The Most Utterly Terrifying Figures In Horror Films
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The Most Utterly Terrifying Figures In Horror Films

Ranker Community
Updated June 2, 2024 868.8K views 70 items
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207.8K votes
13.9K voters
Voting Rules
Vote up the scariest single characters in horror cinema - no groups of characters.

The world of horror movies has provided audiences with a plethora of spine-chilling and nightmarish narratives featuring iconic, larger-than-life horror movie characters. These terrifying figures have haunted our dreams, becoming the embodiment of fear and dread in the collective imagination. In the realm of best horror movie characters, some names stand out due to their unforgettable impact on pop culture, captivating storylines, and phenomenal portrayals by gifted actors. 

The best characters from horror movies are frightening figures, chillingly well-crafted. Their depth, intricacy, and individuality  endear them to fans. Each scary horror movie character terrorizes their victims but in completely unique and different ways. The movies' exceptional characters and perfect balance of suspense and horror contribute to their immense popularity and critical acclaim. 

For instance, Leatherface, the chainsaw-wielding killer from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre franchise, has become a cult figure for his gruesome appearance and relentless pursuit of victims. Freddy Krueger, the nightmarish dream-stalker from A Nightmare on Elm Street, has terrorized generations with his razor-sharp wit, dark humor, and unforgettable charm. Regan MacNeil, the possessed young girl from The Exorcist, offered one of the most harrowing portrayals of demonic possession, setting a high bar for future horror films. These bone-chilling characters represent only a fraction of the scariest horror movie character pantheon, showcasing the incredible range of horrifying personalities that have graced the silver screen. 

From the sinister to the grotesque, the best horror movie characters have left an indelible imprint on the psyche of moviegoers, proving that the art of storytelling is at its most potent when it delves into the darkest corners of human fear. These characters from horror movies have transcended the boundaries of their genre, proving that well-crafted terrifying figures can captivate, entertain, and terrify audiences. 

Most divisive: Jack Torrance
Over 13.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Utterly Terrifying Figures In Horror Films
  • Freddy Krueger
    7,307 VOTES

    Freddy Krueger's sadistic nature and twisted sense of humor make him a unique and unforgettable horror villain. He preys on the vulnerable state of his victims while they are asleep, turning their dreams into deadly nightmares they cannot escape. Freddy's grotesquely disfigured face, concealed under a wide-brimmed fedora, and signature razor-blade glove serve as the haunting symbols of this sinister monster. He is unrelenting in his pursuit of terrorizing those he targets, making it impossible for them to find solace even in their slumber.

    7,307 votes
  • Leatherface
    • Photo:
      • Texas Chainsaw Massacre via Bryanston Pictures
    6,706 VOTES

    Leatherface, a monstrous figure who demands your attention with his hulking presence and bone-chilling mask made of human skin, has haunted the nightmares of horror fans for decades. His insatiable hunger for human flesh, paired with his terrifying family dynamic, makes Leatherface one of the most horrifying villains in film history. His grisly weapon of choice, a blood-stained chainsaw, leaves a trail of violent destruction in his wake. Even more unnerving is the chilling fact that this character was inspired by real-life serial killer Ed Gein.

  • Regan MacNeil
    5,679 VOTES

    A sweet young girl possessed by a demonic force becomes one of the most memorable and disturbing characters in horror movie history: Regan MacNeil. Her transformation from innocent child to malevolent demon serves as an unnerving reminder that evil can infiltrate even the purest of souls. With her guttural growls speaking in ancient languages and terrifying displays of otherworldly strength, Regan stands as proof that possession is not just a plot device but a truly horrifying reality.

  • Pennywise the Dancing Clown

    Pennywise the Dancing Clown embodies every child's worst fear: a sinister figure lurking beneath an innocuous facade. Using its otherworldly powers to conjure up nightmarish illusions to prey on the young, the villain can shape-shift into whatever form it desires, often choosing its victims' deepest fears. Pennywise's malicious grin and haunting stare are enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. His twisted sense of humor, coupled with the unpredictability of his methods, makes Pennywise one of the most captivating and unnerving movie monsters of all time.

