Singer Aldebert turns into Helldebert for a metal album for children –

Singer Aldebert turns into Helldebert for a metal album for children –

Singer Aldebert turns into Helldebert for a metal album for children –
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more than fifteen years musical explorations with “Enfantillages”, the French children’s singer Aldebert happily immerses himself in metal. His new album entitled “Helldebert-Enfantillages 666” brings together committed texts and prestigious guests.

Growl (gutter vocals usually used in metal), guitar riffs and childish voices. The mix might seem heterogeneous, but it works wonderfully in “Helldebert-Enfantillages 666”, a nice nod to hard rock and a new children’s album from French singer Aldebert.

Childhood and metal: common points

Originally a singer for adults, Aldebert began writing for children around fifteen years ago. Success quickly came with hits like “Pousses-vous les moches” or “Du gros son”. Always looking for musical explorations, Aldebert naturally turned to metal, a style he has loved since he was ten.

“When I talk about a bridge between childhood and metal, it’s because children are naturally rock and roll,” says Aldebert in the Vertigo show on May 6. They have this energy, this authenticity in common. , this sincerity that we find in the world of metal”.

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Prestigious guests

“The theatrical side and the power of this music also serve to exorcise our fears, our anxieties, our anger,” explains the French singer. “This cathartic side consoled me during my childhood, especially since I suffered quite a bit of school harassment.

As in his previous albums, Aldebert has surrounded himself with a great range of artists, notably Yarol Poupaud and M or even the writer and big fan of metal in front of the eternal, Amélie Nothomb. Aldebert also managed to convince two sacred monsters in this field: Max Cavalera from the Brazilian group Sepultura and Serj Tankian from System Of A Down, lend their deep voice on two tracks of the album.

Comments collected by Pierre Philippe Cadert

Web adaptation: Sarah Clément

Aldebert, “Helldebert – Enfantillages 666” (Sony Music). Published on April 26, 2024. A tour is organized throughout between May 2024 and June 2025.



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