Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

Squee is down so that swoon can go up, and man does this drama do it right. Our lovely leads get closer this week, even as our hero realizes how far he’ll have to trek to reach his biggest fan. I was already prepared to follow these two actors anywhere on their own, but when they’re together I find them meltingly magnificent.


“If you were in another time, I’d jump over everything to come see you.” This drama is balancing epic dialogue and themes against sweet and breezy storytelling in a way that’s very hard to pull off — and it’s succeeding in the most satisfying way.

At the core, we’ve got a story about a fan and an idol, but this week, we dive into the differences between fan love and real love. That’s a heavy topic to take on, but Lovely Runner braids it into the plot so effortlessly that there’s nothing heavy-handed about it. And with the writer of True Beauty at the helm, I wouldn’t expect less.

Let’s start with Sun-jae’s confession. Much of the movement this week comes from Sun-jae trying to get up the nerve to tell Sol that he likes her. I mean, to be clear, his actions are speaking volumes — she’s the first person he looks up at when he wins the gold at his swim competition, and that’s before he gives her his jacket on their walk home. (Gah!) But, if he doesn’t spit out the words, our heroine is just not going to read the signs.

On top of that, Sun-jae gets this line of advice from his friend: “Liking you as a man isn’t the same as being your fan.” Here’s that theme I was talking about. It’s the first indication we get that Sun-jae is starting to understand the true distance that exists between him and Sol. She keeps saying she’s devoted to him — as a fan (his “swim” fan, that is) — but he has a crush on the girl next door. This becomes the tender center of the conflict as Sun-jae tries to be seen as a regular guy underneath his gleam.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

His first shot at saying, “I like you,” goes up in flames when they visit a photo booth and Sol tries to live out her dreams of cutesy pics with her bias. Sun-jae is just a teen boy at this point, with no idol training, and he’s not so into making hearts with his hands. But, when the camera snaps, he does it for her (and they may be making half hearts, but my whole heart stopped when he did this). He’s ready to confess, but she cuts him off — because she’s more concerned with the images the machine is spitting out than the moment they’re living together.

Each time he tries to tell her, Sol finds a way to accidentally intercede. There’s a tremendous scene (with falling flower petals, lol), where their like for each other is so strong — a.k.a. the anxiety is so high! — they totally botch everything with miscommunication.

Sun-jae says he doesn’t want her to be his fan anymore. This is the lead in to the fact that he wants to be her boyfriend. But Sol freaks out at the idea of not being by his side as a fan, and offers to be friends instead. It’s the only way she can think of to stay near him — but he takes it as a rejection. (And can we please just talk about how real the emotional uncertainty is here?)

When he finally succeeds, Sol is drunk. She’s unintentionally slurped up some home brew from Sun-jae’s dad and stumbled onto her idol while he’s alone by the pool one night. Wobbly and flirtatious, she keeps getting closer to him until the moment she falls back and he catches her around the waist. Upright, she puts her hand on his cheek (like she’s about to kiss him) and he decides the timing is right.

He tells her he likes her and she responds: “Keep smiling like this. I’ll be by your side. When you’re struggling, I won’t let you feel alone. I won’t let you think dark thoughts. I’ll stay by your side your whole life.” To Sun-jae it sound like a love confession and he plants his lips on hers immediately.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

The next day our lovestruck hero is ready to see his newly kissed crush again, but Sol is hungover and remembers neither the confession nor the lip lock. (There is an audio recording of it, however, that I expect will pop up at some opportune moment.) As Sun-jae tries to approach Sol on the way to school, Tae-sung gets to her first. Tae-sung asks her to date — right in front of Sun-jae — and she says yes!

There are two moments of shock. First, Sun-jae has heartbreak written all over him as the optimism drains from his face. Second, Sol wakes up in 2023 again — in the exact spot she was in when she went back in time. Sun-jae’s death is still on the news. And it looks like nothing has changed.

How can we make sense of this? Let’s get down to the time travel rules. We know that Sol can’t talk, or even write, about the future. This fact makes her despondent, thinking that fate may be firmly settled with no way to change it. Still, she wonders, if she can’t change it, why did she go back in time?

