Military Time Converter

Use this free military time converter & calculator to easily convert Army time or 24-hour time to 12-hour standard time (AM/PM). Calculate standard time from military time, and vice versa. Find out what time is XX military time. A military time conversion table is included.

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    Quick navigation:
  1. What is military time?
  2. Military time conversion examples
  3. Military time conversion chart

    What is military time?

Military time a.k.a. Army time is time expressed in 24-hour format as opposed to the regular time used in daily life which is in 12-hour format. For example, 8 AM would be 0800 in military time, while 8 PM would be 2000. Military time can also be expressed as 08:00 or 20:00. The convenience of military time is that it is unambiguous - there is just one number corresponding to each time of day, making it more likely to avoid mistakes in communication, especially over unreliable channels.

For times of the day before noon, standard time and military time are practically one and the same thing, but with added leading zero for hours below 10. For example, 8:30 AM is just 08:30 or 0830 expressed in the military convention. However, for times in the afternoon and at night (PM), one needs to add twelve to the hour in order to arrive at the corresponding military clock time. 0000 and 24000 are both midnight.

    Military time conversion examples

Our army time converter supports conversion both from and to military time. A few selected examples follow.

Military time to standard time conversion

Example task: What time is 2000 military time expressed in standard time.

Solution: 2000 means 20 hours and zero minutes. Since 20 is greater than 12, it is a PM time. We subtract 12 from 20 to get 8. So 2000 military time is 8 PM (8:00 PM).

Regular time to military time conversion

Example task: How to express 4 PM in military time?

Solution: since this time is PM, add 12 to 4 to get 16. Then simply add the minutes ("00") and write it down as either 16:00 or 1600 depending on convention.

    Military time conversion chart

Military time conversion is a straightforward process and a conversion table is handy in such situations:

Military time to standard time conversion
Military timeStandard timeMilitary timeStandard time
0000 12:00 AM (midnight) 1200 12:00 PM (noon)
0030 12:30 AM 1230 12:30 PM
0100 1:00 AM 1300 1:00 PM
0130 1:30 AM 1330 1:30 PM
0200 2:00 AM 1400 2:00 PM
0230 2:30 AM 1430 2:30 PM
0300 3:00 AM 1500 3:00 PM
0330 3:30 AM 1530 03:30 PM
0400 4:00 AM 1600 4:00 PM
0430 4:30 AM 1630 04:30 PM
0500 5:00 AM 1700 5:00 PM
0530 5:30 AM 1730 5:30 PM
0600 6:00 AM 1800 6:00 PM
0630 6:30 AM 1430 2:30 PM
0700 7:00 AM 1900 7:00 PM
0730 7:30 AM 1930 7:30 PM
0800 8:00 AM 2000 8:00 PM
0830 8:30 AM 2030 8:30 PM
0900 9:00 AM 2100 9:00 PM
0930 9:30 AM 2130 9:30 PM
1000 10:00 AM 2200 10:00 PM
1030 10:30 AM 2230 10:30 PM
1100 11:00 AM 2300 11:00 PM
1130 11:30 AM 2330 11:30 PM
1200 12:00 PM (noon) 2400 12:00 AM (midnight)

To use the table, look up the closest military time to the number you are given. If it matches exactly, simply check the cell to the right on the same row. For example, finding where 2200 is, look to the right to see that it is in fact 10 PM. If the military time is something like 1815, find the closest cell, in this case 1800, and look up the time. That would be 6 PM. Then add the final two numbers as minutes, so 1815 equals 6:15 PM.

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If you'd like to cite this online converter resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation:
Georgiev G.Z., "Military Time Converter", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 27 May, 2024].