48 Facts About Erfurt - Facts.net
Henrieta Isley

Written by Henrieta Isley

Modified & Updated: 29 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Expedia.com

Erfurt, the capital city of Thuringia in Germany, is a fascinating destination that combines a rich historical heritage with a vibrant and modern atmosphere. With its origins dating back over a thousand years, Erfurt boasts a remarkable collection of well-preserved medieval architecture, including its famed cathedral and impressive fortress.

But Erfurt is more than just a city frozen in time. As you wander through its charming cobblestone streets, you’ll find yourself immersed in a thriving cultural scene, bustling markets, and a diverse range of culinary delights. From the enchanting Krämerbrücke, a bridge lined with half-timbered houses, to the ornate interiors of Erfurt’s magnificent churches, there is an endless array of sights to explore.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Erfurt with 48 intriguing facts that will leave you wanting to pack your bags and experience everything this remarkable city has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Erfurt, Germany, is a city with over 1,270 years of history, known for its medieval architecture, vibrant cultural scene, and impressive landmarks like the Erfurt Cathedral and the Krämerbrücke.
  • Erfurt offers a unique blend of history, art, and culinary delights, with its rich literary heritage, diverse music scene, and lively festivals throughout the year, making it a must-visit city in Germany.
Table of Contents

Erfurt is over 1,270 years old.

The city was first mentioned in historical records back in 742 AD, making it one of the oldest cities in Germany.

The city is known for its medieval architecture.

Walking through the streets of Erfurt feels like stepping back in time, with its well-preserved historic buildings and stunning half-timbered houses.

The Erfurt Cathedral is an iconic landmark.

The magnificent Erfurt Cathedral, also known as St. Mary’s Cathedral, is one of the city’s most prominent landmarks, with its stunning Gothic architecture.

Erfurt has more bridges than Venice.

Yes, you read that right! Erfurt is home to over 30 bridges, surpassing the famous Italian city of Venice in terms of bridge density.

The city is a hub for education.

Erfurt is home to several universities and educational institutions, making it a vibrant and lively student city.

Erfurt is famous for its flower-filled parks.

During springtime, the city’s parks come alive with a riot of colorful flowers, creating a picturesque and serene atmosphere.

The Krämerbrücke is one of a kind.

Erfurt’s iconic Krämerbrücke is the longest inhabited bridge in Europe, with buildings and shops lining its length.

The city has an impressive underground tunnel system.

Erfurt boasts an extensive network of tunnels beneath its streets, which were used for various purposes throughout history.

Erfurt is the birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach.

The world-renowned composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Erfurt in 1685, leaving a lasting musical legacy.

Erfurt is known for its Christmas market.

Every year, Erfurt hosts a magical Christmas market that attracts visitors from all over the world.

The city has over 25 churches.

Erfurt is often referred to as the “City of Churches” due to its abundance of stunning religious buildings.

The Luther Monument is a symbol of Protestantism.

Erfurt is closely associated with Martin Luther, and the Luther Monument commemorates his significant role in the Protestant Reformation.

The city is famous for its sausages.

Erfurt is renowned for its traditional Thuringian sausages, which are a must-try for food enthusiasts visiting the city.

The Erfurt Synagogue is a testament to Jewish history.

The Erfurt Synagogue, dating back to the 11th century, is one of the oldest synagogues in Europe and speaks to Erfurt’s rich Jewish heritage.

The city has a thriving theater scene.

Erfurt boasts several theaters and performance venues, offering a wide range of cultural experiences for locals and visitors alike.

The Krämerbrückenfest is a popular annual festival.

Each summer, Erfurt celebrates the Krämerbrückenfest, a lively festival filled with music, food, and entertainment.

The city has been a trading center for centuries.

Thanks to its strategic location, Erfurt has been a major trading hub since medieval times, attracting merchants from far and wide.

Erfurt’s skyline is dominated by impressive church spires.

Looking across the city, you’ll be greeted by the sight of numerous church spires, creating a picturesque panorama.

The city has a network of charming cobblestone streets.

Exploring Erfurt’s narrow, winding streets is like stepping into a fairytale, with their timeless charm and character.

Erfurt is home to the oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe.

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Erfurt dates back to the 12th century and provides a glimpse into the rich Jewish history of the city.

The Krämerbrücke houses a museum.

Visitors can explore the history and culture of Erfurt at the museum located within the iconic Krämerbrücke.

The city hosts a popular summer opera festival.

Erfurt’s Domstufen Festival brings opera performances to the steps of the Erfurt Cathedral, creating a unique and enchanting experience for music lovers.

Erfurt has a thriving arts and crafts scene.

Local artisans and craftsmen showcase their talents in Erfurt’s numerous boutiques and workshops, offering unique and handmade products.

The city has a strong sense of community.

Erfurt is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, with a strong sense of community and support for local initiatives.

Erfurt was the site of important historical events.

Throughout history, Erfurt has witnessed significant events, including the signing of the Treaty of Erfurt in 1808 between Napoleon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander I of Russia.

Erfurt is a city of gardens.

From the Egapark to the Cyriaksburg Citadel, Erfurt’s gardens provide tranquil and lush spaces for relaxation and enjoyment.

The city has an impressive collection of museums.

From art and history to technology and natural sciences, Erfurt offers a wide range of museums that cater to various interests.

Erfurt is a popular filming location.

The city’s beautiful architecture and historical sites have attracted filmmakers, with Erfurt serving as a backdrop for numerous movies and TV shows.

Erfurt is well-connected.

Thanks to its central location in Germany, Erfurt has excellent transportation links, making it easily accessible by train, plane, or car.

The city is a haven for nature lovers.

