2018 Bluetooth and Carplay issues - normal? | GM Volt Forum
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2018 Bluetooth and Carplay issues - normal?

396 views 1 reply 2 participants last post by  ChazVolt3000 
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I bought my '18 Premier in August (2023). I previously had a '17 GMC Canyon with nearly the same audio system. Every once in a while, when I plug my iPhone in and/or connect via Bluetooth, it just won't play audio. If it's carplay, the screen just goes black and the phone seems to renegotiate charging, etc., but when it comes back, it still doesn't play (just repeats the black screen and "reboot" of Carplay). On bluetooth, it appears to work, but no audio is ever actually played. Sometimes the information is on the screen, sometimes not. Sometimes the volume knob even stops responding. The bluetooth and Carplay issues are related. If bluetooth doesn't work, Carplay doesn't work and vice-versa. Turning the car off (and opening the door to turn the screen off) and restarting the car usually fixes it. I've tried different cables for Carplay and it doesn't seem to affect anything (and again when Carplay doesn't work, bluetooth doesn't either, so I don't think it's cable related).

With my Canyon, this happened rarely (once a month maybe), but with the Volt, it happens a lot, and seems to be getting worse lately. Yesterday it happened 3 times for example.

My phone is an iPhone 13 Pro for reference.

Does anyone else see this or similar behavior regularly? Is there a software update on the Volt's audio/infotainment system I should check for? Is it likely the Volt or my phone? Any other ideas or insights? Thanks in advance.
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