Blue Willow: A Novel by Deborah Smith | Goodreads
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Blue Willow: A Novel

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A powerful novel of a man and a woman from different worlds whose passion binds them together even as it tears them apart—from the bestselling author of When Venus Fell and A Place to Call Home  
There had always been MacKenzies and Colebrooks at Blue Willow, their histories entangled like the graceful branches of the rare willow trees that thrived there. Artemas Colebrook and Lily MacKenzie shared more than that history, their souls bound to each other and to the land the day the boy held tiny Lily minutes after her birth. But the tragedy that has brought Lily back to the small farm where she spent her childhood has also made Artemas’s brothers and sisters her bitter enemies. Torn between family loyalties and their shared sense of destiny, Artemas and Lily must come to terms with a childhood devotion that has turned to bittersweet desire, a passion that could destroy all they have struggled for—even Blue Willow itself.
Praise for Blue Willow
“Smith knows how to generate genuine emotion.” — Publishers Weekly
“Smith [is] a remarkably talented prolific storyteller who creates unforgettable characters.” — Booklist
“A moving journey into the heart and soul of enduring love.” —Julie Garwood

544 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1993

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About the author

Deborah Smith

81 books399 followers
aka Jackie Leigh
aka Della Stone
aka Leigh Bridger

Bestselling Author
Co-founder, co-publisher
Vice-president, Editor in Chief
BelleBooks, Memphis, TN

Deborah Smith is the New York Times bestselling author of A Place to Call Home, and the No. 1 Kindle Bestseller The Crossroads Cafe, A Gentle Rain and other acclaimed romantic novels portraying life and love in the modern Appalachian South. A native Georgian, Deborah is a former newspaper editor who turned to novel-writing with great success.

With more than 35 romance, women's fiction and fantasy novels to her credit, Deborah's books have sold over 3 million copies worldwide. Among her honors is a Lifetime Achievement Award from Romantic Times Magazine and a nomination for the prestigious Townsend Literary Award. In 2003 Disney optioned Sweet Hush for film. In 2008 A Gentle Rain was a finalist in Romance Writers of America's RITA awards.

For the past fifteen years Deborah has partnered with Debra Dixon to run BelleBooks, a small press originally known for southern fiction, including the Mossy Creek Hometown Series and the Sweet Tea story collections. As editor, she has worked on projects as diverse as the nonfiction Bra Talk book by three-time Oprah Winfrey guest Susan Nethero, and the In My Dreams novella by New York Times bestselling author Sarah Addison Allen.

In 2008 BelleBooks launched Bell Bridge Books, an imprint with a focus on fantasy novels and now expanded to include multi-genre fiction--mystery, suspense, thrillers, women's fiction, nonfiction and other. In 2013 BelleBooks acquired the late Linda Kichline's paranormal romance press, ImaJinn Books, and hired legendary editor Brenda Chin, formerly of Harlequin Books, as editorial director. Chin will expand the imprint to cover a diverse mix of all romance types.

Deborah's newest books are the Crossroads Cafe novellas: THE BISCUIT WITCH, THE PICKLE QUEEN, THE YARN SPINNER, and THE KITCHEN CHARMER (2014). She released a mini-short story, SAVING JONQUILS, in March 2014. A sexy romantic novella, A HARD MAN TO FIND, is scheduled for later in the month.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
Profile Image for Lost In My Own World Of Books.
602 reviews283 followers
September 22, 2020
Um romance que me fez despertar vários sentimentos, que me fez sofrer (de uma forma positiva).

Este livro está escrito de uma forma tão extraordinária que o leitor sente tudo o que se passa à flor da pele. São tantos sentimentos misturados à medida que a leitura avança.

Neste livro conhecemos Lily e Artemas cujas vidas encontram-se interligadas. Almas gêmeas que não tiveram a sua sorte um com o outro. Mas e quando o passado se fundir com o presente, o que será que irá acontecer? Irão ficar juntos apesar de tudo ou será que os seus destinos não estão interligados?

Lily e Artemas fazem parte de duas gerações diferentes, gerações com um passado em comum, com muitas histórias juntas mas distintas entre si e, até certo ponto, complicadas. Será que conseguirão deixar o passado para trás e começar o presente juntos?

Neste livro ocorrem diversos acontecimentos, uns em cima dos outros, na vida destas personagens. Acontecimentos desastrosos, acontecimentos tristes. Mas é a partir deste acontecimentos que se voltam a juntar. Será que irá resultar desta vez?

