The 50+ Best Submarine Movies

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Updated June 2, 2024 312.6K views 52 items
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Dive deep into the captivating world of underwater thrillers and adventures with this refined selection of the best submarine movies of all time. Just like subaquatic travels, submarine movies offer thrilling, captivating, and nail-biting experiences. Whether it's the foreboding presence of massive U-boats in classic WWII films or ultra-modern underwater vehicles in contemporary thrillers, the submarine serves as a unique and exhilarating setting for some of cinema's most memorable tales.

Journey along with some of the most riveted film audiences and expertly explore narratives of survival, courage, camaraderie, and international conflicts. These films deftly paint the claustrophobic yet fascinating life on submarines, unfurling stories that have been applauded by critics, cherished by audiences, and withstood the test of time as true classics.

This submarine movie list caters to different appetites and moods. Fancy a gimlet-eyed look at the realities of war? Das Boot and The Hunt for Red October offer powerful portrayals of submariners in action. In a more light-hearted mood? Destination Tokyo and Down Periscope masterfully blend humor with underwater action. And for those seeking a cinematic journey filled with espionage, politics, high technology, and even the menacing figure of a U-boat looming from the deep, offerings like U-571 and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen offer a hearty cinematic banquet.

Moreover, these delights of cinematic brilliance are just a click away. With streaming buttons right under each selection, you can access these movie treasures on leading platforms including Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Paramount+, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime. The varied platforms ensure everyone, regardless of their streaming service choice, can discover or revisit these deep-sea tales.

Last but not least, your opinion matters. Moviemaking is a craft improved with each generation's praise and critique. We know every seafaring filmgoer will have their own personal favorite. So dive in, explore this list, reminisce about those submarine scenes that had you on the edge of your seat, and cast your vote upward for the movies that resonate with you the most. Enjoy this descent into the best undersea cinematic voyage that these submarine films offer.

Most divisive: Below
Over 7.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 50+ Best Submarine Movies
  • Das Boot
    Wolfgang Petersen
    3,774 votes

    A visceral and tense portrayal of life inside a German U-boat during World War II, this gripping film showcases the claustrophobic nature of submarine warfare. The realistic depiction of sailors' lives and the complex interpersonal relationships that develop within tight quarters make it an unparalleled classic. With its combination of intense action sequences and existential angst, it holds viewers captive from start to finish.

  • The Hunt for Red October
    3,552 votes

    With a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse between two nuclear submarines, this Cold War thriller boasts a star-studded cast and an engaging storyline. The masterful tension-building, coupled with top-notch special effects, keeps audiences on the edge of their seats throughout. As an adaptation of Tom Clancy's best-selling novel, it manages to capture both the intrigue and suspense that made the book so popular.

  • Run Silent, Run Deep
    1,968 votes

    By delving into the psychology behind submarine warfare tactics, this film offers a unique perspective on leadership under pressure. Exploring the rivalry between two officers aboard a US Navy sub during WWII, it combines gripping drama with thrilling underwater combat scenes. Its stellar performances by Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster elevate it above mere war movie status.

  • The Enemy Below
    Dick Powell
    1,654 votes

    Focusing on a deadly duel between American and German submarines at sea during WWII, this outstanding film explores themes of honor, courage, and tactical brilliance on both sides. With nail-biting battle sequences and rich character development, it immerses viewers in the intensity of underwater warfare like few movies can. By humanizing adversaries while highlighting their mutual respect for one another's skills, it transcends typical war narratives.

  • K-19 the Widow Maker
    Kathryn Bigelow
    1,794 votes

    Based on a true story, this chilling drama chronicles a Soviet nuclear submarine crew's desperate struggle to prevent disaster when their vessel suffers a catastrophic malfunction. With Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson commanding the screen as two strong-willed officers, the film showcases human bravery in the face of harrowing circumstances. Besides providing heart-pounding suspense, it offers a rare glimpse behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War era.

  • Crimson Tide
    Tony Scott
    2,649 votes

    This nerve-wracking exploration of divided loyalties aboard a US nuclear submarine delivers pulse-pounding suspense from start to finish. Driven by powerhouse performances from Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman as dueling officers with differing interpretations of an ambiguous order, the film's taut script delves into ethical dilemmas. Its claustrophobic setting ratchets up the tension to near-unbearable levels.

