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Dick Whetstone

Stallion Thumrock band from British Columbia
In Retrospect...
by Dick Whetstone

After leaving the Electric Prunes in the summer of 1970 I had three choices of as to where I was going to live and work. Thank goodness I chose British Columbia, Canada - a georgous provence in western Canada. Brett Wade had moved back home to Canada after leaving the "Prunes." Months later he called and said he was living in a cabin on Cultus Lake near Chilliwack, BC with the foundation of a band composed of both great singers and song writers. I was immediately intrigued and flew to the western provence of Canada - British Columbia and ended up staying for almost three years. The group was truly a "musician's band."

We recorded our album at the A&M Hollywood studio in 1972 - spending less than a week in Dick (Richard) Whetstone 1973production. The album was produced by Claire Lawrence - (member of Chilliwack). Two coast-to-coast Canadian tours followed the albums release on the Heida Records (distributed by A&M Canada). The first tour culminated with a live performance on CBC in Montreal. One of my favorite theater shows was in Toronto (a favorite city of mine)...what an incredible performance and beautiful venue!

Unfortunately, the abundant amount of material and talent didn't guarantee success. Although the majority of my favorite musical experiences occurred while in this band, an incredible amount of music never made it past the taping process. Fortunately, I still have a tape of eleven songs that were favorites in concerts, but were never placed on an album.

Even though we had enough material to record several more albums, the opportunity would not present

Whetstone in 2007

Whetstone in 2007

itself. I've yet to be in a band that had as much vocal harmony ability. Live shows were dynamic, musically inspired and exciting. Years later I continue to have countless late night, vivid dreams where I was performing with the band. Something deep in my psychic has never been able to let-go of those musicial days of youth and creativity, nor have I found a replacement that musically inspired me to the same degree.

I live in Colorado and keep the creative fires burning with photography and drumming on several of my restored 60's and early 70's drum kits. I keep one such set of black 1968 Ludwigs in Tulsa, for when I perform in Oklahoma with Little Joe McLerran. Additionally, I am a licensed real estate broker and currently involved in several entrepreneurial pursuits.

  • 2007 Little Joe McLerran recorded a live CD titled Live At Last at Nissis in Layafate, CO - R J Whetstone (aka Damprock) was on drums and additonally was credited with designing the CD cover and incert graphics, along with the photography. Little Joe went on to win the 2009 International Blues Challenge in Memphis (more)Little Joe McLerran with R J Whetstone and Robbie Mack 2006

  • Performed at the Oklahoma Blues Festival 2006 in Tulsa with Little Joe and Robbie Mack; additional performances in Colorado

  • The two final Electric Prunes albums (Warner Bro./Reprise Records) that I sang and drummed on in '67 & '68 were re-released in October 2006. Just Good Old Rock & Roll and Release Of An Oath...were re-released almost forty years later on Collectors Choice Music. Brett Wade played base and wrote several songs for 'Good Old Rock & Roll.
  • My photography of musicians at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis 2006 - 09 are being shown on several websites across the country and around the world. Photos from the New Orleans Jazz Festival also can be seen below in this photo gallery preview:
Whetstone Images - Gallery Preview

Memphis TN - Beale St.

Dr John

Dr. John - New Orlesns

Kermit Ruffens

Kermit Ruffens - New Orleans Jazz Fest

Richard Whetstone with camera in Las Vegas 2007
Here I am at Cesars Place
with camera - Las Vegas 2007
Zakary Richard in New Orleans
Little Joe McLerran in Memphis
The Buicks from Baltimore
Low resolution photos shown in 72 dpi


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