She gets a couple of clues, leading her in two different directions. First, Sun-jae does indeed reinjure his shoulder irreparably while swimming. It doesn’t happen in the exact way it did in the original timeline, so Sol thinks that fate is correcting itself and making the same outcomes occur.

But then, she’s able to stop a fire at her house from getting out of control by rushing home before it happens. She revises history so that her MOM (Jung Young-joo) doesn’t have any nasty burn scars on her hand like she did when we met her in 2023.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

When Sol gets back to 2023, she remembers everything she did in the new 2008 timeline and she starts to put the pieces together. For example, the watch — which is what’s controlling her time travel — now reads 2:00. When she went back in time, it read 3:00. She figures out that it’s counting down her opportunities to change the future (three strikes and she’s out).

Also, one of the photos that she and Sun-jae took at the photo booth is the picture that appeared on Sun-jae’s table at the end of Episode 2 (and Sol has the other two pics stashed away at home). Now our heroine has conclusive proof that she can change the future.

While there’s still some mystery surrounding Sun-jae’s death, Sol learns that she was the last person he spoke to. And we see how torn up Sun-jae was about seeing her that night after the concert — and the fact that she didn’t remember him.

While she’s in 2023, she gets a call from BAEK IN-HYUK (Lee Seung-hyub), who is Sun-jae’s high school best friend. In-hyuk is a musician who will go on to be a member of Eclipse with Sun-jae, but it seems they have a falling out by 2023. When In-hyuk calls Sol, he tells her that Sun-jae always wanted to apologize to her. About what? She doesn’t know and neither do we.

Realizing she needs to get back to the past ASAP to prevent Sun-jae’s death, Sol learns that at midnight she can make the watch send her back in time. But when she arrives, she also sees that in her absence, her 19-year-old self has been causing havoc.

Basically, it’s like there are two Sols. One is the high school student who is supposed to be living in 2008. And the other is the Adult Sol who is in her 19-year-old body. Adult Sol has all the knowledge from past and future, but Young Sol only knows what she knew at 19. So, when Adult Sol returned to 2023, her younger self regained control of her body, with huge gaps in her memory from when Adult Sol was steering the wheel. Luckily, there’s an icon on the screen to show us when Young Sol is the one making the (bad) decisions.

Adult Sol learns that in the 10 days she’s been gone, her younger self has started dating Tae-sung (ah, so that explains why she said yes to him). And she’s called Sun-jae a creep for talking to her (since Young Sol has no memory of their interactions).

Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

So, let’s talk about Tae-sung. There is so much to keep up with in this drama that I had no chance to give him his due last week. Tae-sung is a bad boy who rides a motorcycle and gets chased by girls that he ignores, but he’s exceptionally swoony in his own way. Now that he and Sol are dating, he bandages up her knee when she falls and puts her hand over his heart to show he likes her. He’s teasing — and even though I know where my allegiances lie with Sun-jae, it’s working.

The irony is that Tae-sung never would have looked twice at Sol if her grumpier older self hadn’t appeared and given him an attitude. But now he’s confused about how one minute she has heart eyes for him and the next she’s acting like a brash noonim who’s trying to take back her confession and reject him. There’s tons of chemistry here, and in another drama, these two would be the leads. (Full disclosure: True Beauty is the one and only drama that ever gave me second lead syndrome. I guess this writer has a knack for it.)

Now that Sol is back in 2008, she doubles down on her efforts to save Sun-jae, and this time, she determines she has to stop him from becoming an idol. When he gets a business card from an entertainment company who’s scouting, she sneaks her way into his room while he’s not there and rips up the card.

Of course, then she falls asleep on his floor and he finds her there. This leads to a breathtaking scene where he aims a fan at her against the summer heat and delicately removes a few strands of hair from covering her face. When she finally wakes up, she still can’t leave because his DAD (Kim Won-hae) is downstairs, and so, they talk.

Sun-jae realizes that Sol doesn’t remember his confession that night at the pool. He’s been mad at her for how she acted afterward, but now sees that she has no idea how he feels about her. The tension is so high something is about to crack, and it turns out to be Sun-jae. He can’t take it that she’s in his room anymore (he likes her too much). So, he carries her outside in a blanket, where they have their second big miscommunication.

