220514 shinetter更新 「SHINee WORLD J Presents "BEST CHOI's MINHO" 2022」珉豪相關1則 | 220514 shinetter更新 「SHINee WORLD J Presents "BEST CHOI's MINHO" 2022」 #珉豪 相關1則 大家好我是SHINee珉豪 因為三年來久違地要與大家見面了, 我很心動,大家又覺得如何呢? 這次的FM不僅有初次公開的舞臺,... | By OHMINHO's 崔珉豪台灣個人應援站 | Facebook | Good afternoon everyone. It is. Ahhh, I'm so, ah, excited to see you next week for the first time in three years, but how are you all doing? Yes. Ah, Hachiono is also planned for this time, and a guest who has a story may also participate. See you all next week on the 4th. Bye bye middle resta of employees. Bye bye.