Maidanov spoke about Putin’s merits as president

Maidanov spoke about Putin’s merits as president

Lenta.RU - 14:57

Russian singer and State Duma deputy Denis Maidanov spoke about the merits of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. He shared his opinion in a conversation with Channel Five.

The performer stated that under Putin, the people of Russia were able to regain themselves, which is a very important factor. “We have become a country that firmly believes in its foundations, in its rightness and in its worthy place on the world stage,” Maidanov noted.

According to the singer, Putin’s assumption of the post of head of state will contribute to the preservation and enrichment of traditions, and will also strengthen the country’s current position in the world.

On May 7, Putin officially took office as President of Russia for the fifth time.

Earlier, actor and producer, special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for humanitarian relations between Russia and the United States, Steven Seagal, commented on the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, which he attended as a guest. The artist called the head of state the greatest world leader, and also said that the future with such a president would be better.
