Liz Cheney daughters featured in ad - POLITICO

Liz Cheney daughters featured in ad

Liz Cheney’s three daughters praise their mom in a new bio spot that began airing Monday in Wyoming.

The embattled Senate candidate’s second commercial, featuring daughters Kate, Grace and Elizabeth, is clearly aimed at moving beyond last week’s family drama over gay marriage.

“We’re proud of our family’s deep roots in Wyoming,” one daughter says.

“We’re proud of our grandma and our grandpa,” another adds over a photo of Dick Cheney. “He was vice president of the United States.”

( QUIZ: Do you know Liz Cheney?)

“And we’re very proud of our mom, who is running for the United States Senate,” the third adds.

The campaign is spending about $40,000 to air the commercial this week, a significant buy nine months before the GOP primary, in which Cheney is trying to unseat Sen. Mike Enzi.

Dick and Lynne Cheney essentially sided with Liz over her sister, Mary, last week in a public spat over gay marriage. Mary Cheney, openly gay and married to her longtime partner, is withholding support from her sister in the Senate race.

This followed a $55,838 buy to run a 60-second bio ad over nine days, which featured Liz Cheney introducing her family.

The new spot also aims to push back on charges that Cheney is a carpetbagger, highlighting the family’s roots.

“Our family first came here in 1852 walking the Mormon Trail,” one daughter says.

“My great-great-grandfather first settled in Fremont County in 1907,” adds the second. “He was a ranch hand near Lysite.”

“He and our great-great-grandmother both moved to the Salt Creek oil fields, where they raised their five children,” the third says. “One of their children, our great-grandmother, was the first female deputy sheriff of Natrona County.”

The commercial ends with Liz Cheney approving the message as she stands with all five of her children and her husband.