Czech Airlines - A modern airline with more than a century of tradition
Discover Madrid

Madrid enchants visitors with a unique combination of historic landmarks, world-class museums, lively squares, and a culinary scene celebrating traditional Spanish flavors.

Number of passengers
  • Adults12 +
  • Children2 - 11 years
  • Infants0 - 2 years

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My booking

Where can I find my booking code or ticket number?
The Czech Airlines ticket number is a unique 13-digit code with the prefix 064. The booking code is a unique six-digit combination of letters and/or numbers. Both are shown on your ticket or itinerary. If you purchased your ticket on our website, you will find the booking code and ticket number in the header on the top left under the Czech Airlines logo. On tickets purchased from entities other than Czech Airlines, the booking code may have a different form. In this case, use the ticket number to log in to the "My booking" application.


Where can I find my booking code or ticket number?
The Czech Airlines ticket number is a unique 13-digit code with the prefix 064. The booking code is a unique six-digit combination of letters and/or numbers. Both are shown on your ticket or itinerary. If you purchased your ticket on our website, you will find the booking code and ticket number in the header on the top left under the Czech Airlines logo. On tickets purchased from entities other than Czech Airlines, the booking code may have a different form. In this case, use the ticket number to log in to the "My booking" application.

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Get inspired


Paris, the city of lanterns and endless romance that winds along the picturesque Seine River.


Madrid, the Spanish capital, is a vibrant centre of culture, art and life.

Download Czech Airlines’ native application

Open the ways to a world of adventure with our revolutionary ticketing app! With a simple and intuitive interface, we allow you to discover new places and plan an unforgettable vacation. Get your app now and experience a hassle-free way to choose, book and enjoy your flights. Your journey starts here!

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