Erfurt is surrounded by stunning landscapes, offering plenty of opportunities for hiking, cycling, and exploring the great outdoors.

Erfurt is home to a thriving craft beer scene.

Beer enthusiasts will find a variety of local breweries in Erfurt, offering unique and flavorful brews.

The city has an impressive skyline.

When viewed from a distance, Erfurt’s silhouette is a striking sight, with its mix of medieval and modern architecture.

Erfurt is known for its lively markets.

From the weekly farmers’ market to the annual Christmas market, Erfurt’s markets offer a vibrant atmosphere and a wide range of local produce and products.

The city has a rich literary history.

Erfurt has been home to many renowned writers and poets throughout history, contributing to its cultural significance in the world of literature.

Erfurt is a UNESCO World Heritage Site candidate.

With its well-preserved historical buildings and unique cultural heritage, Erfurt is currently being considered for UNESCO World Heritage status.

The city is known for its Easter traditions.

Erfurt celebrates Easter with vibrant processions, traditional customs, and the famous Easter Market, attracting visitors from all over.

Erfurt has a diverse culinary scene.

From traditional German dishes to international cuisines, Erfurt offers a wide range of culinary delights to suit every taste.

The city has a strong focus on sustainability.

Erfurt is committed to environmental initiatives and sustainable practices, striving to be an eco-friendly and green city.

Erfurt is home to prestigious cultural events.

The Erfurt Theatre Festival and the DOMStufen Festival are just a few examples of the city’s vibrant cultural calendar.

The city has a unique museum dedicated to witches.

The Hexenhaus Museum in Erfurt delves into the history and legends surrounding witchcraft in the region.

Erfurt has a thriving music scene.

From classical music to jazz and rock, Erfurt offers a diverse range of musical experiences for music enthusiasts.

The city has a medieval open-air museum.

The Erfurt Open-Air Museum showcases reconstructed historic buildings, giving visitors a glimpse into medieval life.

Erfurt is known for its handmade porcelain.

The city has a long tradition of producing exquisite porcelain, with several workshops and stores showcasing these delicate creations.

The city hosts a legendary onion market.

Every October, Erfurt’s Onion Market comes alive with colorful stalls selling an array of onion-related products and local delicacies.

Erfurt’s town hall is a striking architectural gem.

The Gothic-style Erfurt Town Hall is not only impressive from the outside but also houses beautiful murals and historical artifacts.

The city has a vibrant beer garden culture.

During the warmer months, locals and visitors can enjoy a refreshing beer in one of Erfurt’s charming beer gardens.

Erfurt has a strong tradition of craftsmanship.

From woodworking to glassblowing, Erfurt’s craftsmen continue to uphold and preserve traditional skills.

Erfurt is a city of festivals.

Throughout the year, Erfurt celebrates a variety of festivals, showcasing its rich cultural heritage and lively spirit.

With its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, Erfurt truly offers something for everyone. Whether you’re exploring its medieval streets, delving into its fascinating museums, or simply enjoying the warmth of its community, Erfurt is a city that leaves a lasting impression.

So, next time you find yourself in Germany, make sure to visit Erfurt and experience its delightful charm firsthand!


In conclusion, Erfurt is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. With its well-preserved medieval architecture, bustling marketplaces, and scenic landscapes, Erfurt offers a unique and enchanting experience for visitors. The city’s significant role in Germany’s history, as well as its vibrant art scene and thriving university community, make it a must-visit destination.Whether you are exploring Erfurt’s charming old town, admiring its stunning cathedral, or immersing yourself in the local traditions and festivals, there is something for everyone in this captivating city. From its picturesque parks and gardens to its diverse culinary scene, Erfurt has a lot to offer.So, if you’re planning to visit Germany, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the hidden gem that is Erfurt. Immerse yourself in its rich heritage, indulge in its culinary delights, and create lasting memories in this truly remarkable city.


1. What is the best time to visit Erfurt?
The best time to visit Erfurt is during the spring and summer months when the weather is pleasant, and many festivals and events take place. However, Erfurt’s Christmas market during the winter season is also highly recommended.

2. How can I get to Erfurt?
Erfurt is easily accessible by air, train, or car. The city has its own airport, Erfurt-Weimar Airport, which offers domestic and international flights. Additionally, there are frequent train connections from major German cities, making it convenient to reach Erfurt by rail. If you prefer driving, Erfurt is well-connected to the major highways in Germany.

3. What are some must-visit attractions in Erfurt?
Some must-visit attractions in Erfurt include the Erfurt Cathedral, Krämerbrücke (Merchant’s Bridge), Augustinerkloster (Augustinian Monastery), and the Egapark, a beautiful park with stunning flower displays. The Old Synagogue and Museum of Erfurt Jewish History are also worth exploring for those interested in the city’s Jewish heritage.

4. Is Erfurt a family-friendly city?
Yes, Erfurt is a family-friendly city with several attractions suitable for children. The Erfurt Zoo, the Egapark amusement park, and the Thuringian Open Air Museum are popular choices for families visiting the city.

5. Can I explore Erfurt on foot?
Absolutely! Erfurt’s compact size and well-preserved old town make it an ideal city to explore on foot. Most of the major attractions are within walking distance of each other, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the city’s charm and beauty.

Erfurt's rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture make it a must-visit destination. From its medieval charm to its thriving arts scene, this city offers something for everyone. If you're a sports enthusiast, don't miss our article on FC RotWei Erfurt's football club, which delves into the team's fascinating facts and achievements. Erfurt truly is a city that captivates visitors with its unique blend of tradition and modernity, making it an unforgettable experience for all who explore its streets and landmarks.

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