He tells her he can’t be friends and he doesn’t need to be consoled — nobody asked her to take care of him. “I feel like you can see through my despair,” he yells. “It’s embarrassing and uncomfortable.” She’s desperate to stay by his side somehow, but if she can’t be a fan and she can’t be his friend, what else can she do? She’s crying, and he says that she can’t do what she wants for him, and so, she should just leave him alone. He’s pushing her away because he wants her close so badly, and the whole interaction feels unbearably real to me.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 3-4

We end with more revelations. Since the beginning, there’s been a question about who saved Sol’s life when she had the accident that paralyzed her. It was hinted that it was Sun-jae, but now we see that it was. When Sol falls asleep on the bus and finds herself in a deserted area near a reservoir, Sun-jae takes a taxi to look for her. As she’s arguing with an aggressive drunk guy, she falls back into the water and Sun-jae arrives in time to dive in and save her.

While it’s happening, Sol is remembering. She sees Sun-jae running to her and clasping ahold of her under water, and then, on land, she remembers fully what happened after her accident. She was in the hospital, screaming at the person who saved her life that they shouldn’t have. Not if she was going to end up like she did. We see Sun-jae in the hallway at the hospital, hearing her, and crying. On the shore, Sol thinks: “Was it my memory that I lost? Or was it you?” She sobs, they hug, and I have no idea how we’re going to make it to next Monday.

There is so much happening in this drama. It makes sense that water is the recurring image given all that’s going on under the surface. Just thinking about this theme of idols and fans and how it’s playing out in their interactions is enough to write pages about. Sol’s “confession” that Sun-jae will never be alone is exactly what makes the idol gig so lonely: admirers are everywhere but no one gets close to the real person underneath.

We’re seeing shades of this in the drama when Sun-jae thinks back on all those heart fluttery things that Sol drunkenly said by the poolside — and he feels sadness about them. His depression seems to be manifesting already, and ironically, it’s related to Sol’s attempts to make him not depressed. What he wants is for her to see him. And she doesn’t yet.

In addition to the amazing water scenes, this director is doing something otherworldly in capturing their hands. Almost every time they’re together, they touch. Sun-jae has his hand at the small of her back or on her forearms. Sol has her hand on his shoulder or his face. The way he wraps her waist to pull her up from the water. The way she grips his back on the shore. Both the hand movements and the camera movements are so delicate, and the shots hold for so long, that the tension is sky high and I keep forgetting to breathe.

And lastly, on pacing, I was not expecting it to unfold so quickly, but I’m loving that it is. We already saw a kiss, our heroine already recovered her memory (which I thought would drag out for a long while), and we’ve got even more questions to answer now than we did last week. Add to that the burgeoning themes and believable anxieties, and I can’t wait to see what surprises are in store for this beautifully written (and directed) story.


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1. The Tae Seong song. 😂
That was the cutest and most embarrassing thing I've seen in my life. OG Sol is a rock star for having the courage to do that. My respect to that girl.

2. The bestie is really the best. 👌 The 2023 made it seem like Sung Jae was alone or people were against him. But he actually had people that loved him and supported him.
It's obvious that his dad really cares about him. Their father-son relationship seems to be good in general.
And Sung Jae also had such a great friend by his side.

3. Sung Jae's feelings for OG Sol were so pure. It's sad they didn't get the chance to know each other and be friends in the original timeline, but it's nice to see how sincere he was.

And... Can this show please have a serial killer? 😂 Please?
I LOVE this drama, but the main plot is annoying the heck out of me.

I like Sol but I don't like the whole "I can save him" mission, and I seriously don't like the way she's getting things done.

She's manipulating/controlling everything around him. She's trying to stop him to live his life freely. She doesn't want him to make decisions or mistakes because, for some reason, the decision he makes in 2023 is linked to whatever happens in 2008.
But the thing is that she doesn't really know him. She doesn't know why he made that decision. No one knows, not even the people that already were in his life and cared about him.
But she thinks that just changing everything is going to prevent him from dying.

