Here's How Citadel Star Priyanka Chopra Made Millions

Here's How Citadel Star Priyanka Chopra Made Millions

Her brands include a hair care line, homeware brand, and even a custom popcorn flavor

Priyanka Chopra Bulgari

Pietro S. D'Aprano / Getty Images

Global superstar Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been crowned Miss World and conquered film markets from Bollywood to Hollywood, acting in Sony Pictures’ romantic comedy Love Again and Amazon Prime Video's spy-thriller series Citadel.

Key Takeaways

  • Priyanka Chopra Jonas has a combined net worth of $70 million along with her husband Nick Jonas, according to Celebrity Net Worth.
  • Chopra Jonas’ Anomaly Hair Care ranked as the second-wealthiest celebrity beauty brand of 2023 based on revenue according to Cosmetify.
  • Chopra Jonas is also an investor in the beverage company Olipop, which closed a $30 million series B funding round last year.

Chopra Jonas and her husband since 2018, singer Nick Jonas, have a combined net worth of $70 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. They live in a $20 million mansion in Encino, California, according to Architectural Digest. Chopra has also owned several properties in Mumbai and Goa, and owns a four-bedroom apartment in New York City. 

Along with her acting career, the star has launched a series of successful businesses from a hair care line to a restaurant, a homeware brand, and even a custom flavor of popcorn. Her 2020 memoir, Unfinished, is a New York Times bestseller, and became a best-selling book on Amazon within 12 hours of being available to pre-order, according to the Hindustan Times.

Chopra Jonas has also had partnerships with brands such as Bvlgari, Pantene, and Victoria's Secret. Here's how Chopra Jonas made her millions.


Chopra Jonas earned $10 million between June 2016 and 2017 for Bollywood films, making her the seventh highest-paid star in the industry, according to Forbes. 

Her American TV debut, in ABC’s thriller-drama Quantico, earned her an estimated $3 million per season, according to Forbes. The show ran for three seasons and earned Chopra two People’s Choice Awards for her lead role as Alex Parrish. 

At a keynote conversation at the 2023 South by Southwest Festival, Chopra Jonas said she had pay parity with her male co-star for her most recent role in Citadel—a first in her two-decade career as an actor, according to Variety.

Brands and Businesses 

Chopra Jonas is also a savvy entrepreneur who launched a series of brands under her name including hair care and homeware brands. 

Anomaly Hair Care 

Launched by Chopra Jonas in 2021, Anomaly Hair Care became one of the top celebrity beauty brands. Anomaly most recently brought in $535 million in revenue, making it the second highest- grossing celebrity beauty brand, according to UK-based beauty product comparison platform, Cosmetify.

Chopra’s brand ranked behind Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty, and beat Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty, and Kylie Cosmetics.

Sona Restaurant and Homeware

Chopra Jonas and her husband have various investments in the food industry as well. In 2021, Chopra opened Indian restaurant, Sona, in New York City. The star signed on to the project as a creative collaborator along with entrepreneur Maneesh Goyal, according to Vogue.  Chopra Jonas and Goyal also launched a homeware brand, Sona Home, inspired by Indian decor and style.

Perfect Moment

Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas are also invested in luxury sports and skiwear brand, Perfect Moment, according to FastCompany. The celebrity couple also featured in the brand's advertising campaigns.


Chopra Jonas is also an investor in the beverage company Olipop, which makes sodas that have prebiotics and plant-based fibers. In 2022, the celebrity-backed brand closed a $30 million series B funding round.

Rob’s Backstage Popcorn

Chopra Jonas also recently launched her own flavor of popcorn, Mumbai Nights, with Rob’s Backstage Popcorn, co-founded by the Jonas Brothers. The popcorn brand recently raised $7 million in a series A funding round, according to Forbes. The brand is available in major retailers such as Walmart, Safeway, and Kroger.

Article Sources
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  1. Celebrity Net Worth. "Priyanka Chopra Net Worth."

  2. Architectural Digest. "Inside Priyanka Chopra Jonas's Real Estate Portfolio Across Two Continents."

  3. Hindustan Times. "Priyanka Is Overjoyed After Her Memoir Unfinished Becomes the Best-Selling Book in US."

  4. BusinessWire. "Pantene Introduces Priyanka Chopra As Newest Global Ambassador."

  5. Victoria's Secret. "The VS Collective."

  6. InStyle. "Priyanka Chopra Jonas' New Partnership with Bvlgari Makes Sense in More Ways Than One."
  7. Forbes. "How Bollywood Crossover Star Priyanka Chopra Made $10 Million Last Year."

  8. Variety. "Priyanka Chopra Jonas Says 'Citadel' Is the First Time She's Had Pay Parity With a Male Co-Star."

  9. Cosmetify. "Successful Celebrity Beauty Brands."

  10. Vogue. "A First Look Inside Priyanka Chopra Jonas's New Restaurant."

  11. Sona Home. "Our Story."

  12. Fast Company. "Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas are making their first fashion investment—but the brand may surprise you."
  13. Olipop. "Olipop Announces $30M Series B Funding Round with Investments from Camila Cabello, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Mindy Kaling, Logic, Gwyneth Paltrow, and More."

  14. Rob's Backstage Popcorn. "The Legend of Rob's Backstage Popcorn."

  15. Forbes. "Jonas Brothers' Big Bet On Savory Snack, Rob's Backstage Popcorn, Raises $7 Million From Hollywood A-Listers."

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