Um livro maravilhoso que nos mostra uma triste realidade de luta, do luto e sobretudo do amor e da sua força.
Profile Image for Maria João (A Biblioteca da João).
1,240 reviews193 followers
July 27, 2020
8,5 de 10*

Deborah Smith é, à semelhança de outras autoras (por exemplo, Sveva Casati Modignani), porto seguro para quem procura um romance agradável e descomplicado. Este seu novo livro, “O Teu Nome é uma Promessa” (a propósito, gostei muito do título e do que representa na história), não foi excepção e conseguiu conquistar-me. Com personagens fortes, dividido entre presente e passado, mal-entendidos que acabam por influenciar toda uma vida destas personagens, na minha opinião tem todos os ingredientes requeridos a um romance.

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Profile Image for Lyuda.
538 reviews167 followers
August 28, 2015
Closer to 2.5 stars
If I had to describe this book using all the qualitative words that came to mind, it would be this: fascinatingly absorbing, compulsively readable, melodramatic, soap opera-ish, angsty, contemporary but didn’t feel like it, strangely claustrophobic despite many characters in it, competently written.
The story spans thirty years and features two main protagonists Artemas Colebrook and Lily MacKenzie and numerous members of their respective families. The powerful and one-time wealthy Colebrook’s and farmers MacKenzie’s lived side by side for more than 150 years. There is a strong historical bond between the families despite their different social positions but the bond tested many times throughout the historical events and circumstances. We meet the current generation of the families in rather unusual circumstances when 7-year-old Artemas is the only available person to assist Mrs. MacKenzie with Lily’s birth. He is also the one who chose the newborn’s name and promised to be back and to marry Lily Mackenzie someday.
Some readers called it an epic love story but a family saga would be a better description. The love is definitely negated to the backwaters. And how else could it be when the two main characters spend so much time away from each other, when the male protagonist (we told this repeatedly) values his family and business way above any love he has for the heroine? His family opinions, needs and requests always come first. And then to add insult to injury, every time his actions on behalf of his family and/or business result in devastation for the heroine, he always there for her … to offer compensation money.
The author threw everything to propel the story, except the kitchen sink. So, if you think you have family problems, read this book and, I almost certain, the problems would pale in comparison.
Despite all of this or maybe because of it, I diligently consumed the story way passed my bedtime. It was such an addictive read!
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,802 reviews1,381 followers
August 30, 2016
This is my very first book I read of Ms. Smith. It was a free book I received from the Northwest Club when I was traveling full time and had a membership to the club. I picked it up because it was nice and thick and I ran out of reading material. Since I was just starting in my career, I had little money and books were a luxury I couldn't afford too often.

I loved this book. This is one of the first books which demonstrated angst so well. Up until this book, most of my books were happy cheesy romances or sci-fi/romances. This is when I realized I needed emotions of sorrow and anger to love a book. I must have read this book over a dozen times. I also took multiple copies and gave it to friends. I don't know if they ever read it.

In this story, Lily is a woman who's life is just not fair. She loved Artemas and he seemed to love her. The sacrifices they made in order to help their families made me cry. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought this was another Chinese movie I'm watching. At every turn, just when I think Artemas won't inadvertently hurt and damage Lily anymore, he cruelly rips into her. This is because he never chooses her over his family. I can understand this yet I resent it.

Why isn't Lily worth it? She's lost EVERYTHING. Artemas' family are filled with selfish, self righteous snobs. I loathe them. I don't care that one of them has a past that is horrid. It is NO EXCUSE. Being a victim does NOT mean you get a free ride for the rest of your life. I loathe people like this. Lily is never a victim in mentality. She's kind, generous and way too forgiving. Even after all these years, I still am choked up when I think of the things Artemas' family has done to her. Those BASTARDS!

The conclusion helped me resolve my feelings of sorrow but it did not remove my anger. I recommend this book only to romance lovers who want a depth to characters and will be able to handle dose after dose of pain and anguish.
Profile Image for Katie.
231 reviews40 followers
March 16, 2011
I started out loving this book, for those who love The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred Blue Willow is similar. Artemas (yes Artemas was the hero's name) is a young boy visiting his grandmother's estate when Mrs. Mackenzie, the home's pregnant housekeeper goes into labor. No one else including the woman's husband is around so young Artemas helps Mrs. Mackenzie deliver her baby. When the baby is born Artemas is enamored by her and asks the infant's mother if they could name her Lily.