First it was his shoulder, and now it's him becoming an idol. She can't really know if any of those things had to do with his decision, but she's just trying to prevent him from having those experiences. And she thinks she can stop him from making mistakes and that she's there to save him from himself.

But that's not how things work, she can't just control everything around him to prevent him from getting hurt.

So watching her following him everywhere, and telling him what to do and what to not do, and even breaking into his house... She's just lucky he thinks she's cute no matter what she does.

Anyway, if his death is because of a serial killer or something, I think that will make me feel less uncomfortable watching this show. I really like the vibe and energy of the drama, and the characters are adorbs.

Oh, and OG Sol is a good and smart girl. She lived her life and turned out fine. She's became a lovely adult. So I really hope her new growing experience doesn't become too messy because of 2023 Sol.

2023 Sol should try to communicate with OG Sol. Leave her notes like in A Time Called You, idk. It sucks that OG Sol is missing her own life and adolescence, and thinking she's possessed and stuff, because her older version is trying to fix someone else's life. Especially when she only has a few months before the accident that's going to change her life.

The show should've give her the memories that 2023 Sol created, at least. Otherwise,...


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The show should've give her the memories that 2023 Sol created, at least. Otherwise, how in the blue fork is the romance going to work. Are they going to get together in 2023? Then why go 15 years back?

LOL it's like Twinkling Watermelon all over again. 🍉
Did it make sense? No. Did I still love it? YES.


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A lot of things don’t always make sense in what we watch - KD or otherwise - but at times, it is the emotional pull and resonance that can either paper over the cracks or not. And, you know that already.
And, bite your tongue for asking for a serial killer!


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😆 Never!
I will take 10 serial killers over the "saving" someone who already committed suicide trope.


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Don’t be like that!🤗


Don't worry. I don't think this show will take the killer too seriously.
Maybe they'll be like the one from You're My Spring. Completely irrelevant.


I believe, THIS is the reason why she jumps back to her original TL. Because, during the first TT, she's just some obsessed fan who wants to stop her idol from committing suicide.

However, after genuinely building a bond with him in the past, he's very much a 'person', an acquaintance and a friend to her. Therefore, she's filled with all the more regret, because this person she's 'experienced a friendship with', was with her just a few hours before taking his own life. She isn't just sad over an idol's death. She now feels guilt, because she's involved WITH him, in his past. And that guilt must be 10x heavy, because she was with the guy just a few hours before his passing. The fact that she discovered that she can ALSO time-travel, must be killing her, because she feels all the more guilty, because she *had* the power to stop this, *only if*.

I think it's built-up quite nicely, with adequate logic & emotion... although the trope might not be everyone's cup-of-tea.


@chibi8535 I would completely hate that. 😆 If the whole point of her time travel is to guilt trip her for someone else's death, that would mean this show is heartless af.

I don't think her grief as a fan is a small thing, so I don't see it like the show was trying to make her have a deeper connection with him just to make her feel worse. That's just mean and unfair. She doesn't have to feel responsible for anything he did with his life and how he ended it.

...I wasn't thinking THIS far with the whole "savior mission", but now you made me more nervous. I'm gonna overthink even harder!
I genuinely liked this show 😂 otoke.


T, living with guilt is devastating and corrosive so I understand your visceral opposition but as @indyfan said, many of us if given the chance, would run headlong into our pasts to try and change the outcome. Maybe it would be in vain - again -but grieving hearts don’t stop wishing for a different possibility.
Here, I still hope it is a dual mission as her own sense of grief about what could have been/were if she remembered, hopefully is one of the two pillars of this journey.


I feel like I'm not explaining myself.

My problem isn't really about Sol as a character/person. It's about the show's message.

I said that I have a problem with the way Sol does things, but it's more because the show doesn't really reflects on the things she does.

I can understand her, because from her POV this isn't about logic. For her is a purely emotional situation and I get that.

But I'm scared the show will only focus on that aspect and her perspective alone. Because in real life, we can't go back in time, and we can't live someone else's life for them. In other words, I want the show to be logical and stay focused even if Sol can't.
I think it's the show's job to go beyond that, and be responsible on how they use someone's emotions and suffering. And not only for people like Sol, but also for people like Sung Jae.

