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Artificial Lack of Intelligence is the first episode of Season 6. It premiered on October 27, 2019.

Brief synopsis[]

Richard discovers his promise that Pied Piper won't collect user data is under threat; Jared longs for the past; Gilfoyle gets creative in dealing with Dinesh.

Plot summary[]

Richard is called in to testify before Congress, though apparently he's not put under oath. Despite his extreme awkwardness, Richard manages to make an impassioned speech that convinces Congress that Pied Piper won't collect user data.

Back in California, Richard gets a hero's welcome, but Colin soon rains on Richard's parade by revealing that his Gates of Galloo game is indeed collecting user data, and supposedly the user data is only used to improve the game play, not to send the users targeted ads.

Even so, this is a gross violation of Pied Piper's principles, and Richard wants to get rid of Colin, but he can't. Richard then hits on the idea of turning the user data collection against Colin. With help from Gilfoyle's "Son of Anton", Richard gathers up the most embarrassing tidbits about Colin.

Confronted by all this embarrassing information, Colin seems bummed out. But then he turns around and proposes to his board the idea of using Pied Piper to collect user data even more aggressively than Facebook and Google ever have.

Meanwhile, Gilfoyle creates an artificial intelligence program to respond to Dinesh's messages. Dinesh is furious when he realizes he's not been communicating with the real Gilfoyle, but then he asks Gilfoyle to make an AI Dinesh to free the real Dinesh from having to interact with a pesky subordinate.

It goes well, until Dinesh decides to expand the scope of AI Dinesh to deal with all of Dinesh's contacts, including AI Gilfoyle. This leads to a power outage.

Also, Jared's been feeling distant from Richard, and he longs for the days when Pied Piper was a scrappy startup barely making ends meet. Back at Erlich's former home which Jian-Yang now runs, Jared meets Gwart, a brilliant but seemingly comatose programmer. Jared decides he will be to Gwart what he was to Richard.

And at Hooli, Gavin Belson insists on maintaining the Hooli name after the merger with Amazon even if it means selling off a lot of Hooli divisions. This leads to the embarrassing realization that El Pollo Loco has more corporate employees than Hooli.



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