  • Michael Myers
    7,665 VOTES

    Michael Myers is an insidious force of nature that has haunted audiences for over four decades. He stalks his victims with a detached silence, making his presence unknown until it is too late. With his blank white mask and dark jumpsuit, Michael represents a faceless and unstoppable evil. The sense of dread that builds around each of Myers's kills leaves viewers on edge long after they've left the theater.

  • Chatterer
    3,033 VOTES

    Chatterer is a truly grotesque villain whose appearance alone is enough to make your skin crawl. With mutilated flesh covering his face and teeth incessantly chattering together like something out of a nightmare, this silent killer seems incapable of any shred of humanity. Chatterer acts as an enforcer for other sinister creatures, showing no mercy and displaying horrific brutality in carrying out their wishes.

    3,033 votes
  • 7
    5,881 VOTES

    Dr. Hannibal Lecter, intelligent and sophisticated, is a true embodiment of pure malevolence hidden beneath a refined veneer. He possesses an unparalleled knowledge of human anatomy and skill in psychological manipulation, enabling him to quietly terrorize his victims before ultimately consuming them, both physically and mentally. His charming demeanor belies a deep-rooted sadism, which only adds to the chilling horror he creates.

  • Xenomorph
    4,810 VOTES

    As an iconic sci-fi monster, the Xenomorph is a creature born from our darkest fears about alien life forms. Its terrifying appearance – elongated skull, razor-sharp teeth, and blade-tipped tail - paired with its relentless pursuit of human prey creates a palpable sense of existential dread. The fact that the Xenomorph is capable of adapting to any environment makes this otherworldly creature an unstoppable killing machine.

  • The Thing
    4,473 VOTES

    The Thing is a constantly shifting entity that can assimilate and imitate any life form it encounters, making it virtually undetectable. This amorphous villain embodies our primal fear of the unknown and serves as a reminder that even in the most remote, inhospitable places on earth, terror can still find us. The Thing's ability to spread unseen through a population only adds to the chilling paranoia it creates.

  • Jason Voorhees
    6,717 VOTES

    Emerging from the depths of Camp Crystal Lake, Jason Voorhees has become one of horror's most enduring figures. With his notoriously brutal methods of dispatching his victims and his trademark hockey mask concealing his disfigured face, Jason epitomizes the relentless killer. He seemingly cannot be stopped, continually returning from the dead to exact his bloody vengeance on those who cross his path.

    6,717 votes
  • 11
    1,889 VOTES

    As the demonic force possessing young Regan MacNeil, Pazuzu represents pure evil at its most frightening. With its ancient origins rooted in Mesopotamian mythology, this terrifying demon defies explanation or understanding. Pazuzu instills pure terror by corrupting innocence, a theme that resonates deeply with audiences and cements its place in horror lore.

    Pazuzu is the main antagonist in The Exorcist horror novels and film series, created by William Peter Blatty. Blatty derived the character from Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, where Pazuzu was considered the king of the demons of the wind, and the son of the god Hanbi. In The Exorcist Pazuzu appears as a demon who possesses Regan MacNeil. Pazuzu is often depicted as a combination of animal and human parts with its right hand pointing upwards and its left hand downwards. It has the body of a man, the head of a lion or dog, eagle-like taloned feet, two pairs of wings, a scorpion's tail, and a serpentine penis.
    1,889 votes
  • 12
    4,889 VOTES

    There's something undeniably unsettling about Samara Morgan, the ghostly girl who inhabits a cursed videotape and brings death to anyone who watches it. Her unnervingly slow movements and haunting stare evoke a chilling sense of unease, while her ability to manipulate media only amplifies her mysterious nature. Samara's disturbing backstory and unrelenting pursuit of her victims make her an unforgettable horror icon.