Artemas and Lily begin a long distance pen pal type of relationship after he returns when Lily is 6 to visit the Mackenzie's. Over the years they fall in love through the letters they write both realizing that they are connected to one another in their hearts. But they are frustratingly kept physically apart by misunderstandings, family drama, catastrophic tragedies, the list goes on and on.

I enjoyed the first part of this book tremendously as Lily and Artemas grow and develop as characters. Towards the second half however Deborah Smith floods us with the angst in this one, overly so. Any horrible thing that could possibly happen, happened in this book. Rape, murder, drugs, child molestation, and pretty much any other horrendous thing you can think of happens to these people.

Overall I really did enjoy Blue Willow. Deborah Smith is a great writer and I would read her books again and again. I just felt this was about 100 or so pages too long. All the extra drama actually took the book from a 5 star down to a 4 for me.
Profile Image for Marta Santos.
347 reviews16 followers
July 29, 2020
Uma vez mais a Deborah Smith presenteia-nos com um livro maravilhoso.
Um livro que nos conta a história de duas famílias que desde sempre estiveram ligadas, conta-nos também a história de vida do Artemas e da Lily que se conhecem e que têm o seu destino ligado desde sempre, mas que devido a vários fatores nem sempre puderam estar juntos.
Uma narrativa bastante envolvente, cheia de laços familiares, mas também com intrigas, desilusões, zangas, segredos do passado, tudo isto envolvido numa escrita bastante descritiva e bem construida que nos permite facilmente estar a visualizar tudo o que está a ser descrito como se nós próprios estivessemos a viver todos os momentos junto das personagens.
Para mim a Deborah Smith é uma autora que nunca desilude.
Um livro 5 estrelas.
Profile Image for Andreia Valadares.
72 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2020
⭐ A propriedade do Salgueiro Azul sempre foi ocupada pelos MacKenzies e pelos Colebrooks. Ambas as famílias envoltas em mistérios amorosos durante várias gerações, até que Lily MacKenzie nasce e um Colebrook lhe faz uma promessa..
Toda a trama se realiza em volta dessa promessa... que eu não vou revelar 😂
⭐Foi a primeira vez que li um livro de Deborah Smith e que primeira vez em grande.
⭐Tudo me agradou. Desde a escrita, aos próprios pormenores nada chatos da história.
⭐Fiquei fã da escritora e certamente, irei ler mais livros dela pois teve a capacidade de me transportar para a propriedade do Salgueiro Azul.
⭐Graças à @portoeditora está foi uma leitura mesmo muito agradável 🌺
Profile Image for Tita.
2,080 reviews216 followers
July 15, 2020
Assim que vi que ia ser editado em Portugal mais um livro de Deborah Smith fiquei logo muito curiosa pois tenho feito sempre grandes leituras.
Nesta história conhecemos Artemas Colebrook e Lily MacKenzie, cujas histórias estão interligadas às histórias das próprias famílias. A narrativa inicia-se logo com uma grande tragédia e que vai abalar os elementos das duas famílias. Vamos depois voltar atrás no tempo e conhecer então o passado de Artemas e Lily.
Apesar de vidas diferentes, Lily e Artemas, tiveram vidas difíceis e enfrentaram inúmeros sacrifícios para ajudar os outros, e não eles próprios.
Lily é uma mulher incrível. Bastante determinada em ter algo pelo seu trabalho e não quer "esmolas" de outros, força essa que vem de todas as tragédias por que passou, mas é também muito terra-a-terra.
Artemas cresceu com um forte sentimento de protecção pelos seus irmãos e tudo faz pelo bem-estar deles, escolhendo sempre a lealdade aos seus em detrimento da sua própria felicidade. Mas, mesmo mais distante, Artemas tenta sempre fazer o melhor por Lily e porquê, porque com apenas 7 anos assistiu ao seus nascimento e lhe prometeu que "seriam um do outro". Confesso que nem sempre gostei de toda esta "protecção" pois, algumas vezes achei que, não seria protecção mas sim "intromissão" na vida de Lily. De qualquer modo, até percebo pois ele sente que está, para sempre, ligado a Lily, e tem, sem dúvida, o macho alfa. Mas, verdade seja dita, Lily não lhe fica nada atrás.
Achei as personagens bem construídas, não só Lily e Artemas mas também as personagens secundárias, nomeadamente os irmãos Colebrook.
Sim, é um romance romântico mas com muitas camadas. Uma história de uma amizade que se cimenta ao longo dos anos e que se torna num grande amor. Mas também da forte ligação familiar dos Colebook. Mas temos também muitos segredos e, acima de tudo, perdão.
Uma história recheada de emoções, marcada por tragédias e segredos e que me fez devorar o livro em menos de dois dias.
Profile Image for Sherri Carroll.
Author 1 book9 followers
February 20, 2023
One of my favorite books of all times!! I read this back in the 90’s and just downloaded it to re-read again. Still in love with Lily and Artemis.
Profile Image for Emily.
804 reviews120 followers
November 10, 2012
Blue Willow could be categorized as a romance novel, but it’s so much more than that. Artemas Colebrook and Lily MacKenzie meet when 7-year-old Artemas is the only available person to assist Mrs. MacKenzie with Lily’s birth. He gives her a name and a promise: that they will always be meant for each other. Unfortunately, life gets in the way as Artemas is tasked with restoring his family’s reputation and fortune, which his cruel and useless parents have squandered away.
The first chapter of the book introduces us to adult Artemas who has hired Lily’s husband, Richard, an architect, to assist his sister Julia with constructing the new Atlanta offices of Colebrook International. A structural defect causes tragedy that takes the lives of Lily’s husband and son as well as Julia. This drives a further rift between Lily and Artemas as the rest of the Colebrook family blames Richard for Julia’s death, and Lily blames Julia.
The book flashes back to the childhood relationship of our two main characters, in addition to proceeding with the drama surrounding the accident and the family drama it has created. Each of the Colebrook siblings is given a complete personality and character, in addition to some members of Lily’s circle of friends and relatives. Additional traumas must be dealt with in order for everyone to heal and finally live happily ever after.
This is one of the most detailed and well-plotted romances I’ve ever read. The characters, even secondary ones, experience a dynamic arc of healing and self-discovery with consistent motivations throughout. None of it seems trite or pat, and although these people don’t always treat each other well, it is apparent that their love for each other is true.
Other impressions:
--Artemas is rather an “alpha” hero, which I usually am not a fan of, but Lily is strong enough to give as good as she gets and is a perfect foil for his sometimes rough high-handedness.
--There were rather a lot of typographical and editing errors in the text, which I found surprising for a publisher such as Bantam.
--This novel is a perfect example of why I am reading my books in alphabetical order. I probably would never have gotten around to reading this if I just decided to read whatever I was most excited about or interested in. I would really have been missing out.
Profile Image for Laura James.
49 reviews3 followers
March 1, 2011
I really wanted to like this book, but I found my opinion of it declining with each passing page. Ultimately I didn't find the relationship between the main characters to be very interesting or compelling, and neither one of them was very likable. By the end I was bored...
Profile Image for Moon .
3,336 reviews230 followers
March 13, 2016
This book stands the test of time. I re-read this yesterday and oh the feelings! I fell in love with Artemas and Lily all over again. This saga is timeless! If you haven't read it yet, you really must!

