‎Reviews of Breakthrough • Letterboxd
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  • nickOG206


    El cine bélico es hermoso y casi perfecto, hasta que aparece esta cinta. Por donde empezar es repugnante, la historia es un chiste, los personajes son estúpidos y los efectos especiales son horrendos. Voy a empezar una colecta para bombardear la casa de los directores de esta película.

  • va24mar


    1979 | Robert Mitchum

    “Breakthrough”, also knows as “Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz, 2. Teil”, is a sequel to Sam Peckinpah’s “Cross of Iron”. While that film failed in the USA, it was fairly successful in europe and germany in particular. This film was financed mostly through west germany and is a rather loose sequel. Most importantly, Richard Burton replaced James Coburn as sgt. Steiner.

    It’s a cash-grab sequel that never reaches the greatness of the original in any way. It has…

  • ale_meli



    E tu perché non prendi la radio? Potresti sentire i risultati del baseball o la notizia di una morte improvvisa a Berlino

  • Alatreon Brachydios

    Not as good as the first one but still watchable. That's it. It's watchable. It's not that it's a bad movie but it could have been better. Cross of Iron didn't need a sequel imo.

  • Nik Lackey


    70 From The 70’s: #63

    I was miffed when I found out this was a sequel to Sam Peckinpah’s ‘Cross Of Iron’ (1977). The connection is there, but it is so faint. Plus Andrew V. McLaglen’s ‘Breakthrough’ (1979) is a significantly worse film than its predecessor. A connection to a famous film, and an all star cast cannot always save a film. However, I did find myself enjoying the film more than I thought I would, especially when I had…

  • Francesco Chello

    Anche solo concettualmente, Cross of Iron non apparteneva a quella categoria di film che si prestano ad un sequel. A maggior ragione se quel seguito viene poi realizzato senza grosso criterio, al punto che un paragone col film di Peckinpah sarebbe solo mortificante. Non c’è messaggio o denuncia, non si avverte il dramma, tantomeno l’azione di chi magari punta maggiormente all’intrattenimento. Un plot abbozzato che si trascina per ottantotto minuti. La scelta di inserire gli americani cozza con l’espediente narrativo del far…

  • EditGeek


    Breakthrough - I’m not really sure why we needed a sequel to Sam Peckinpah’s iconic war drama ‘Cross of Iron’! Given that neither of the first movies leads decided to rejoin the cast pretty much sums up this movie! Burton tries his best as Steiner, but he’s no James Coburn. (C+)

  • Jake


    A very average war film that i'm going to treat as not canon to it's far superior predecessor

  • Michael


    Pretty sure Robert Mitchum thought he was in a comedy...

  • Daniel Ronan Siurano McGee

    Keep on moovin don’t stop ohhh

    What u asked for,

    But I’m missing a steiglitz or a blazcowicz

    Gonna be chasing Clint Eastwood in an eagles high for a while

    Tank just squished a Nazi aaahhhh!!! Awesome total pawns

  • UltimateMovieRankings

    Probably one of the least known sequels. In this one Richard Burton takes over James Coburn's role from Cross of Iron. This movie is not very good. Burton, Robert Mitchum and Rod Steiger all look bored. The action scenes are weak at best. The movie appears to have a very limited budget. Watched it for free on YouTube....so I guess I got my moneys worth. Final thought: A bad movie.

  • Chris


    What could be a great followup to Cross of Iron, with Steiner's own vendettas and grudges coming home to roost right as a possible peaceful negotiation is dangled in front of him, ends up inert for the most part, with Burton bringing the venom but not the physical threat that Coburn had.
    Half of the cast looks like they are politely tolerating this whole endeavor for the paycheck.