y ellos la han matado y se han dado la fuga. Además, como si fuera poco, descubrirán (y también hará que la situación se vuelva peor), que aquella mujer es nada más y nada menos que la hermana del alcalde de la ciudad de Shadyside. Todos hacen un pacto en el que prometen no contarle nada a la policía, pero a medida que los adolescentes aparezcan sin vida, será más difícil no perder la cordura.

Hacía mucho que no leía uno de los libros de La Calle del Terror, y tenía un poco de miedo de que justo el que tuviera que leer no me gustara tanto. Pero, por suerte, me equivoqué!
Los personajes en sí no son realmente relevantes, jamás lo son. Solo hacen que la trama se mueva y ya. Pero esta vez la misma se me ha hecho tan realista que me ha parecido genial.

Las descripciones sencillas y crudas solo logran crear una mejor ambientación, que hacen que el entorno solo sea más frío.
Si bien se me ha hecho previsible hacia donde se dirigiría la historia y también cuál sería el personaje culpable, la verdad es que en ningún momento decae ni se hace menos entretenido por eso, y el final de los capítulos siempre deja con ganas de más.
Profile Image for McCaid Paul.
Author 8 books86 followers
October 27, 2017
There's no turning back...
After Natalie and a group of friends get involved in a hit-and-run, they vow to never share their terrible secret that left a person dead. But someone knows too much...someone who would kill to silence the living.
This was a pretty good little mystery, with some murder amongst friends. It was very fast-paced with a nice twist in the end.
Give this a try if you're looking for a quick, suspenseful read.
Profile Image for Orrin Grey.
Author 86 books332 followers
August 18, 2016
This was part of the pile of YA R.L. Stine books that I found at my mom's house, and also part of Stine's Fear Street series, though, aside from some place names that I was probably supposed to recognize, I didn't have any difficulty reading it without knowing anything about Fear Street.

In spite of reading like it was maybe aimed at a slightly younger audience than the other two books I read, this one was a lot bloodier. With an I Know What You Did Last Summer-ish plot straight out of a 90s slasher, and a higher body count than either of the other books, it also got a little gruesome in spots, at least for a book like this. There is, for instance, a chapter titled, "Where Is His Head?"
Profile Image for Amber "Epp".
1,134 reviews64 followers
June 4, 2017
in 2013 my local library was getting ride of all paperback books and they had all the R.L. Stine / Christopher Pike books so I bought all of them and read them with a massive teen book marathon .. I really hope that a whole new generation of teens gets to fall in love with these books !!! as they are simply the best I loved all of these books in my teens .. :) and I really enjoyed going down memory lane re reading them as an adult ... :)
Profile Image for Fen Fen.
24 reviews12 followers
March 4, 2016
The book cover & the synopsis, doesn't make me interested to read in the first time...but I decided to still read this book, & surprisingly the story was SO DIFFERENT than the cover! I love the story plot, simple but made everyone who read it so SHOCKED in the end story...Mr.Stine make all alibi seems so confused in the middle but it finally perfectly answered. 2 Thumbs Up!! :)
December 22, 2016
The book was like a game like a puzzle, like you have to put all the pieces together and figure out what happens. There is 6 friends and 3 survives, and all of this becomes to a dead end. I wish it could go a little longer and not just rushing it but I loved it. So overall this is a good book to read.
Profile Image for Liliana.
918 reviews197 followers
February 2, 2021
Reviewed on Lili Lost in a Book

A bunch of teens are driving home from a party when all of a sudden BAM! They run into another car! But do they stop and help or call for help? No, because this is a Fear Street book and these characters are dumb. Lol. And do they go to the police afterward when they find out that they killed this person? Also no, because it could ruin their lives or whatever *insert eyeroll here* Lol.

This was a fine read. The characters were kinda dumb and the mystery was just okay. It was, however, pretty thrilling. And I really liked the gore! It was very 😬🙈 but that’s what I liked about it! R.L. Stine is really good at writing these types of scenes!

A couple of mentions: They went to Talia Blanton’s (from The Thrill Club ) party right at the beginning of the book. Corky Corcoran from The Fear Street Cheerleaders , Janie Simpson from The New Boy , and Ricky Schorr and Pete Goodwin from The Overnight were also mentioned.

The Fear Street connection: At one point they nearly turn onto Fear Street... but they don’t. That’s it. The accident doesn’t even take place on Fear Street. And if it did, it wasn’t mentioned 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Neneng Lestari.
248 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2023
#FinalReview "Satu kecelakaan lagi," bisiknya. "Satu kecelakaan mengerikan lagi."

❣️ Kecelakaan! Itu lah yang ingin diyakini Natalie setelah menemukan jenazah kedua sahabat baiknya yang terbujur kaku secara mengenaskan. Tapi apakah benar, kedua sahabatnya murni karena kecelakaan? Kenapa sangat bertepatan dengan tingkah laku mereka yang ingin melapor ke polisi?

❣️ Meskipun target bacanya adalah remaja, tapi kengerian di dalamnya bisa disandingkan dengan thriller dewasa. Aku suka bagaimana penulis mengecoh kita dengan menyiapkan lima tersangka remaja yang masing-masing punya motif kuat untuk tidak melaporkan tabrak lari yang mereka lakukan. Dan parahnya yang meninggal adalah adik Walikota. Kejahatan serius ini mereka sembunyikan di bawah sumpah. Bayangkan teror yang selalu menghantui mereka jika mereka ketahuan?