  • 13
    1,456 VOTES


    Inspired by true events, Bathsheba is the embodiment of malevolent forces lingering behind ordinary surroundings. As a witch who terrorizes families that move into her former home, she serves as a haunting reminder that evil can corrupt even the most tranquil environments. Her ghastly appearance and relentless brutality toward her victims make Bathsheba an unforgettable horror villain.

    1,456 votes
  • 14
    2,851 VOTES

    Known colloquially as "Pyramid Head," this daunting figure is an unmistakable reminder that our most terrifying fears can manifest themselves physically. Wielding a massive blade, Red Pyramid dispenses brutal justice with an unwavering commitment to his nightmarish cause. His horrific appearance and impenetrable motives make him a deeply unsettling presence in any scenario.

    2,851 votes
  • 15
    1,589 VOTES

    Few things are more unnerving than ventriloquist dummies, and Mary Shaw proves that in spades. Once a skilled ventriloquist herself, Mary has returned as a vengeful ghost with a horrifying connection to her beloved dummies. Her bizarre appearance - with her corpse-like skin and sunken eyes - creates an eerie atmosphere every time she appears on screen. It's difficult to shake the image of this sinister figure, who turns a seemingly harmless art form into something truly dreadful.

    1,589 votes
  • Sadako Yamamura
    3,854 VOTES

    Sadako Yamamura

    Emerging from the well, with her long hair covering her face, Sadako Yamamura unleashes an unimaginable horror through a cursed videotape. Her distorted, unnatural movements and chilling silence create an unbearable sense of dread whenever she is near. Sadako demonstrates how even the most unassuming figures can become terrifying icons when their stories are steeped in mystery and malice.

  • The Creeper
    3,844 VOTES

    The Creeper

    The Creeper is an ancient creature that awakens every 23 years to feed on human flesh for 23 days before returning to hibernation. Its grotesque appearance - a blend of human and monstrous features - coupled with its ability to transform and regenerate make it an imposing and seemingly indestructible force. The Creeper's methodical approach to hunting its victims only adds to the terror it inspires.

  • Old Woman
    2,514 VOTES

    With her decrepit appearance and malevolent demeanor, the Old Woman is a nightmarish figure that embodies our deepest fears of aging and decay. This sinister villain moves with a menacing slowness that belies her true nature, as she unleashes terror on unsuspecting victims. Her supernatural powers lend credence to the adage that appearances can be deceptive, making the Old Woman a truly horrifying antagonist.

    2,514 votes
  • Pinhead
    4,888 VOTES

    Leading his sadomasochistic minions known as "Cenobites," Pinhead is an iconic horror character whose visage alone is enough to send chills down even the most jaded viewer's spine. With pins embedded in his skull and clad in dark leather, this grotesque villain tortures and mutilates his victims with cold precision while taunting them with philosophical ruminations on pain and pleasure. His deceptively calm demeanor contrasts sharply with his horrific actions, cementing Pinhead as one of horror's most unforgettable creatures.

  • 20
    2,272 VOTES

    The Lipstick-Face Demon represents the innate fear many children harbor of unknown entities lurking in their closets or under their beds. With piercing red eyes and an ever-present, sinister grin, this malevolent creature instills terror through psychological manipulation rather than outright violence. Its ability to blend into shadows while stalking its prey leaves an indelible impression on those who encounter it.

    2,272 votes
  • Predator
    • Photo:
      • 20th Century Fox
    2,962 VOTES

    A deadly alien hunter equipped with advanced technology, Predator is the ultimate embodiment of humanity's fear of extraterrestrial life. Its invisible cloaking abilities and relentless pursuit of human prey create a heart-stopping atmosphere whenever it takes center stage in a film. The creature's sharp toothed mandibles and reptilian appearance only accentuate the sense of terror it inspires.

  • 22
    2,400 VOTES

    Part creature, part mythical deity, Fauno is a mysterious figure that leaves a lasting impression on audiences. His twisted, otherworldly appearance and difficult-to-discern motives create an undeniable sense of unease that permeates every scene in which he appears. As a possible guide to a dark and supernatural world, Fauno reminds us that what seems magical can also be terrifying.