Full review to come!
Profile Image for Lizzy.
418 reviews14 followers
July 5, 2016
O livro é basicamente dividido em três partes e devo dizer que amei 2/3 da história. A escrita é magistral, os personagens marcantes e intensos, o romance principal recai sobre o leitor como um vendaval, forte, invencível, a cada obstáculo nasce a certeza do final feliz, mesmo que o tortuoso caminho seja incerto. No entanto, se eu tivesse o poder de entrar em um livro e modificá-lo, certamente excluiria sem piedade o último terço que me pareceu desnecessário e excessivo. Eu concluiria com o epílogo. Senhora Deborah Smith, qual o motivo de ter reunido tanta tragédia em um único livro? Terminei satisfeita por ter tido a oportunidade de ler algo em que pensar por vários dias, que me fez refletir, me fez suspirar, me fez chorar. Porém, uma sensação sufocante também me acompanhou até o fim. Concluí a leitura literalmente exausta. Artemas me recordou bastante o personagem Webb do livro Shades of Twilight, da Linda Howard, um herói difícil de esquecer. Lily também é singular, fazia tempo que eu não me deparava com uma heroína tão tenaz e valente. Final feliz mais do que merecido com uma pontada de melancolia. 4.5/5.
Profile Image for Melissa.
14 reviews
February 29, 2012
This book isone of my all time favs. I have read it some many times that I have lost count. I have lent it to all my friends. My book was lent out so much it fell apart and I had to get an other one. It was one of the first books I downlaoded on to my new ereader. I think of this book as a comfy pair of sneakers. You just feel like you are home when you slip into this book. It is a sadand happy story all at the same time. I have picturedx this book made into a movie.
Profile Image for Debbie Smith.
219 reviews
May 5, 2021
This book had a few wonderful and interesting turns that I deeply enjoyed but unfortunately it was encased in horrible tragedies that I found neither enjoyable or entertaining. I would prefer to not read about pedophiles and incest and rape mixed together with explicit sex and foul language, all which were unnecessary. There was a good story here without all that, a real disappointment. I wish parts of this story were not in my head. 🙁
Profile Image for Elizabeth Crook.
Author 6 books321 followers
April 23, 2014
I read this is a child and again to my daughter last year when she was eleven. It's not one of those books that just grabs you--instead it takes hold very gently. But it doesn't let go. This book as a nice way of reminding kids that children of other generations, who sometimes lived more difficult lives, were nevertheless a whole lot like them.
Profile Image for Dani.
194 reviews2 followers
December 14, 2020
Eu gostei do casal, o drama familiar é bem construído e amarrado, têm cenas bem surpreendentes, principalmente a retratação da tragédia que ocorre na primeira cena.
O livro não é ruim, mas principalmente a parte final, acabou se perdendo no romance e acabou que eu já não tinha aquela animação pelo casal, pois a história ficou muito despersa, cheio de idas e voltas, na verdade o casal só ficou bem junto uma vez, o restante foi cheio de separações que eram frustante para o leitor acompanhar.
Eu amei o mocinho, suas atitudes protetoras e íntegras com todos a sua volta e sua paixão e devoção pela mocinha, me fizeram apaixonar pelo mesmo. Eu também gostei da mocinha, ela foi forte e destemida, a maior parte dos personagens secundários são cativantes, porém o excesso deles acabou atrapalhando o andamento da história do casal e no final, mesmo sendo bem escrito e tendo muito potencial, ficou devendo no romance.
Profile Image for Vera Sopa.
560 reviews46 followers
September 18, 2020
Retomar o trabalho é incompatível com tempo livre útil para ler e apesar de ser um romance bem escrito, com alguma adrenalina por conta das contrariedades e tragédias que os honrados protagonistas enfrentam é um livro extenso, com uma boa caracterização no cenário Salgueiro Azul que torna está história muito visual.

