The History of William Marshal


John (otherwise unknown)

Date of Composition



Expedition Date



So he went away and stayed two years, without returning during that time. In Palestine he showed himself to be so generous, he performed so many feats of bravery and valour, so many fine deeds that no man before had performed so many, even if he had lived there for seven years. There are still many known about to this day, and people will go on relating them in many a place and before many a worthy man. I have only given you a summary of them, since I was not here and did not witness them, nor can I find anyone who can tell me the half of them, for the subject matter is a very weighty one. When he left that land, he went to seek the leave of King Guy, all the men in the king's household, and of the Templars and Hospitallers, who loved the Marshal dearly because of his many fine qualities and were very displeased about him returning home. Of his journey and the places where he stayed I say nothing, for there is nobody who can tell me about such and it is extraneous to my theme. And for that reason I have no wish to deal with that since it is foolish to devote effort to something that is none of my concern."

Anthony Holden, Stewart Gregory and David Crouch, eds. and trans., The History of William Marshal, Anglo-Norman Text Society, Occasional Publications, I: 371, lines 7275-301.


“The History of William Marshal,” Independent Crusaders Project, accessed May 30, 2024,

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