  • Destination Tokyo
    Delmer Daves
    980 votes

    Following an American submarine crew on a daring top-secret mission against Japan during WWII, this classic war film excels at building camaraderie among its characters. Cary Grant delivers a standout performance as the sub's unflappable captain who must guide his men through treacherous waters teeming with enemy ships. Exemplifying courage under fire and self-sacrifice for a greater cause, it remains one of cinema's most memorable depictions of submariners in action.

  • Down Periscope
    David S. Ward
    1,733 votes

    This lighthearted comedy proves that not every submarine film has to be deadly serious. With Kelsey Grammer as an unconventional Navy commander given an aging sub and motley crew on a seemingly impossible mission, it mines humor from the absurdity of military life beneath the waves. Offering genuine laughs alongside its aquatic adventures, it's a welcome change of pace within the genre.

  • U-571
    Jonathan Mostow
    2,279 votes

    Steeped in historical significance, this gripping war movie centers on a group of American submariners who must seize an Enigma code machine from a disabled German U-boat during WWII. Brimming with tense underwater confrontations and nail-biting espionage, it spotlights the bravery and daring of those charged with such dangerous missions. Though not entirely accurate in its portrayal of events, it remains an engaging watch due to its high-stakes storytelling.

  • Hunter Killer
    Donovan Marsh
    675 votes

    A modern-day tale of underwater warfare with geopolitical intrigue thrown in for good measure, this movie pits an untested American sub captain against threats from all directions as he attempts to rescue a kidnapped Russian president from a rogue general. Combining fearsome battle scenes with tense negotiations between nations on the brink of war, it showcases the stakes involved in submarine combat. Its potent mix of action and diplomacy ensures a riveting experience for all viewers.

  • Torpedo Run
    Joseph Pevney
    746 votes

    Compelling performances by Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine anchor this 1950s tale of naval strategy and personal sacrifice during WWII. As an American sub captain tasked with sinking a Japanese aircraft carrier while evading enemy destroyers, Ford expertly conveys the weighty decisions faced by those in command during wartime. This gripping drama skillfully combines thrilling action sequences with explorations of moral dilemmas under fire.

  • Greyhound
    Aaron Schneider
    331 votes

    Starring Tom Hanks as an inexperienced commander leading an Allied convoy through hostile U-boat-infested waters during WWII, this recent release has quickly earned its place among great submarine movies. Its relentless pacing and thrilling naval combat sequences convey both the adrenaline rush and mortal danger experienced by those at sea during wartime. Based on C.S. Forester's novel The Good Shepherd, it deftly balances high-stakes action with introspective character study.

  • Operation Pacific
    George Waggner
    689 votes

    Starring John Wayne as a tough-as-nails submarine commander battling both malfunctioning torpedoes and his own demons during WWII, this classic captures the essence of determination under pressure. Filled with exciting battle scenes against formidable Japanese opponents, it also delves into themes such as love and loyalty among comrades-in-arms. Its engaging blend of romance, adventure, and heroism make it an enduring favorite among fans of military cinema.

  • Ice Station Zebra
    John Sturges
    1,058 votes

    Adapted from Alistair MacLean's novel, this Cold War thriller sees a US submarine crew race against time to rescue trapped scientists at a remote Arctic research station while contending with Soviet forces hot on their heels. Featuring breathtaking underwater visuals and a suspenseful plot that keeps viewers guessing until the end, it offers both eye-popping spectacle and heart-stopping intrigue. With an ensemble cast led by Rock Hudson and Ernest Borgnine, it remains an iconic entry in the genre.

  • Operation Petticoat
    Blake Edwards
    1,145 votes

    This comedic gem pairs Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in an amusing tale of a WWII submarine crew saddled with five stranded female passengers while attempting to repair their damaged vessel. Offering plenty of laughs alongside its naval adventures, it revels in the ensuing chaos as male and female sailors clash amidst cramped quarters. By poking fun at military protocol and cultural norms of the era, it provides lighthearted entertainment amid more serious wartime films.

