Editorial : Time for Hong Kong to Play Catch-up - 20240429 - 英文 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網


Editorial : Time for Hong Kong to Play Catch-up

【明報專訊】CHINA has made accelerating the development of new productive forces a priority. Ge Ming, the first-ever Commissioner for Industry of the SAR, says that when it comes to developing new productive forces, Hong Kong has its own strengths and shortcomings, the latter including the transformation of scientific research results and the creation of an industrial environment. These are areas that need to be strengthened.

In December 2022, the government published the "Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint", proposing the creation of a Commissioner for Industry tasked with coordinating and steering the relevant policy support for the innovation and technology industry. The first-ever Commissioner for Industry, Ge Ming, is an expert in mechanical and automation engineering. He assumed office in late February this year to lead the newly established New Industrialisation Development Office.

In his first interview after taking office, Ge described Hong Kong as being in the "best stage" of innovative, technological and industrial development. Ge mentioned the recent participation of many Nobel laureates in a Hong Kong forum and several companies from Beijing, Tianjin and Xiongan that intended to set up offices in Hong Kong, which he thought reflected their optimism about the development of Hong Kong's innovation and technology. Since he assumed his post, his priority has been to launch a "New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme" as soon as possible to encourage enterprises to invest and set up factories in Hong Kong and develop key industries.

In the past, when the SAR government tried to promote the development of innovation and technology and re-industrialisation, a major problem was the lack of a clear set of industrial policies. Its measures were fragmented and lacked co-ordination, with more talk than action. The Commissioner for Industry and the New Industrialisation Development Office are tasked with weighty responsibilities and have a long campaign ahead. It is hoped that they will carry out their functions as expected and make up for past shortcomings.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong was famous for its light industry. With the reform and opening-up of the Mainland, Hong Kong's manufacturing industry migrated northward in the 1980s, and the financial services industry took advantage of the trend and boomed. The influx of funds propelled the property and stock markets to one new high after another. As it was too easy to make money through speculation, it in turn furthered the short-term mentality of making quick money. The financial industry is supposed to serve the real economy, with the two complementing each other and working in tandem. In Hong Kong, however, financial services have replaced the manufacturing industry.

Early into Hong Kong's return to Chinese sovereignty, the SAR government proposed building Hong Kong into an innovation and technology hub. But the business community said that property speculation and stock trading "reigned supreme". Hong Kong became increasingly dependent on the real estate market, resulting in high property prices and high rents, which eroded Hong Kong's competitiveness. The neighbouring city of Shenzhen, in contrast, successfully achieved economic upgrading and transformation through innovation and technology.

Over the past ten years, the SAR government has realised the need to play catch-up, and has begun to achieve more in innovation, technology and re-industrialisation. In recent years, the property market has fallen from its peak. This, together with changes in the geopolitical situation, means that Hong Kong must accelerate its integration into the overall development of China. Hong Kong cannot return to the same old path.

When it comes to developing innovation and technology, people with skills are of crucial importance. If Hong Kong wants to attract and retain talent, it must show them that Hong Kong is determined to take the long view and invest in the future instead of pursuing quick, short-term profits.

明報社評 2024.04.26:加快新型工業化步伐 改變「搵快錢」短視心態









■/ Glossary 生字 /

laureate : a person who has been given an official honour or prize for something important they have achieved

in tandem : doing something together or at the same time as someone or something else

reign supreme : if someone or something reigns supreme, they are the most important part of a situation or time

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