33 Facts about the movie Oklahoma! - Facts.net
Jesse Lackey

Written by Jesse Lackey

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.com

Are you a fan of classic musicals? If so, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the fascinating world of the movie “Oklahoma!” Released in 1955, “Oklahoma!” is a beloved musical film that has captivated audiences for generations. Directed by Fred Zinnemann and based on the Broadway musical of the same name, this iconic movie tells the story of cowboys and farmers in the Oklahoma Territory during the early 1900s.

But “Oklahoma!” is more than just a movie; it’s a cultural phenomenon. From its memorable songs and lively dance numbers to its timeless themes of love and redemption, “Oklahoma!” has left an indelible mark on American cinema. So, get ready to saddle up and travel back in time as we uncover 33 fascinating facts about the making of “Oklahoma!

Key Takeaways:

  • “Oklahoma!” is a classic musical turned into a movie, featuring stunning landscapes, iconic songs, and themes of love and community. It’s a timeless film that celebrates the beauty of nature and the power of storytelling through music and dance.
  • The movie “Oklahoma!” was a box office hit and won an Academy Award for its exceptional score. It inspired theater productions worldwide and became the state anthem of Oklahoma, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of musicals.
Table of Contents

Oklahoma! is a Broadway musical turned into a film

Oklahoma! started as a successful Broadway musical created by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. It was later adapted into a film in 1955.

The movie was directed by Fred Zinnemann

Fred Zinnemann, a renowned director, was chosen to bring the story of Oklahoma! to the big screen. His vision and expertise contributed to the film’s success.

The film stars Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones

Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones were cast as the lead roles of Curly McLain and Laurey Williams, respectively. Their chemistry and performances added depth to the characters.

It was shot in the beautiful landscapes of Arizona

The movie was filmed in the scenic locations of Arizona, capturing the breathtaking landscapes and enhancing the visual appeal of Oklahoma!’s story.

Oklahoma! was the first musical shot in the widescreen format

The film utilized the widescreen format, known as CinemaScope, for the first time in the history of musical films, providing a larger and more immersive viewing experience.

The movie features iconic songs like “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'” and “Oklahoma!”

Oklahoma! is well-known for its memorable songs, such as “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'” and the titular song “Oklahoma!” These songs have become classics in the realm of musical theater.

The film received numerous Academy Award nominations

Oklahoma! received several Academy Award nominations, including Best Sound, Best Scoring of a Musical Picture, and Best Cinematography, among others.

It won the Academy Award for Best Original Score

The film’s exceptional score by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II won the Academy Award for Best Original Score, solidifying its artistic merit.

Oklahoma! was a box office success

The movie’s captivating storyline, impressive performances, and delightful songs contributed to its box office success, solidifying its place in cinematic history.

The film sparked a renewed interest in American Westerns

Oklahoma! revitalized the popularity of American Western films, with its setting and themes of frontier life and romance.

The movie explores themes of love, rivalry, and community

Oklahoma! delves into the complexities of love, the tension between rivals, and the importance of community, making it a film that resonates with audiences on multiple levels.

The original Broadway production opened in 1943

Oklahoma! had its first Broadway performance in 1943, quickly gaining popularity and becoming a beloved musical.

The film stays true to the original Broadway production

The movie adaptation of Oklahoma! remains faithful to the spirit and essence of the original Broadway production, delighting fans of the musical.

The screenplay was written by Sonya Levien and William Ludwig

Sonya Levien and William Ludwig collaborated on the screenplay for the movie, ensuring the story was adapted effectively for the silver screen.

Rodgers and Hammerstein oversaw the production of the film

The creators of Oklahoma!, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, were involved in overseeing the production of the film, maintaining the integrity of their work.

The film premiered at the Rivoli Theatre in New York City

Oklahoma! made its grand premiere at the iconic Rivoli Theatre in New York City, attracting significant attention and generating excitement among audiences.

The movie was praised for its technical innovations

Oklahoma! pushed the boundaries of filmmaking techniques, showcasing innovative camera work and stunning visual effects for its time.

It showcases the vibrant culture and spirit of the Midwest

Oklahoma! captures the lively essence of the Midwest, showcasing the traditions, values, and landscapes that define this vibrant region of the United States.