  • Up Periscope
    Gordon Douglas
    813 votes

    A young James Garner stars as a Navy frogman tasked with infiltrating enemy territory during WWII in this tense mix of action and espionage. Balancing gripping underwater combat sequences with moments of human vulnerability, it explores the risks faced by those who took on such dangerous missions for their country. As a showcase for Garner's early acting chops, it also serves as a testament to his enduring charisma.

  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
    996 votes

    This timeless adaptation of Jules Verne's classic novel submerges viewers into a world of undersea marvels and perilous adventure aboard the Nautilus, captained by the enigmatic Captain Nemo. A groundbreaking blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and maritime adventure, its visual effects and innovative set design still impress today. With its iconic giant squid battle and thought-provoking themes about humanity's relationship with nature, it remains a seminal work in both literature and cinema history.

  • Gray Lady Down
    David Greene
    520 votes

    Featuring Charlton Heston as an imperiled submarine captain trapped beneath the ocean floor after his vessel collides with another ship, this tense drama chronicles the race against time to save him and his crew before their air supply runs out. Showcasing cutting-edge rescue technology of the era alongside gripping human drama, it serves as a testament to courage and ingenuity under pressure. Its ensemble cast of recognizable faces further elevates the film above typical disaster fare.

  • Kursk (aka The Command)

    Kursk (aka The Command)

    Thomas Vinterberg
    191 votes

    Based on the real-life tragedy that befell the Russian nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk in 2000, this harrowing drama puts audiences inside the doomed vessel alongside its desperate crewmembers struggling for survival after an explosion cripples their sub. Unflinching in its depiction of agony and bravery under extreme circumstances, it serves as both a tribute to those who perished and a cautionary tale about bureaucratic indifference to human lives at stake. Bolstered by powerful performances from Matthias Schoenaerts and Colin Firth, it's a must-see for anyone interested in modern naval history.

  • The Bedford Incident
    James B. Harris
    356 votes

    Starring Richard Widmark as a fanatical US destroyer captain determined to hunt down a Soviet submarine lurking near Greenland during the Cold War, this chilling drama explores themes of obsession, paranoia, and brinkmanship on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Bolstered by strong performances from Sidney Poitier and Martin Balsam as journalists along for the ride, it delves into political tensions that could escalate into global catastrophe with one wrong move. Its nail-biting climax ensures that audiences remain riveted until the final moments.

  • The Abyss
    James Cameron
    1,103 votes

    Diving into science fiction territory, this visually stunning James Cameron film follows a civilian diving team tasked with investigating an otherworldly force deep within uncharted ocean depths. Blending breathtaking special effects with gripping human drama, it showcases the awe-inspiring beauty and crushing danger inherent in deep-sea exploration. By tackling themes such as environmentalism, love, and redemption alongside its thrilling underwater adventure, it remains a unique entry in the submarine movie canon.

  • We Dive at Dawn
    Anthony Asquith
    318 votes

    A classic British war film chronicling a daring submarine mission in enemy territory during WWII, it excels at building camaraderie among its characters while highlighting their heroic feats under fire. The relentless pacing and edge-of-your-seat combat sequences keep viewers engaged from beginning to end. With a strong emphasis on teamwork and perseverance in the face of adversity, it remains an essential entry in the genre.

  • Black Sea
    Kevin Macdonald
    331 votes

    This tense thriller centers on a group of misfit submariners lured by the promise of treasure aboard a sunken Nazi U-boat at the bottom of the titular sea. Clashing personalities and mounting paranoia soon escalate into life-or-death struggles within their cramped vessel, ratcheting up suspense to near-unbearable levels. With Jude Law's steely performance anchoring an ensemble cast, it delivers a thrilling combination of action, greed, and betrayal beneath the waves.

  • Crash Dive
    Archie Mayo
    99 votes

    Starring Tyrone Power as a dashing American submariner battling both Axis forces and romantic rivals during WWII, this blend of action, drama, and romance provides plenty of entertainment for all audiences. Its gripping underwater battles showcase the danger and excitement of naval warfare, while its exploration of love amidst wartime adds emotional depth to the proceedings. As an early example of Hollywood's fascination with submarine films, it remains a captivating watch.

