The Meaning Behind The Song: God of Wine by Third Eye Blind - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: God of Wine by Third Eye Blind

The Meaning Behind The Song: God of Wine by Third Eye Blind

Third Eye Blind’s “God of Wine” is a powerful song that speaks about addiction and the search for redemption. The song first appeared on their second album “Blue” which was released in 1999. The song’s lyrics use imagery of a “god of wine” who has the power to help the singer escape his pain and suffering. However, the song also acknowledges the destructive nature of addiction and the need for help in order to break free. In this article, we will dive deeper into the meaning behind this song and explore its powerful message.

The Lyrics

The song’s lyrics are open to interpretation and there are many different ways to understand them. However, the core meaning of the song is clear – addiction and the search for redemption. The lyrics include lines like:

“Has the stained glass ceiling stained my brain? Oh, just the wine”

This line suggests that the singer is struggling with addiction and that it is affecting his ability to think clearly. Alcohol has become a coping mechanism for him, but it is not a solution.

“Far beyond the siren’s cry, I hear you in the distance, but the distancifying mind drowns every whisper”

Here the singer acknowledges that he hears a call for help, but his addiction and self-destructive behavior is preventing him from reaching out for help.

“I will make my plans for the new world scream: So come on, diamond, cut me up”

This line suggests that the singer is ready to change his ways and start anew, but he is still struggling to break free from his addiction. He is essentially challenging his addiction and asking it to ‘cut him out’ and free him from its grip.

The God of Wine

The “God of Wine” is a powerful metaphor in the song. The character represents addiction – the thing that the singer is relying on to numb his pain and provide temporary relief from his problems. The god of wine is a tempter, offering an escape from the singer’s pain. The singer knows that this escape is only temporary and that he needs to break free from the god of wine in order to find redemption.

The Search for Redemption

Throughout the song, there is a sense of longing for redemption. The singer knows that he is in a dark place and wants to find a way out. He sees the god of wine as a way of escaping his problems, but he also acknowledges that this escape is not a solution. Redemption can only be found by acknowledging the problem and asking for help.


Why did Third Eye Blind write the song?

The song was written by Stephan Jenkins, the lead singer of Third Eye Blind. The meaning behind the song is open to interpretation, but it is clear that Jenkins was exploring addiction and the search for redemption.

What message does the song convey?

The song conveys a powerful message about addiction and the need for help in order to break free. The god of wine represents addiction and the singer’s struggle to break free represents the challenges that come with addiction.

What impact has the song had on listeners?

The song has had a profound impact on listeners, many of whom have struggled with addiction. The lyrics are honest and raw, which has resonated with listeners who have been through similar experiences.

Has the band spoken about the song’s meaning?

Yes, the band has spoken about the song’s meaning. In interviews, Stephan Jenkins has discussed his own struggles with addiction and how the song was a reflection of his experiences.

Have other artists covered the song?

Yes, the song has been covered by other artists. Some notable covers include one by Dashboard Confessional and another by Goo Goo Dolls.

Is the song autobiographical?

While the song is heavily influenced by Stephan Jenkins’ own experiences with addiction, it is not entirely autobiographical. The lyrics are open to interpretation and can be understood in different ways.

Has the band played the song live?

Yes, the band has played the song live on numerous occasions. It remains a popular song among fans and is often a highlight of their live shows.

What other songs are on the “Blue” album?

The “Blue” album includes many other songs, including “Never Let You Go”, “10 Days Late” and “Anything”.

What other albums has Third Eye Blind released?

Third Eye Blind has released several other albums, including their self-titled debut album and their more recent release, “Dopamine”.

Has the band won any awards for their music?

Yes, Third Eye Blind has won several awards over the years. Some notable awards include a Billboard Music Award for Top Modern Rock Track (“Semi-Charmed Life”) and an American Music Award for Favorite Alternative Artist.

What other messages does Third Eye Blind’s music convey?

Third Eye Blind’s music often explores themes of love, loss, and personal struggles. Their songs are often deeply personal and explore the complexities of life.

What impact has Third Eye Blind had on the music industry?

Third Eye Blind has had a significant impact on the music industry, particularly in the alternative rock genre. Their music has influenced many other artists and they continue to be a popular band today.

In conclusion, “God of Wine” by Third Eye Blind is a powerful song that explores addiction and the search for redemption. The lyrics are honest and raw, offering a powerful message that has resonated with listeners around the world. The song’s use of the god of wine as a metaphor for addiction is particularly impactful, showcasing the destructive nature of addiction and the need for help in breaking free. With its timeless message, “God of Wine” continues to be an important song for anyone who has ever struggled with addiction or the challenges of life.

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