
Planning your Trip

Planning your trip to Costa Rica

Trip planning could be overwhelming sometimes; there is a lot of information out there that may not be accurate or reliable. Also, it may be a little difficult to choose among the many different activities, places, experiences and services available for the curious traveler. That is the primary reason why the ICT has created a special list of top ten activities to experience in every region, with a little bit of everything for all kinds of interests.

The first step is to choose your main interest and select the places you’d like to visit. Costa Rica offers a variety of diverse locations, like: beaches and mountains, volcanoes and forests, rivers and hot springs, among many others. Second, choose the type of activities that will enhance the experience in Costa Rica. Finally, read all the information available to create an itinerary that will fulfill the expectations of even the most experienced traveler.


Planning your Trip to Costa Rica



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