Os Colebrooks e os Mackenzies deveriam ser unidos mas a lealdade e a família os separou e foram precisas mais de quinhentas páginas para desatar todos os nós que os impediam.
Um romance que remonta aos grandes clássicos. Nada lamechas ou banal é um romance que prende enquanto seguimos o evoluir das personagens e o desvendar de alguns segredos negros.
O fim é o expectável mas não diminui em nada o entusiasmo de o descobrir.
65 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2017
Love always survive s

This is a tale of friendship of the deepest kind. The kind that was born to become true love. It is a story of family struggles , secrets, forgiveness , and the bond that only siblings know. Deborah Smith writes with a sense of wit and wisdom that captures the readers heart right quick. There is always a depth of emotions in her characters. Any of her books are sure to entertain, perhaps educated, and make the reader curious to turn the next page .
Profile Image for mimi.
17 reviews
August 26, 2023
podia ser mais de 3 estrelas mas tem umas coisas que são um big não para mim... tipo as personagens são likeable mas ao mesmo tempo não o são - sim, tiveram um growing character mas ao mm tempo fizeram o mínimo para serem boas pessoas.

also, acontece tanta coisa na vida destas personagens que acho q nunca mais reclamo da minha lol
November 3, 2023
I read this one for my late Gma Maggie, who made a point to read this book every year, mailing it back and forth with one of her sisters. It most definitely reads like an early 90s soap opera, but holy chauvinism, Batman! Women with zero agency and men who are complete creeps but are lauded as heroic, stalwart, family-driven, etc. Love ya, Gma. I was clearly not the right audience.
Profile Image for Sara.
52 reviews
April 24, 2024
Este é o primeiro livro que li desta autora e infelizmente a maioria das personagens não me cativou e achei a história aborrecida até mais de metade do livro. A partir desse ponto a história voltou para a narrativa no tempo presente, que achei mais interessante e me fez querer virar as páginas para ver como iria terminar.
Queria muito ter gostado deste livro mas não funcionou comigo.
5 reviews
August 12, 2018
Every emotion - strong characters - good story.

This book was gut wrenching at times, but mostly it was a love story - the love of family as well as romantic love. The characters were were scarred by tragedy and terrible secrets but persevered because of the bonds they shared.
Profile Image for Marlen Wears.
69 reviews
September 25, 2018
Good romance

Many plot twists, but a bit predictable. You always know they are going to get together but wonder how many obstacles they must hack through
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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