For me, this type of shows are very delicate, so they can be beautiful and give comfort (ex. Seasons of Blossom), or they just straight up feel insulting (ex. Death Game).
And I just hope this show goes the healing way, instead of the punishment way.

Conclusion: I'm not hating on Sol or anyone that thinks like her.


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I know you’re not! I wasn’t suggesting that at all. You have empathy and it is clear for all to see.
I appreciate your desire for a much more nuanced and complex treatment. So do I but logic doesn’t always gel with a fictional premise like a timeslip drama.


Thanks! It's hard to know if people interpret my words the way I intend them (especially when it's written), so I'm glad to know this time it did!

All we can do is hope for the best, I guess. I want to have faith in this show. And I really like the narrative that you have mentioned. I really hope the show is headed to that direction.


But she didn't choose to go in the past, she was sent thanks to Sun-Jae's watch just after he killed himself. I mean it's logical she understood she needed to do something about it. Now, what? She doesn't know because she doesn't have all the informations.

She doesn't live the life of somebody else, it's hers and Sun-Jae still can decide for himself like he did for the swimming competition.

Twinkling Watermelon was completely wrong with their time travelling because the FL lived her mother's life and the ML didn't have to get in the past to communicate more with his father.


Did your comment get cut off?


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👆🏾Ignore you posted before I refreshed the page.


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Thank you! You do a great job of articulating one of my biggest issues with the storyline and her approach so far!


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I would cut 34Sol some slacks, it's pretty clear that she's desperate and didn't have a clue on what to do or how to help prevent 34SJ's suicide. She said as much to 19Sunjae, that her legs were free but her hands and her mouth were tied, she couldn't tell anyone about the future, couldn't write it down so she couldn't even communicate 19Sol either. Plus, when push come to shove, she did let SJ do what he wants, like when she let him compete in the swimming competition eventhough she knew it would very likely ended his career, she's respecting his wish there, so I wouldn't call her being totally manipulative or trying to control his life.

Also, I think the writer doesn't let 19Sol remember anything 34Sol experienced as another point of obstacles, because 19Sol was going to live her life the way she supposed to (like dating Taesung and never noticed SJ's existence, again she's respecting her 19yo self there by not breaking up with TS because she knew 19Sol wanted to be with him), just like she couldn't change SJ career ending's injury or him inevitably becoming an idol. Things are going to happened regardless, but she can change the outcomes, like when the fire still happened but she manage to save her mom's hands.

Lastly, I'm 99% sure there is a serial killer (there were mentions of the Reservoir killer and there was a taxi no.5663 driving around in Sol's memory and at the end of EP 4) and 99,9% sure that SJ was murdered (probably whoever ringing his doorbell that night). The writer did a pretty great job dropping the clues about the mysteries, I'm excited to see how the drama unfolding them.


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I want to give her a break, but at the same time I can't. 😆
She is a 34yo random woman trying to change the life of a 19yo boy, just because she can.

I get that he has a special place in her heart because he saved her in the past, and now she wants to do the same. But that's one thing, and just trying to force a path for him is another.

She did "let him" go to the competition but only after she did everything to convince him not to, and those things didn't work. She gave up after he was done with her, and he also had to give her a big speech to convince her to let him be.
She just keeps doing random stuff and when things don't go her way, the ML ends up comforting her and thanking her for caring about him.
So, yeah, things aren't totally changing, but it's not because she's respecting them, it's just because things don't go her way.

I don't mean that she's manipulative or anything, she's just acting without thinking. I don't think she knows she's trying to control him.

I just wish she would realize that when he saved her, he didn't change her or her situation. She spent 15 years calling him her savior, and it wasn't because he literally saved her from the accident (even if he did), it was because he was there to give her a little light during her darkest time... This girl, really hasn't thought of this "saving" mission right. LMAO

And about OG Sol, it's not that I want 2023 Sol to tell her teen version about the future, I want her to tell her about the present.
2023 Sol could keep a diary or something, explaining her thoughts, her new friendships, etc. If she did that OG Sol wouldn't have thought that Sung Jae is a random guy stalking her.

