pushing up the daisies

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Related to pushing up the daisies: without a hitch, perish the thought

push up (the) daisies

slang To be deceased. The phrase alludes to one having been buried, with daisies growing over one's burial plot. You'll be pushing up daisies when Mom finds out that you dented her brand-new car. I'll be pushing up the daisies long before the price of property goes down in our city.
See also: daisy, push, up

pushing up (the) daisies

slang Deceased. The phrase alludes to one having been buried, with daisies growing over one's burial plot. You'll be pushing up daisies when Mom finds out that you dented her brand-new car. I'll be pushing up the daisies long before the price of property goes down in our city.
See also: daisy, pushing, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

pushing up the daisies

dead and buried. informal
This phrase, a humorous early 20th-century euphemism, is now the most frequently used of several daisy-related expressions for being in the grave. Other idioms include under the daisies and turn your toes up to the daisies , both dating from the mid 19th century.
See also: daisy, pushing, up
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