The film highlights the importance of dreams and aspirations

Oklahoma! emphasizes the significance of following one’s dreams and the determination required to achieve them, adding depth to the characters’ journeys.

The movie’s choreography was a major highlight

The choreography in Oklahoma! is a standout feature, expertly blending dance and movement to enhance the storytelling and entertainment value of the film.

Oklahoma! was remade in 1999 as a television movie

The popularity of Oklahoma! led to a television movie remake in 1999, introducing a new generation to the timeless story and catchy songs.

The film tackles social issues like racism and identity

Oklahoma! subtly addresses social issues of its time, exploring themes of racism, identity, and acceptance, making it a thought-provoking film even today.

The movie’s costumes and set designs are visually stunning

The attention to detail in the costumes and set designs of Oklahoma! adds to the visual splendor of the film, immersing viewers in its captivating world.

Oklahoma! has been revived numerous times on stage

The success of the original Broadway production and film adaptation has led to numerous stage revivals of Oklahoma!, testifying to its enduring popularity.

The film remains a classic in the musical genre

Oklahoma! has stood the test of time as a classic musical film, enchanting audiences with its timeless story and unforgettable music.

The movie soundtrack topped the charts

The soundtrack of Oklahoma! was incredibly popular, reaching the top of music charts and becoming a best-selling album.

The movie features dynamic and memorable characters

Oklahoma! introduces audiences to a cast of dynamic and memorable characters, each contributing to the richness of the story and leaving a lasting impression.

The film’s success spurred a trend of adapting musicals into movies

Oklahoma!’s success paved the way for other Broadway musicals to be adapted into films, creating a trend that continues to this day.

The movie celebrates the beauty of nature and the outdoors

Oklahoma! showcases the beauty of nature and the great outdoors, highlighting the vast open spaces and natural wonders of the American Midwest.

The film’s title song became a state anthem

The song “Oklahoma!” became the state anthem of Oklahoma, solidifying the film’s cultural impact and lasting legacy.

Oklahoma! has inspired countless theater productions around the world

The enduring popularity of Oklahoma! has sparked numerous theater productions around the world, solidifying its status as a beloved and influential musical.

The movie’s timeless themes resonate with audiences of all generations

Oklahoma! explores universal themes of love, hope, and overcoming obstacles, making it a film that resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

The film is a testament to the power of storytelling through music and dance

Oklahoma! exemplifies the power of storytelling through the seamless integration of music, dance, and captivating visuals, creating a truly immersive cinematic experience.


Oklahoma! is a cherished musical that has captivated audiences for decades. With its memorable music, engaging storyline, and talented cast, it continues to entertain and inspire. The film has left an indelible mark on cinema, paving the way for future musical adaptations. Whether you’re a fan of classic musicals or simply appreciate great storytelling, Oklahoma! is a must-watch for any movie lover. So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and get ready to be transported to the enchanting world of Oklahoma!.


1. When was Oklahoma! released?

Oklahoma! was released on October 11, 1955.

2. Who directed the movie?

The movie was directed by Fred Zinnemann.

3. What is the runtime of Oklahoma!?

Oklahoma! has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes.

4. Who were the lead actors in the movie?

Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones played the lead roles of Curly McLain and Laurey Williams, respectively.

5. Was Oklahoma! based on a Broadway musical?

Yes, Oklahoma! was based on the 1943 Broadway musical of the same name by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II.

6. Did Oklahoma! win any awards?

Yes, Oklahoma! won two Academy Awards for Best Sound Recording and Best Scoring of a Musical Picture in 1956.

7. What is the iconic song from Oklahoma!?

The iconic song from Oklahoma! is “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'” which has become a beloved classic.

8. Is Oklahoma! still popular today?

Absolutely! Oklahoma! continues to have a dedicated fan base and is frequently revived in theaters and performed in school productions.

9. Are there any memorable dance sequences in Oklahoma!?

Yes, the movie features stunning dance sequences, including the famous dream ballet choreographed by Agnes de Mille.

10. Can I watch Oklahoma! online?

Yes, Oklahoma! is available for streaming on various platforms, including popular streaming services.

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