  • Submarine Command
    95 votes

    Focused on the psychological toll faced by those who served aboard submarines during times of war, this compelling drama delves into themes such as survivor's guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder. By exploring the impact that intense combat experiences have on individuals long after they've returned home, it offers unique insight into military life beyond typical action fare. The standout performances from William Holden and Nancy Olson bring emotional heft to this thought-provoking film.

  • Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

    A beloved sci-fi adventure from Irwin Allen, this film follows the crew of futuristic submarine Seaview as they embark on a mission to save Earth from a deadly radiation belt encircling the planet. Combining fantastical undersea creatures with thrilling action sequences and cutting-edge technology for its time, it captures imaginations with its optimistic vision of mankind's potential to overcome even the most dire challenges. Its enduring appeal has spawned numerous sequels and spinoffs in various media formats.

  • On the Beach
    Stanley Kramer
    566 votes

    This haunting apocalyptic drama envisions a world devastated by nuclear war, where survivors aboard a US submarine must grapple with the knowledge that humanity's days are numbered. Tackling themes such as love, loss, and morality in the face of extinction, it offers viewers an emotionally intense experience. With its stellar cast led by Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner, it remains a powerful reminder of the consequences of unchecked aggression and the value of human connection.

  • Murphy's War
    Peter Yates
    96 votes

    In this offbeat war movie, Peter O'Toole stars as a vengeful Irish merchant mariner hell-bent on destroying a German U-boat that sank his ship during WWII. Set against the backdrop of an isolated South American river delta, it presents an unconventional take on submarine warfare through one man's obsessive quest for revenge. Combining tense naval skirmishes with dark humor and character study, it stands out as a distinctive entry in the genre.

  • Hell and High Water
    Samuel Fuller
    394 votes

    Richard Widmark stars as a daring Cold War-era submarine captain tasked with stopping a rogue Communist plot that could trigger World War III in this high-stakes adventure thriller. With pulse-pounding underwater battles against enemy forces and gripping espionage elements at play, it keeps viewers enthralled throughout. By exploring geopolitical intrigue during one of history's most tense periods, it adds depth and complexity to its action-packed narrative.

  • Above Us the Waves
    Ralph Thomas
    211 votes

    Based on a true story from WWII, this gripping British film follows a team of Royal Navy submariners tasked with infiltrating enemy territory to destroy a heavily-guarded German battleship. Combining real-life heroism with intense underwater action and espionage, it offers viewers an engaging look at the daring tactics employed by Allied forces during the war. With compelling performances from John Mills and John Gregson, it captures both the excitement and danger of life beneath the waves.

  • The Hunley
    John Gray
    455 votes

    This made-for-TV historical drama chronicles the true story of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley and its brave crew as they attempt an unprecedented attack on Union ships during the Civil War. Featuring strong performances from Armand Assante and Donald Sutherland, it shines a light on a lesser-known aspect of American naval history while showcasing both human courage and technological innovation in times of conflict. Poignant character moments add emotional heft to the thrilling battle sequences.

  • Hellcats of the Navy
    75 votes

    The only film that pairs real-life husband-and-wife duo Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis (later Reagan) sees them as a WWII submarine commander and his devoted wife in this wartime drama. Focused on both naval combat sequences and emotional turmoil faced by military families during times of conflict, it provides an engaging mix of action and romance for audiences. Its historical significance as a showcase for future President Reagan's acting skills makes it all the more intriguing.

  • In this zany Cold War comedy, a Soviet submarine accidentally runs aground near an idyllic New England town, sparking off panic and chaos among its residents as they prepare for an imagined invasion. Blending slapstick humor with biting satire on US-Soviet relations during that tense era, it presents a unique take on submarine films while offering plenty of laughs along the way. Its ensemble cast led by Alan Arkin and Carl Reiner further elevates it above mere farce.