    2,400 votes
  • Candyman
    3,637 VOTES

    Candyman's chilling origin story - born from racial injustice and fueled by revenge - gives this character depth and tragic resonance. With his distinctive hook for a hand and a swarm of bees as his loyal minions, Candyman brings a unique sense of terror to the horror genre. His ability to appear when his name is uttered five times in front of a mirror makes him a haunting figure that lingers in our minds long after the film ends.

  • 24
    2,059 VOTES


    Pumpkinhead is a vengeful demon summoned to exact brutal revenge on behalf of those who have been wronged. Its grotesque visage and towering stature make it an imposing figure, and its relentless determination to complete its mission ensures that no victim will escape its wrath. With its twisted origins rooted in pain and loss, Pumpkinhead reminds us that evil can sometimes emerge from grief and despair.

    2,059 votes
  • Cheryl
    1,069 VOTES

    Cheryl's disturbing transformation from innocent girl to demonic monster serves as a harrowing reminder that no one is immune to the corrupting influence of sinister forces. Her grotesque appearance, coupled with her unnatural strength and supernatural abilities, makes Cheryl a terrifying presence throughout her film's duration. She serves as both an object of fear for the audience and a tragic victim of insidious evil.

    1,069 votes
  • Toshio
    2,150 VOTES

    The ghostly figure of Toshio represents the purest form of innocence corrupted by malevolent spirits. His unsettling appearance - with pale skin, wide eyes, and an unnerving silence - sends chills down our spines as he haunts those who cross his path. Toshio reminds us that even the most vulnerable among us can become vessels for darkness and terror.

    2,150 votes
  • Jaws
    4,563 VOTES

    With its seemingly insatiable appetite for human flesh, Jaws has become synonymous with our primal fears surrounding the ocean's depths. The enormous great white shark exudes terror from every angle: its powerful jaw lined with razor-sharp teeth, relentless pursuit of prey, and enigmatic presence beneath the waves combine to create a relentless source of fear. Jaws reminds us that we are not always the apex predators in our world and that nature itself can be a terrifying force.

  • 28
    1,423 VOTES

    Mr. Boogie is the embodiment of humanity's fear of unseen forces lurking just beyond the veil of reality. With his shadowy presence, eerily elongated limbs, and soulless eyes, this sinister figure ensnares his victims in a web of darkness and despair. By preying on vulnerable children and their families, Mr. Boogie reminds us that evil can enter our lives from places we'd never expect.

    1,423 votes
  • 29
    2,009 VOTES


    Crawler - Scar is a monstrous figure who thrives in darkness, making it an ever-present threat to those unfortunate enough to cross its path. With its fearsome appearance - a grotesque amalgamation of human limbs and sharp claws - and its ability to navigate any environment with lightning speed, this creature personifies our deepest fears about what could be lurking in the shadows. Its relentless pursuit of victims leaves no doubt that once it has set its sights on its prey, there is no hope for escape.

    2,009 votes
  • 30
    3,633 VOTES

    Norman Bates perfectly encapsulates the terror of discovering that evil can lurk within even the most unassuming individuals. His seemingly mild-mannered demeanor disguises a sinister secret: he suffers from a severe case of dissociative identity disorder that drives him to commit horrific acts of violence. His disturbing relationship with his deceased mother adds another layer of unease to this iconic horror character, who serves as a chilling reminder that appearances can be deceiving.

  • 31
    3,967 VOTES

    As one of cinema's most creative killers, Jigsaw challenges our perceptions of morality while subjecting his victims to nightmarish levels of physical and psychological torture. Through elaborate traps designed to test their willpower and resilience, Jigsaw forces his captives to confront their darkest fears and face the most agonizing decisions imaginable. His twisted brand of justice transforms him into a terrifying figure whose enigmatic motives linger long after the credits roll.

  • Annie Wilkes
    2,944 VOTES

    Annie Wilkes proves that even the most ardent displays of affection can conceal disturbing and dangerous obsessions. As an unhinged fan who holds her favorite author captive, she quickly devolves from devoted caretaker to sadistic tormentor, causing viewers to question their own perceptions of love and devotion. Her unstable personality keeps audiences on edge, wondering just how far she'll go in her quest for control.

