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Stanley Cup-winning head coach spotted en route to Toronto

Published May 12, 2024 at 4:59 PM

The search for the Toronto Maple Leafs' next head coach has taken an intriguing turn with Todd McLellan, a seasoned name in NHL coaching circles, spotted at Los Angeles International Airport catching a flight to Toronto.

This development has sent fans and sports analysts into a frenzy of speculation. A video from the airport distinctly shows McLellan, unmistakably clear, gearing up to board his flight.

Though this sighting doesn't confirm anything officially, it's enough to spark a flurry of questions and guesses.

The Maple Leafs are in the market for a new head coach, and McLellan's sudden trip to Toronto could very well mean he's meeting with Maple Leafs management.

Given McLellan's impressive coaching resume, his link to the Maple Leafs isn't far-fetched. However, until an official announcement is made, all anyone can do is speculate. Is this merely a visit, or is McLellan on the verge of a major career move with the Maple Leafs? This sighting certainly fuels the rumor mill.
May 12   |   42 answers
Stanley Cup-winning head coach spotted en route to Toronto

Do you think Todd McLellan would be a good head coach for the Toronto Maple Leafs?

Yes1535.7 %
No2764.3 %
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