2023 Sol said that she stayed in the past for months. That means that OG Sol is literally missing out on her own life. And if she can't know or remember anything, it doesn't matter what 2023 Sol does in 2008, because OG Sol has no reason to have any kind of relationship with Sung Jae.
So even if we get a romance for a year, OG Sol will have no idea, and she'll live the next 14years without knowing that she had an actual relationship with her favorite idol?

And not only that, she has a boyfriend, school, etc. She can go from "hahaha, she's possessed", to "hahaha, she's dating two guys?", "hahaha, she needs to take an exam on subjects she can't actually remember?".

2023 Sol is cool and all, but she really should start thinking before acting, and she reaaaaally needs to start making plans (that make sense), about how is she going to live in the past without messing those kids up. Especially herself (19yo her). I know time travelers can't be that smart, otherwise we would have a drama (right, Twinkling Watermelon?), but I want her to be more careful with her actions.

Oh, yes! thank you. First time a serial killer saves a romcom. LOL


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Yikes, sorry for this encyclopedia. 😭


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2023 Sol is cool and all, but she really should start thinking before acting, and she reaaaaally needs to start making plans (that make sense), about how is she going to live in the past without messing those kids up. Especially herself (19yo her). I know time travelers can't be that smart, otherwise we would have a drama (right, Twinkling Watermelon?)

The thing is, what choice does she have? She has been transported back to her past with the curse that she can't share the future. Why is she there? Because she has to save Sunjae. What info does she have on him? Nothing. So where does she begin?

The only information she has is that he was on depression medication, and fans were hating on him because he spoke about his retirement. In the absence of her knowledge of his feelings towards her, like any ordinary fan, she assumed that Idol's life drove him to suicide - which is true in most of these cases, unfortunately.

Not only does she have no way of knowing what eventually drove him to suicide, but she can't even do anything about the mess the 19-year-old- immature-senior-self created. So, even if it's not the ideal situation, she is doing what anyone in her place with imposed limitations would do.


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I don't think she traveled in time for him.
She thinks she has to save him. Better said, she wants to save him.

But if this really was about Sung Jae getting a second chance in life or something, I would think he would be the one doing the traveling (why would a random fan/ex-classmate be the one who has to save him?).

And even if she really was there to save him, with more reason I would expect her to be more careful with her methods. It's not only the things that happen to him that matter. Just deleting things and situations from his timeline won't automatically change the way he experiences/sees/understands life. For that, I think she would've had to travel back to the moment he was born at least.

I just think that, in the case her mission is to save him, it would make more sense for her to reflect on what he really needs and what she can do for him. Even if she feels like she can't do much because of her limitations, she literally has 15 years to figure it out. She could just start by knowing him and support him in a less-invasive-way.
No one has given her a deadline.


I don't think she traveled in time for him.
She thinks she has to save him. Better said, she wants to save him.

It's his watch that took her back, on the day he died.
There is no other explanation she could have given herself at that time, especially with absolutely nothing to go on. She considers him her lifeline, he was the one who prevented her from taking her own life, and now she is there to return the favour. That's how I see it.


I get it.
But the difference is that he already did, and for me that should be left alone.
I just don't want the show to go there.


think 34 yr old kidol fan trying to dictate lives of 16/17/18/19/20 yr old idols


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drama is living upto the premise :D .. fan and their idols


this is such an unkind take on her actions, given what we know about her and the limitations of her time travel. what else can she even do beyond trying to change the trajectory of his life? for better or worse, anyone given the insane opportunity to travel back in time on the heels of a terrible tragedy, will try to do anything to prevent that same tragedy.

she was thrust into this impossible situation as she was despairing, so of course, she believes her only purpose in the past is to change his fate. honestly, i'm shocked she has even managed to befriend him. that's a huge change that she does not recognize the gravity of just yet. if anything, that may just be the thing that saves him in the end. i think she's doing well considering the very narrow flexing room she has. she's quick to think on her feet and even uses the limitations of the time travel rules to her benefit.


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Knowing her intention doesn't change the consequences of her actions. If she was my friend, I would sit down with her and tell her all of this.
Sorry, but my MBTI is T of tabong. I'm usually unkind.