  • 33
    4,949 VOTES

    Jack Torrance's descent into madness serves as a chilling reminder of how easily the human mind can succumb to darkness. His transformation from protective father and husband to homicidal maniac highlights the fragility of our mental health and the dangers that can arise when it is pushed to its limits. Jack's manic grin and crazed eyes make him an unforgettable figure in horror history, one who will haunt our nightmares for years to come.

  • 34
    1,355 VOTES

    Kurt Barlow represents the archetypal vampire: mysterious, seductive, and utterly ruthless. With his chilling pale blue eyes and unnaturally sharp teeth, he exudes a sinister aura that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who encounters him. His ability to manipulate the minds of his victims only adds to the terror, making Kurt Barlow one of the most iconic and fearsome vampires in film history.

    1,355 votes
  • Cujo
    2,742 VOTES

    Cujo takes our fear of animal attacks to a whole new level, transforming man's best friend into a relentless killing machine. This seemingly ordinary St. Bernard becomes a monstrous force after contracting rabies, exhibiting an unyielding ferocity that leaves his victims helpless against his deadly assault. The tragic nature of Cujo's circumstances serves as a grim reminder of the brutality that can exist within even the most beloved creatures.

  • Count Orlok
    2,734 VOTES

    As one of cinema's earliest vampires, Count Orlok establishes the blueprint for countless bloodthirsty creatures to follow. With his gaunt appearance, elongated limbs, and razor-sharp fangs, he embodies our most primal fears of the undead and their quest for human blood. His shadowy presence and uncanny ability to appear when least expected make Count Orlok a truly haunting figure in horror history.

  • Damien Thorn
    3,182 VOTES

    Damien Thorn

    The mere thought of a child imbued with evil is enough to send chills down the spine, and Damien Thorn takes that concept to terrifying heights. As the Antichrist, he exudes an otherworldly malevolence that leaves all who cross his path vulnerable to his control. His eerie calmness and disturbing intelligence set him apart from other child villains, making him an unforgettable presence in horror cinema.

  • 38
    2,470 VOTES

    With his greasepaint-smeared face and twisted sense of humor, Captain Spaulding is the embodiment of our collective fear of clowns turned sinister. He delights in terrorizing unsuspecting victims with his gruesome knowledge of murder and mayhem while demonstrating a penchant for horrific acts himself. His unpredictable nature makes it impossible to know what he will do next, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats until the end.

    2,470 votes
  • 39
    2,305 VOTES

    Iris is a chilling example of how even the most unassuming figures can harbor unspeakable evil beneath their innocent exteriors. As a seemingly sweet young girl who harbors a dark secret, she serves as a cautionary tale about the unpredictable danger lurking within our closest circles. Her transformation from docile child to merciless killer leaves us questioning how well we truly know those around us.

    2,305 votes
  • 40
    1,065 VOTES

    The Blob

    The Blob is an amorphous, gelatinous mass that devours everything in its path, growing larger and more deadly with each victim it consumes. Its ability to slither through openings and engulf unsuspecting prey taps into our most primal fears of being consumed alive. With no discernible weakness or motive, The Blob represents an unstoppable force that spells doom for everyone in its path.

    1,065 votes
  • Slither Crawlies
    1,247 VOTES

    Slither Crawlies

    Equal parts grotesque and terrifying, Slither Crawlies prey on human hosts by attaching themselves like parasites before turning their victims into monstrous versions of themselves. These slimy, worm-like creatures evoke deep-seated disgust while also posing a genuine threat to those they encounter. Their relentless pursuit of human hosts makes them particularly unsettling, as their presence can infiltrate even the most seemingly secure environments.

