32 Facts about the movie Carol - Facts.net
Gabbi Urena

Written by Gabbi Urena

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Collider.com

Welcome to our comprehensive article on the movie “Carol”! If you’re a fan of cinema, this film is sure to captivate and enthrall you. Directed by Todd Haynes and released in 2015, “Carol” is a beautiful and poignant drama that takes place in the 1950s. Starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, the film follows the forbidden love affair between an aspiring photographer and an older woman going through a difficult divorce. With its stunning visuals, superb performances, and a compelling story based on Patricia Highsmith’s novel “The Price of Salt,” “Carol” has garnered critical acclaim and touched the hearts of audiences worldwide. In this article, we’ll delve into 32 fascinating facts about the making of “Carol” that will enhance your appreciation and knowledge of this remarkable film.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Carol” is a groundbreaking movie that tells a timeless love story while breaking down barriers and increasing acceptance of LGBTQ+ cinema, inspiring empathy and understanding worldwide.
  • The film’s authenticity and cultural impact have sparked important discussions on LGBTQ+ history and social progress, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of cinema.
Table of Contents

Groundbreaking Casting

The movie Carol made history by featuring Academy Award-winning actress Cate Blanchett and talented young actress Rooney Mara in its lead roles.

Adapted from a Novel

Carol is based on the novel “The Price of Salt” by Patricia Highsmith, published in 1952.

Multiple Award Nominations

The film received numerous accolades, including six Academy Award nominations, and won the Queer Palm Award at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival.

Beautifully Captured Era

Set in the 1950s, the movie showcases stunning cinematography that flawlessly captures the essence of the time period.

A Tale of Forbidden Love

Carol tells the story of an aspiring photographer named Therese (Rooney Mara), who falls in love with an older woman named Carol (Cate Blanchett) in an era when same-sex relationships were highly stigmatized.

Exquisite Costume Design

The movie’s costume design, led by Oscar-winning costume designer Sandy Powell, flawlessly captures the fashion trends of the 1950s.

Critically Acclaimed Performances

Cate Blanchett’s captivating portrayal of Carol earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, while Rooney Mara received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

A Director’s Passion Project

Acclaimed director Todd Haynes had been trying to bring the story of Carol to the big screen for over 15 years, as he was deeply moved by the novel and believed in its importance.

Marked by Authenticity

The film’s production team paid meticulous attention to detail to recreate the 1950s, from the props to the set design, resulting in a visually stunning and authentic portrayal of the era.

Emmy-Winning Composer

Carter Burwell, the film’s composer, was honored with an Emmy Award for his exceptional musical score that perfectly complements the emotional depth of the story.

A Symbol of LGBT Cinema

Carol has become a symbol of LGBT cinema for its honest and poignant representation of same-sex love, resonating with audiences worldwide.

Stepping into the Spotlight

Rooney Mara’s portrayal of Therese marked a breakout role for her, further establishing her as one of the most talented actresses of her generation.

Historical Accuracy

The movie accurately reflects the restrictions and prejudices faced by same-sex couples during the 1950s, shedding light on a little-explored aspect of history.

Timeless Storytelling

Carol explores universal themes of love, desire, and self-discovery, making it a movie that resonates with audiences of all backgrounds.

Oscar-Winning Screenwriter

The screenplay for Carol was penned by Phyllis Nagy, who received an Academy Award nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay.

On-Screen Chemistry

The chemistry between Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara is palpable, adding depth and authenticity to their characters’ forbidden romance.

Soundtrack Highlights

The movie features a captivating soundtrack that enhances the emotional depth of the story. The song “You Belong to Me” by Jo Stafford is particularly memorable.

A Cultural Touchstone

Carol has become a cultural touchstone in the LGBTQ+ community for its honest portrayal of same-sex relationships and the challenges faced by those in clandestine love.

International Success

The movie achieved widespread international success, drawing critical acclaim and winning numerous awards in different parts of the world.

A Visual Masterpiece

The cinematography in Carol, captured by talented cinematographer Edward Lachman, is breathtaking and visually stunning.

Breaking Barriers

Carol played a pivotal role in breaking down barriers and increasing mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ+ cinema.

Educational Impact

The movie has been used as an educational tool to foster discussions on LGBTQ+ history and social progress.

Real-World Inspiration

Carol was inspired by the real-life love affair between the talented photographer Vivian Maier and her partner, Jeanne Bertrand, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the story.

Timeless Love Story

Carol is a timeless love story that transcends social barriers, reminding us of the power of love and the courage it takes to pursue it.

Festivals and Acclaim

The film premiered at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival to rave reviews and received standing ovations from audiences around the world.

International Box Office Success

Carol achieved considerable success at the international box office, further solidifying its influence and impact on global audiences.

Symbolism and Subtext

The movie incorporates subtle symbolism and subtext, allowing viewers to explore the deeper layers of the story.

Generational Divide

Carol examines the generational divide between Carol and Therese, highlighting the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in different eras.

Changing Perspectives

The movie has played an important role in changing perspectives regarding same-sex relationships, fostering greater empathy and understanding.

Themes of Identity and Self-Discovery

Carol explores themes of personal identity and self-discovery, resonating with individuals going through their own journeys of self-acceptance.

Continuing Legacy

Carol’s legacy lives on, inspiring other filmmakers to tell authentic and diverse stories that transcend societal norms.

Cultural Impact

Carol has had a significant cultural impact, contributing to the ongoing discussions surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and representation in cinema.


In conclusion, “Carol” is a captivating film that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships, societal norms, and personal desires. With its stellar performances, exquisite cinematography, and compelling narrative, the movie leaves a lasting impression on its viewers. Whether you are a fan of romantic dramas or interested in exploring the themes of love and self-discovery, “Carol” is a must-watch movie that will engage and move you.


1. Who directed the movie “Carol”?

“Carol” was directed by Todd Haynes, an acclaimed filmmaker known for his unique style and ability to capture the nuances of human emotion.

2. What is the storyline of “Carol”?

Carol” is based on the novel “The Price of Salt” by Patricia Highsmith and tells the story of a young photographer, Therese, who falls in love with an older woman named Carol. The film explores their forbidden relationship and the challenges they face in a society that is not accepting of same-sex love.

3. Who are the lead actors in “Carol”?

The lead roles in “Carol” are portrayed by Cate Blanchett as Carol Aird and Rooney Mara as Therese Belivet. Both actors delivered powerful performances that garnered critical acclaim and multiple award nominations.

4. When was “Carol” released?

“Carol” was released in 2015 and quickly gained recognition for its exceptional storytelling and portrayal of a same-sex relationship in the 1950s.

5. What awards did “Carol” receive?

Carol” was highly praised by critics and received numerous accolades, including six Academy Award nominations. Cate Blanchett was nominated for Best Actress, and Rooney Mara received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

6. Is “Carol” a period drama?

Yes, “Carol” is set in the 1950s and beautifully captures the aesthetics and societal norms of that era, adding to the authenticity and atmosphere of the film.

7. Can you recommend other movies similar to “Carol”?

If you enjoyed “Carol,” you might also like “Blue Is the Warmest Color,” “Brokeback Mountain,” or “Moonlight,” as these films explore similar themes of love, identity, and societal obstacles.

Dive deeper into the captivating world of cinema with our enthralling articles. Uncover the enigmatic brilliance of director Todd Haynes in "35 Facts About The Movie Velvet Goldmine." Explore the riveting realm of dramatic storytelling with "18 Drama Facts." Lastly, celebrate the incomparable talent of Cate Blanchett through "43 Facts About Cate Blanchett," showcasing her remarkable career and indelible impact on the silver screen.

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