Learn About Tea Leaf Reading at the Buckland Museum

Sun 6/4 @ 3PM

The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft, Magick and Occult in Cleveland’s Old Brooklyn neighborhood is one of the area’s more interesting small museums. And it’s going to add to its unusual assortment of exhibits when Hamilton, Ontario’s Museum of Tasseomancy relocates its collection in the Buckland’s back gallery for the summer.

What’s “tasseomancy,” you ask? It’s what’s more familiarly known as tea-leaf reading, a form of fortunetelling by interpreting the patterns left by tea leaves in a cup. The collection, which covers 120 year, includes sets of teacups, books and pamphlets, advertisements, postcards, novelties and textiles.

And the collection’s owner and curator Amy Lou Taylor will be teaching classes based on the collection. They’ll start with “Tasseomancy: The Art of Telling Futures and Fortunes Using Tea Leaves” on Sunday June 4, when Taylor will share an in-depth look at the history, tools and varieties of tea-leaf reading and lead a tour of the collection. The interactive presentation is suitable for all ages. Get tickets here.


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