    1,247 votes
  • 42
    1,922 VOTES

    Arguably the most iconic creature in dinosaur cinema, the Tyrannosaurus from Jurassic Park embodies humanity's fascination with - and fear of - prehistoric predators. Its massive size, bone-crushing jaws, and relentless pursuit of prey serve as a chilling reminder that we are not always at the top of the food chain. The blending of groundbreaking special effects with primal fears makes the Tyrannosaurus a true horror movie icon.

    1,922 votes
  • 43
    1,461 VOTES

    As a towering bio-organic weapon designed to hunt down and eliminate its targets with ruthless efficiency, Nemesis represents our worst fears about technology gone awry. Its relentless pursuit of prey creates an atmosphere of constant tension, while its grotesque appearance - a twisted fusion of flesh and machinery - only adds to the terror it inspires. The sheer force of Nemesis's destructive capabilities makes it an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

  • Chucky
    • Photo:
      • MGM/UA Communications
    5,527 VOTES

    Chucky proves that even the most innocuous childhood toys can become vessels of terror when imbued with evil intent. As a possessed doll driven to commit increasingly brutal acts of violence, Chucky challenges our perceptions of innocence while forcing us to confront our deepest held fears about the objects that surround us. His maniacal laughter and twisted sense of humor make him a truly memorable villain in the horror pantheon.

  • 45
    3,260 VOTES

    While primarily known for his exploits in the comic book world, Joker has made multiple appearances in films that have showcased his truly terrifying nature. With his maniacal grin, sadistic sense of humor, and penchant for deadly pranks, Joker is the epitome of chaos and unpredictability. His twisted philosophical musings and unrelenting desire to create havoc make him one of the most unnerving villains to ever grace the screen.

  • Seth Brundle
    1,630 VOTES

    The tragic story of Seth Brundle serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked scientific ambition. As his experiment goes horribly awry, his transformation from brilliant scientist to grotesque, mutated creature is both horrifying and heartbreaking. The gradual degradation of his humanity highlights our deepest fears of losing control over our own bodies and minds.

    1,630 votes
  • The Crypt Keeper
    • Photo:
      • Tales from the Crypt
      • HBO
    2,076 VOTES

    As a skeletal figure with a chilling cackle, the Crypt Keeper stands as an iconic symbol of macabre storytelling. Serving as the host for his own series of horrifying tales, this supernatural figure guides viewers through chilling narratives with a sinister sense of glee. His twisted humor and love for all things gruesome make the Crypt Keeper a beloved figure among horror enthusiasts.

    2,076 votes
  • Count Dracula
    • Photo:
      • Universal/Hammer/Columbia Pictures/Universal
    2,264 VOTES

    Arguably the most well-known vampire in horror history, Count Dracula continues to captivate and terrify audiences with his sinister charm and thirst for human blood. His ability to mesmerize victims with his beguiling gaze and supernatural powers makes him an irresistible force of evil. As both an emblem of seduction and pure malevolence, Count Dracula has become the gold standard for cinematic vampires.

  • Wolfman
    1,303 VOTES

    Larry Talbot's struggle with his werewolf curse stands as a haunting reminder of the duality of man and our deepest primal fears. As he transforms from mild-mannered everyman to savage beast, we are forced to confront our anxieties surrounding our darker natures. The tragic nature of Larry's story - his inability to control his monstrous instincts - adds another layer of terror to this classic horror character.

    1,303 votes
  • 50
    4,632 VOTES

    Ghostface first appeared in the 1996 film Scream, but his iconic mask has been worn by many copy-cat killers in the film's sequels.

    Why he's utterly terrifying: Anyone who sees the blacks of Ghostface's eyes, typically ends up with a butcher knife in their guts.

    "Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!"
  • 51
    1,350 VOTES

    Esther serves as a chilling reminder that even those who appear innocent can harbor dark secrets and malicious intentions. Her sudden transformation from sweet, orphaned girl to sadistic killer shakes viewers to their core, forcing them to reconsider their assumptions about trust and loyalty. As Esther's true nature is gradually revealed, we are left questioning how well we truly know those around us and what evil may lurk just beneath the surface.

