



  • manpower deficit
  • shortage of manpower


  • What ’ s troubling us is our not having enough manpower
  • In addition , we try to find out the impacts of " global budget payment system " and " diabetic case management " on diabetes education
  • The perceived barriers frequently faced by the respondents when implementing school - based health education and promotion were lack of manpower , lack of related knowledge , limited supporting networks , and financial problem
  • The new recruits are part of the first class of palestinian policewomen who recently completed a european union - sponsored training program , part of a broader eu effort to improve ill - equipped palestinian law enforcement agencies
  • As a result of limited supply of farm land and labour , competition from imports , raised environmental standards and calls for improved farm hygiene and safe produce , the local agriculture industry has to adapt rapidly to sustain its long - term development
  • Limited supply of farm land and labour , competition from imports , environmental controls and calls for improved farm hygiene and safe produce in the wake of food safety scares have all resulted in the agriculture industry having to adapt rapidly to sustain its long - term development
  • To earn a living , both sister chen and i had worked very hard at our worldly jobs , but we were doing only a perfunctory job of exhibiting master s art work during the world lecture tour , using the excuse of short manpower and time . also , thinking that the emphasis should be on the lecture stage , we neglected to consider that people who appreciate works of art would feel an affinity with master through this medium and hence be provided with an opportunity for liberation . master s words jarred us from our slumber
人力不足的英文翻譯,人力不足英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯人力不足,人力不足的英文單字,人力不足的英文人力不足 meaning in English人力不足怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。