  • Gung Ho
    Ray Enright
    60 votes

    A rousing WWII adventure tale centered around a group of American Marines who must train to become submariners for a daring top-secret mission against Japan, this film highlights themes such as teamwork, patriotism, and self-sacrifice in times of war. Fast-paced action sequences combine with strong character development to provide viewers with an exciting yet emotionally grounded experience. Notable for its early appearance of a young Robert Mitchum, it remains an engaging entry in the genre.

  • In Enemy Hands
    Tony Giglio
    161 votes

    This tense modern thriller centers on an American submarine crew who must form an uneasy alliance with their German captors to survive when both vessels are stranded at the bottom of the ocean during WWII. Combining claustrophobic suspense with morally complex character dynamics, it showcases the lengths that people will go to in order to survive and protect their comrades. Its focus on shared humanity amidst war's horrors sets it apart from typical action fare.

  • Crash Dive

    Crash Dive

    Andrew Stevens
    59 votes

    An updated take on submarine warfare for the post-Cold War era, this film follows a US Navy SEAL team tasked with stopping a rogue Russian captain from launching a nuclear strike against America. With heart-pounding underwater battles and gripping diplomatic intrigue, it delivers high-stakes excitement while exploring themes such as loyalty and courage under pressure. Michael Dudikoff's charismatic lead performance adds further appeal for fans of military-themed action movies.

  • Underwater


    William Eubank
    60 votes

    Bridging genres between disaster film and creature feature, this pulse-pounding thriller takes place onboard a deep-sea research facility that experiences catastrophic failure after inadvertently awakening ancient sea monsters from their slumber. Led by Kristen Stewart's determined performance as a survivor trying to outlast both natural disasters and monstrous predators lurking outside her vessel, it provides viewers with an adrenaline-fueled cinematic experience. Its claustrophobic setting and high-stakes action set it apart from more traditional submarine films.

  • The World Is Not Enough
    48 votes

    This James Bond entry sees the iconic superspy infiltrate a Russian nuclear submarine to prevent a deadly terrorist plot in true 007 fashion, merging gripping underwater action with globetrotting espionage intrigue. Pierce Brosnan's suave performance as Bond adds a touch of class to the thrilling adventure, keeping viewers engaged throughout. As a showcase for both the franchise's enduring appeal and its penchant for showcasing cutting-edge technology, it remains an entertaining addition to the genre.

  • Below
    David Twohy
    400 votes

    A unique fusion of horror and wartime thriller, this film takes place aboard an American submarine haunted by supernatural forces during WWII. Combining atmospheric tension with nail-biting battle sequences against enemy ships, it keeps audiences on edge while exploring themes such as guilt, fear, and redemption amidst conflict. With strong performances from its ensemble cast led by Bruce Greenwood and Olivia Williams, it offers a chilling blend of scares beneath the waves that fans of both genres can appreciate.

  • The Atomic Submarine
    Spencer Gordon Bennet
    39 votes

    A blend of science fiction and Cold War-era paranoia, this low-budget B-movie sees a futuristic nuclear-powered submarine battling both enemy forces and extraterrestrial invaders beneath the Arctic ice cap. Though not as polished or sophisticated as many other entries in the genre, its campy charm and imaginative premise make it an entertaining watch for fans of classic sci-fi cinema. Its fusion of fantastical elements with real-world geopolitical tensions lends it unique appeal within the submarine movie canon.

  • Mayday
    Karen Cinorre
    9 votes

    Focusing on the aftermath of a terrorist attack aboard an American aircraft carrier with only one surviving submariner left onboard, this suspenseful thriller explores themes of survival and determination in the face of overwhelming odds. The protagonist's struggle to stay alive amidst both hostile enemies and his own psychological demons keep viewers invested throughout the film. Though not as well-known as some others in its category, it remains an engaging watch for fans of naval-based movies.

  • The Spy Who Loved Me
    583 votes

    Another James Bond classic, this film sees 007 team up with a Soviet agent to prevent an ambitious villain from triggering World War III using hijacked submarines armed with nuclear warheads. Filled with thrilling underwater action sequences and iconic gadgets such as the Lotus Esprit submarine car, it embodies both the glamour and danger synonymous with the long-running franchise. Roger Moore's charismatic portrayal of Bond further solidifies its place among beloved submarine films.

