When to book a flight? Cheapest month, day and time
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When to book a flight? The best time and tips for booking flights

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{{ fromDate | dateToDayNumber }}

{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

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{{ box.date | dateToYear(defaultFormat) }}

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{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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When to book a flight?

Jetcost has analyzed the average price of air tickets for domestic flights (departure and arrival place in the UK ) of the last 12 months and has identified the month, day and time most convenient to book a flight!

Not only that, we have also analyzed how soon it is worth booking a flight on average and listed a number of useful tips to save even more. Here are the results of the Jetcost search on when to book a flight in the UK in 2022:

  • The best month to book a flight is January;
  • The worst month to book a flight is July;
  • The cheapest day to book a flight is Wednesday ;
  • The least convenient day is Friday;
  • The best time of day to book a flight is at 6:00 a.m.;
  • The worst time of day to book a flight is 10.00 pm;
  • Booking at night is slightly cheaper than daylight hours
  • Booking at least 15 days in advance allows you to save on average on the price;
  • Booking from 5 to 1 day before the flight costs on average more than the average ticket price.

The best month to book a flight


Our analysis shows that January is the best month to book a flight in the United Kingdom. For example, a flight from London to Edinburgh has an average price of £41 in January; on the contrary, July is the worst time to book a flight, with an average price of £74 for the same flight.

Graphic average price of a flight per month


What is the best day to book a flight?


The average price shows that Wednesday is the cheapest day to book a flight: taking the previous flight (LON - EDI) as an example, the average price on Wednesday is £51, while Friday seems to be the worst day, since the same flight costs on average £58.

Graphic average price of a flight per day

The best time of the day to book a flight


According to the searches analyzed, it seems that the most convenient time to book a flight is at 06:00 a.m., when on average the price of flights is lower than at other hours of the day.

Graphic average price of a flight per hour

Is it really worthwhile to book at night?


Our research does not show any particular average savings when booking at night, so we can say that booking a flight at night is not more convenient than the day.


How far in advance should you book a flight?


One of the recommended tips is to book a flight several days in advance of your departure date. Our data also show that on average the prices of flights increase in the days immediately before departure, while booking at least 15 days before allows you to save on average on the price.


When to book a flight during holidays or promotional events


Jetcost constantly monitors airline ticket prices to provide its users with advice and the best prices during holidays or promotional periods:



Tips and tricks for saving on flight prices

Finding the best time to book a flight is essential but there are also many other ways to save on the price of the ticket. Here are the tips and tricks to book a flight at the best price:
  • Check the price of an airline ticket several times. Monitoring the price of the flight you are interested in allows you to understand if the price goes up or down at certain times of the week or day;
  • Change airport of departure or arrival. Choosing a different airport can significantly reduce the price of your air ticket;
  • Leave or arrive during the week. At weekends ticket prices rise, to save money it is better to book flights for one day at the beginning/middle of the week, both for departure and for arrival;
  • Book well in advance. Some months of the year have higher prices because of the seasonality, booking well in advance for these periods can save a lot of money;
  • Check the last minute offers. Usually booking at the last minute is not advantageous but last-minute flights are often offered at discounted prices: if you love risk, booking a last minute flight can save a lot of money.

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