house of gucci | Highbrow Magazine

house of gucci

Adam Driver: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Ben Friedman

Driver’s success is predicated on his ability and willingness to portray emotionally vulnerable men. His career choices indicate his enjoyment of exploring the psychosis of flawed individuals. Take, for example, his Oscar-nominated performances in BlackkKlansman and Marriage Story. Spike Lee’s BlackkKlansman showcased Driver’s deadpan comedic timing, as well as his ability to subtly bring to life the character’s internal conflicts about racism. His character’s body language shifts from that of indifference to that of frustration as he witnesses racism and injustice.

‘Belfast,’ ‘West Side Story’ Are Lead Contenders in Critics Choice Award Nominations

Forrest Hartman

Belfast, which tells the story of an Irish family living amidst the turmoil of the Troubles, received nominations for Best Picture, Best Acting Ensemble and Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for Branagh. The film also received numerous individual acting and technical awards. Likewise, West Side Story was nominated for Best Picture, Best Acting Ensemble, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Director.

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