  • Hostile Waters
    David Drury
    322 votes

    Inspired by true events during the Cold War era, this gripping drama follows US and Soviet naval forces scrambling to contain the fallout from a near-catastrophic collision between their submarines in dangerous waters. Featuring stellar performances from Rutger Hauer, Martin Sheen, and Max von Sydow, it captures the high-stakes brinkmanship that characterized international relations during that volatile period. Its focus on diplomacy alongside intense naval action sets it apart from more traditional war movies.

  • Phantom
    Todd Robinson
    397 votes

    This atmospheric thriller stars Ed Harris as a disillusioned Soviet sub captain plagued by mysterious visions during his final mission before retirement. Combining supernatural elements with high-stakes underwater combat scenes, it explores themes such as guilt, obsession, and determination amidst adversity beneath the waves. Its unique blend of psychological tension and wartime suspense make it a captivating watch for fans of both genres.

  • Phantom: The Submarine

    Phantom: The Submarine

    Min Byung-chun
    31 votes

    This South Korean military thriller centers around a rogue submarine captain who takes control of a top-secret vessel armed with nuclear weapons during times of political upheaval on the Korean peninsula. Featuring heart-pounding underwater action and tense geopolitical intrigue, it delivers high stakes excitement while also delving into themes of loyalty, patriotism, and moral ambiguity. As a standout entry from Korean cinema in the submarine genre, it offers a fresh perspective on underwater warfare for viewers to enjoy.

  • Civilization
    Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince, Raymond B. West
    24 votes

    Though not primarily focused on submarines themselves, this silent-era classic tells the poignant story of an inventor who creates a powerful weapon capable of destroying entire fleets of enemy ships while grappling with its potential consequences for mankind at large. Featuring groundbreaking special effects for its time and thought-provoking themes about humanity's capacity for self-destruction through technological advancement, it remains a relevant and powerful work in cinema history.

  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
    644 votes

    This action-packed comic book adaptation sees a group of legendary literary characters including Captain Nemo, Allan Quatermain, and Dorian Gray join forces to save the world from catastrophe aboard Nemo's advanced submarine, the Nautilus. Though not exclusively focused on submarine warfare, its thrilling underwater sequences and fantastical steampunk-inspired visuals provide an enjoyable experience for viewers who appreciate both genres. With an ensemble cast led by Sean Connery, it offers an escapist blend of adventure and spectacle beneath the waves.

  • The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    This quirky comedy-drama from acclaimed director Wes Anderson follows the eccentric oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) as he embarks on a revenge mission against the mythical shark that killed his partner while navigating personal crises aboard his colorful submarine. Blending whimsical humor with poignant character moments and stunning visuals, it presents a unique take on aquatic adventures that sets it apart from traditional war films. Its idiosyncratic charm and all-star cast make it a must-see for fans of Anderson's distinctive style.

  • The Forbidden Room
    Guy Maddin & Evan Johnson
    24 votes

    Though primarily an experimental art film rather than a straightforward submarine narrative, this visually arresting work takes place within the confines of a doomed vessel sinking beneath the ocean's surface as its crew struggles to escape their fate. Filled with surreal dream-like imagery and non-linear storytelling techniques, it offers viewers an unconventional exploration of subconscious fears and desires related to life beneath the waves. Its bold artistic vision ensures that it stands out among more conventional entries in the genre.

  • Last Operations Under the Orion

    Last Operations Under the Orion

    Tetsuo Shinohara
    20 votes

    Based on true events during WWII, this Japanese war film chronicles a daring mission undertaken by Imperial Navy submariners to rescue stranded soldiers from behind enemy lines in dangerous waters near the Philippines. Featuring intense underwater action scenes alongside moments of camaraderie and courage among its characters, it offers an engaging glimpse at the human side of warfare beneath the waves. Its focus on the bravery and sacrifice of those who served their country in times of conflict make it a fitting tribute to their heroism.

  • Ghazi Shaheed

    Ghazi Shaheed

    Kazim Pasha
    22 votes
  • Men Without Women
    30 votes