Everything We Know About Jerad And Amanda Miller, The Las Vegas Couple Who Went On A Shooting Rampage

Everything We Know About Jerad And Amanda Miller, The Las Vegas Couple Who Went On A Shooting Rampage

The couple accused of killing three people in a Las Vegas shooting spree on Sunday leave behind a chilling trail on social media, littered with antigovernment rhetoric and red-flag posts that possibly alluded to the attack.

Updated — June 11, 1:41 p.m. ET

On Sunday, husband and wife Jerad Miller, 31, and Amanda Miller, 22, shot and killed two police officers who were eating lunch in a Las Vegas CiCi's Pizza restaurant in what police described as an ambush-style attack.

According to police, after killing the cops, Jerad covered each of the slain officers with the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner featuring a coiled snake and the words “Don’t Tread on Me,” and placed swastikas on the officers' bodies.

Neighbors at the apartment complex where the couple lived described the Millers to the Las Vegas Review Journal as "militant" people who spoke of white supremacy. Several said they often heard the couple spouting racist, antigovernment views.

Jerad Miller, a self-identifying "Patriot" and revolutionary, may have alluded to Sunday's attack in several of his Facebook posts leading up to the day of the shooting.

Jerad frequently railed against the government, gun control, immigration reform, and the police.

Jerad's Facebook profile photo is associated with the growing antigovernment "Patriot" movement, where groups define themselves as opposed to the "New World Order" or a global plan of government to strip citizens' of their rights.

Amanda Miller identified herself on Facebook as head of Needlework Dept. at Hobby Lobby. She liked some of the same pages on Facebook as Jerad, including pro-gun groups the National Association for Gun Rights and Gun Control Kills.

Law enforcement officials said Monday that they were looking into reports that the Millers went to the Bundy ranch near Bunkerville, Nev., in April. Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon, confirmed to the AP that the Millers were at the ranch earlier in the year.

A video of a local news report from the Bundy ranch in April features comments from a man identified as "Jarad Miller," suggesting that if law enforcement "brought violence" to the ranch then protesters would retaliate.

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Police believe the Millers were kicked out of the Bundy ranch due to Jerad's criminal background. Jerad is a convicted felon, charged with vehicle theft offenses in the state of Washington.

Last March, Jerad Miller uploaded a video to YouTube titled "Would George Washington use an AK?" in which he says that if George Washington and the troops had the AK-47 during the Revolutionary War then the AK-47 would be on the U.S. flag.

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On May 2, Jerad Miller posted on Facebook that he would "willingly die for liberty" and alluded to what he called the "suicide by cop routine."

This was Jerad Miller's last Facebook post on June 7, one day before the attack.

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