I like and agree with a lot of your points but I think her mission here to try and ‘save him’ is also bound with her own grief about her accident. I am happy that in 2023 she was depicted as resilient, happy and optimistic despite lack of necessary societal accommodations but maybe she has not been able to have an intimate relationship and her grief for Sunjae is intertwined with her grief for herself. Maybe. So because of this, I am far more tolerant of the “trying to prevent the suicide” trope.


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I like that!
After the first two episodes I thought of how this show is pretty much like the web drama Love for Love's Sake. In that show everything the main character did was for him. The story wasn't about him saving the ML, but about him saving himself.

So I don't have a problem if the whole "saving Sung Jae" mission is really about her and her healing journey. I would like that. She would heal the wounds the accident caused her and she would also be able to let Sung Jae go, and move on.

This week's episodes gave me a different vibe, but it would be cool if the show decides to do that.


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Emma, I feel I should award you a Beansprout for getting a minor concession from Tabong. 😜

Personally, I have no such hopes. T makes excellent counterpoints. All I know is that I’d give an arm and a leg to go back in time to save those whom I’ve loved and lost. Suicide is incredibly traumatic to those left behind—and an emotional reaction by them is completely understandable. Nor do I think suicide prevention is automatically unethical, just that we don’t always have that “right” over other people’s lives. Wiser folks have made a good case for assisted suicide in some instances, for example. It’s a complicated debate, but I respect if you stand on one end of it. I’m probably a little greyer. Nonetheless, if I could have prevented the suicide of a loved one, I’d latch on to that time traveling watch, phone, cassette player, music shop, whatever—esp. right in the aftermath of it, no question asked.

That said, yes, Sol has twin goals as well, and her grief is intertwined with his as you said. It makes for a better, more complex drama as a result.


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Dear Indy, I’m with you in your fictional goals as this issue is quite personal for me but I also believe that Sol has to have dual goals for the story to be elevated.


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I didn't disagree if you saw my full comment! I'm all for a more complex drama (up to a point).


I wasn’t suggesting you did! I read all of your comment! I was just reiterating my point perhaps redundantly and confusingly.


Well, I did sneak it in only as a brief para at the end. It’s a complex subject for those of us with a connection to it for sure. 🫂


@indyfan 👌👌👌👌👌


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It’s true that Sol running around to save Sun-Jae alternates between being controlling, ineffective, and sometimes annoying. The only good part is that it throws Sol headlong into SJ’s path.
My hope is that the show will go where the end of episode 4 was. He was already in her life, and she forgot that somehow. He was always right there. She doesn’t need to save him, she needs to help both of them heal by remembering him. I also would love if the doorbell ringing in his final moments is not a murderer but Sol who’s arrived at this realization. I don’t actually think the show will go there completely - she stopped the fire and made the photos appear— but we might have this at least tempering the savior mission.


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Your 3rd point, What really gets me is that original Sunjae will never receive Original Sol's love and attention, he passed away without getting closer to her


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☹️. Especially since she has been his fan for like 13-14 years.

If after the radio episode they had met again, maybe they could've become friends or more. But instead he spent all those years without knowing that she didn't resent him anymore (for saving her from the accident).


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I know right, I hope the show does focus on original timeline instead of just the changed one.
I want them to explore OG Sunjae's depression, OG Im Sol's disability and other characters.


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I think they will. They have to.
After the accident I think we will explore more of what happened in the original timeline.