❣️ Aku suka gambaran rasa frustasi Natalie saat ia harus menuduh (di dalam hati) kedua sahabatnya yang tersisa. Di satu sisi ia tidak punya siapapun tempat ia bercerita, namun satu sisi mereka telah berbuat keji. Bukan hanya sekali, tapi dua kali.

❣️ Adegan terbaik adalah saat pelaku terungkap. Ya Tuhan, aku benar-benar syok saat tau kebenarannya. Rasanya selama ini, aku telah ditipu oleh Penulisnya. Padahal setelah ku baca ulang, sekilas, petunjuknya udah disebar oleh Penulis. Aku nya yang kurang nangkap.

❣️ Senang rasanya bisa nostalgia dengan R.L. Stine. Kamu pecinta thriller, harus punya atau baca karya beliau.

⭐ 4.5 / 5

Dead End / Jalan Buntu / R.L. Stine / @bukugpu / Published 1998 / 176 hal

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92 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2021
Full review at:

Snippet: I was enjoying this book until right at the end. It really feels like Stine spent so much time building the story, realised it was getting too long and then just rushed an ending inside 10 pages? I don't understand how no-one thought to revise this and I can't get over it for some reason hahaha.

I liked Natalie as a protagonist and I liked how she was constantly unable to decide whether going to the police was a good idea or not. The other characters could have been fleshed out way more, and although we spent considerably less time with Gillian and Carlo, I preferred them way more than Randee, Todd and Keith.

Check out my full review linked up top for an in-depth recap :)
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,856 reviews55 followers
January 13, 2018
(Re-read) Natalie hitches a ride with some friends after a party when her boyfriend had too much beer to drink. The result is a car accident on a dead end road in the middle of a foggy night. Scared, the teens drove off only to find out the next day that the woman in the car is dead. They make a vow to not tell anyone and keep the secret until they start getting killed one by one. Now nothing is looking truly like an accident.
Dead End redeems the series after the previous book's shortcomings. Natalie is guilty and scared when she discovers the woman is dead and her fear built a great suspense. The mystery was a bit too obvious, but perhaps it's because I'm an adult? Three gruesome deaths in this short book remind readers why Stine is a master of his craft.
Profile Image for Khurshid Ali.
516 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2024
If you love I know what you did last summer then you will definitely enjoy reading this.

Fear Street as we have all heard is a street where all things evil and haunted dwell, where death is always on the cards.

Shadyside as we know is where all this evil takes place and now let’s add in Dead End Lane.

Its starts off with an innocent drive home after a party and ends at Dead End Lane.

The threats start
The deaths happen

They have been ruled as accidents

Someone knows differently and they wont let anyone say anything different

Because they were also on Dead End Lane
Profile Image for All Mota.
200 reviews12 followers
July 30, 2017
Es muy entretenido de leer e ideal para pasar el rato, sí, es predecible, pero no cansa, aunque sabía qué iba a pasar desde el principio, es una de esas lecturas fáciles que no requiere much concentración, es como leer una película noventera de terror, con adolescentes estúpidos y personajes unidimensionales, y eso a mi me parece suficiente razón para leerla.
Profile Image for Morgan Sherrill.
90 reviews26 followers
August 9, 2021
So, I kept feeling during the whole time I read this that I've read it before and I very well could have but I think it just reminded me of another fear street book. I try to go back and read the ones I don't recall reading and reread my favorites. The twist I easily guessed but it was still a fun read.
Profile Image for Jasmine Turner.
58 reviews18 followers
November 9, 2019
2.5 stars I knew it was Keith when she first tod him they hit someone he was too calm and then when Natalie told him Gillian was going to the police he said she's going to need everything up it's almost over for who u Keith damn karma is a B 😠
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
16 reviews
July 20, 2020
This book seems similar to I Know What you did Last Summer by Lois Duncan. Natalie and friends learn the hard way that keeping a secret like that is wrong and that if you are in an accident like the one in the book, you need to tell someone and take responsibility for it.
1 review
June 29, 2021
This book was good, it had a few cringe moments (maybe they were cringe juts for me lol). The beginning was not boring so it kept me going. The main part is a bit confusing bc everyone was suspicious. The end was unespected. If you think about it, the book was great.
Profile Image for Blair Hoyle.
96 reviews
February 10, 2024
Dead End is, essentially, R.L. Stine riffing on Lois Duncan's I Know What You Did Last Summer. It's a quick, fun, often dark read, and even though the twist is fairly predictable, the ending is great; one of the best in the Fear Street franchise.
Profile Image for Brandon.
202 reviews6 followers
April 23, 2019
Not the worst fear street book but not the best either at times it felt like a book you would read about why drinking and driving is bad decent twists and turns but pretty predictable
133 reviews
June 6, 2020
My least favourite fear street novel it’s just bad and boring and has nothing to it tbh
Profile Image for Jesha.
136 reviews14 followers
July 4, 2021
On a RL Stine reading roll right now. I am so into mystery, fantasy, and paranormal at the moment. Binging books on my physical library.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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