  • 52
    2,290 VOTES

    The Blair Witch

    The Blair Witch is the subject of the indie-horror classic The Blair Witch Project.

    Why she's utterly terrifying: Legend has it that the Blair Witch haunts the woods in Burkittsville, Maryland, stalking her prey before they meet a deadly end.

    "I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them! We're gonna die out here!"
    2,290 votes
  • Terminator
    1,044 VOTES
    In the Terminator film series, a terminator is an autonomous robot, typically humanoid, originally conceived as a virtually indestructible soldier, infiltrator and assassin. James Cameron introduced the first terminator character in the 1984 film The Terminator, featuring a single cyborg simply called "The Terminator", portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. When later Terminator films introduced additional models, some sources retroactively gave Schwarzenegger's character a model number, leading to multiple conflicting names.
    1,044 votes
  • Gage Creed
    • Photo:
      • Pet Sematary
      • Paramount Pictures
    2,386 VOTES

    Gage Creed appeared in the 1989 film Pet Sematary, which was based on Stephen King's book of the same name.

    Why he's utterly terrifying: The terrible twos are downright horrific when this little guy is resurrected from the dead.

    "First I play with Judd, then mommy came, and I play with mommy. We play daddy, we had a awful good time! Now, I want to play with you..."
  • John Doe
    2,329 VOTES

    John Doe appeared in David Fincher's film Seven in 1995.

    Why he's utterly terrifying: John Doe leads detectives on a wild goose chase as he kills his victims in ways that truly illustrate the seven deadly sins.

    "Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention."
  • Carrie White
    1,786 VOTES

    Carrie White appeared in the 1976 film Carrie, which was based on Stephen King's novel of the same name.

    Why she's utterly terrifying: Carrie uses her telepathic powers to seek revenge on her high school tormentors, sparing no one of her deadly rage.

    "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
  • 57
    987 VOTES
    The Tall Man is a fictional character and main antagonist of the Phantasm series of horror films. The Tall Man first appeared in the firstPhantasm in 1979, and last appeared in Phantasm IV Oblivion in 1998.[1] In all of his appearances, the Tall Man has been portrayed by Angus Scrimm.
    987 votes
  • Pamela Voorhees
    1,094 VOTES

    Pamela Voorhees

    Pamela Sue Voorhees is a fictional character in the Friday the 13th films, and the main antagonist of the original Friday the 13th film. She is a former camp-cook and the mother of Jason Voorhees, the main antagonist of the series. In the original Friday the 13th film, the character introduces herself as Pamela Voorhees, and makes reference to her son Jason who drowned in the lake in 1958. The character was portrayed by Betsy Palmer in the first two films. During the character's brief appearance in Freddy vs. Jason, she was played by Paula Shaw. According to the actress herself at conventions, Betsy Palmer was asked to reprise her role as Pamela Voorhees for the Freddy vs. Jason film but turned the part down after she read the script, as she stated in the "Friday The 13th Reunion" available as a "special feature" on the 2009 Paramount release of the "Uncut: Special Edition". Nana Visitor played Pamela Voorhees in the 2009 reimagining of Friday the 13th.
    1,094 votes
  • 59
    1,034 VOTES
    Alex is a fictional character in Anthony Burgess's novel 1962 A Clockwork Orange and Stanley Kubrick's 1971 film A Clockwork Orange, in which he is played by Malcolm McDowell. In the film, his surname is DeLarge, a reference to Alex calling himself Alexander the Large in the novel. In the film, however, two newspaper articles print his name as "Alex Burgess." In addition to the book and film, Alex was portrayed by Vanessa Claire Smith in the ARK Theatre Company's multi-media adaptation of A Clockwork Orange, directed by Brad Mays.
    1,034 votes
  • Otis B. Driftwood
    1,261 VOTES

    Otis B. Driftwood first appeared in Rob Zombies' film House of 1000 Corpses in 2003.

    Why he's utterly terrifying: As the deadliest member of the Firefly family, Otis B. Driftwood makes murder his business.

    "It's all true. The bogeyman is real and you found him."
    1,261 votes