This show continues to be magical. The scenes between Sol and Sunjae-ah are so electric and mesmerizing. Kim Hye Yoon's ability to be so straightforwardly earnest, honest and cringey (that birthday video FTW) with so much heart behind it is a tour de force of energy while her crying and sadness in her eyes is so moving. Byun Woo Seok split second switches from reserved to smiley is all types of melty. Even though I have not been enjoying older actors playing high schoolers in recent dramas, it works here--partly because of the vulnerability and underlying insecurity that both actors bring to their younger selves, but also because of the time-travel element, it is believable that an older soul may also be present in the younger bodies and both actors bring that type of gravitas and understanding that comes with age to their younger selves.
I agree that the cinematography is great. The hands, sigh, the hands: the soonest scene of the week may have been SunJae putting his hands close to Sol's when she was asleep in his room. The petal shower (which reminded me of 100 Days My Prince) was beautiful in the midst of all that tension and yearning for connection on both sides.
The fan/true affection theme is present on so many levels. However, I do think that Sol is couching her affection and care for him in the guise of fandom because while she seems to have true feelings for him and seems to see him, she can't actually imagine that he reciprocates as it is hard (or maybe against the idol rules) for an idol to love an individual rather than love a fandom. Another level that the fan theme is working is that I feel like a serious stan for this show--I would wear a headband while watching if I had one.
One concern I did have this week was that Sol's memory loss may not be from the accident or trauma, but instead from CTE or repetitive concussions. How many times did she seriously hit her head this week: the soccer ball, the headbutt, the falling down the stairs, the books falling on her head?? I want to put a protective helmet on her.

Keep carrying on, my lovelies. It's working wonders.


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All those accidents started to make me feel like the universal is trying to end Sol. I was worried when Sun-jae found her sleeping on his bedroom floor and didn't check to make sure she was just sleeping vs being unconscious/needing medical attention.


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What that scene tells you is that mosquitoes are the most powerful creatures on this planet...

she didn't wake up for hours... she didn't wake up when a fated true love hot guy , shirtless was melting in love with her right next to her...

BUT SHE WAKES UP as soon as the mosquito flies over her.. lol... the now shirted shirtless hot true love fated guy being over her and so close was just bonus


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no helmet.. it will hinder with the spontaneous kiss SJ might want to give in future episodes :D


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Your comment is so lovely. (*totally unironically 🤚)
Sun Sol are just too adorable and the angst, insecurity and commitment of first love is so beautifully captured by them both. Can't wait to have them talk about what actually matters. 🤣


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I love this idea of wearing a headband while watching the show. Totally legit and normal fan behavior. 😍👍


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I love the show it is so cute and funny and still includes the necessary depth to prevent it being another inconsequential school drama. It is getting the pacing right with the time travel and return to current times and showing the impact on those who have worked out some things are not quite right in the changes in Sol’s presentation.

The balance between the sad and funny miscommunication between the various characters is also on point; Sungjae’s dad and Sol’s mum, Sungjae and his dad, and most importantly the various conversations between Sol and Sungjae. The friend and the petals and the birthday treat were the funniest scenes and make me laugh out loud just thinking about them. Although, there will never be a scene as funny as the Okey Dokey dance scene from True beauty for capturing the shame associated with embarrassing moments in a teenager’s life.

The pettiness of the swimmer who was still swimming so should have been focusing his energy on getting a top position now his strongest rival was out the picture took things to an all time low by commenting on Sungjae’s mum. I could not believe he went there just because all his other taunts were ineffective.


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Yeah, another thing I didn't like was swimming rival. What exactly was to be gained by acting that way? It was just needlessly petty and then his mentioned his mother just to get a reaction out of him. It's just such loser behavior; I can't even deal with him.

Maybe he gets into a fight with Tae Sung at some point; maybe because he tries to retaliate against Sol for headbutting him and that leads to unexpected consequences or the expulsion or Tae Sung dropping out (I don't remember which it was)

Honestly, I totally get why Sol would try to steer Sun Jae away from being an idol. If he already has dark thoughts and feelings of loneliness (not that she knows that at the moment), being an idol certainly wouldn't help that.
Same with her trying to not get him to compete. If she thought he would've been happier with a swim career and the only thing preventing that was foregoing *this* particular competition and his arm would be better because of it, then why not try?
She's just working off the knowledge she has.


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I think the bitching rival is bitching because now that SJ was forced to retire at his prime (right after winning a tournament and nearly breaking some record btw) for health reasons, rival's future success will always be kinda tarnished by SJ's shadow - yunno, making people constantly wonder whether rival would've ever get anywhere if SJ was still around. Second best's syndrome at its finest. Hardly an excuse, ofc, but pretty logical and believable behavior to me - professional sport IS extremely competitive, rabid pettiness is nothing new there.


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Spring pollen allergies are triggering my asthma and the epic birthday video making me LOL didn't help. It must have been so fun for the production staff to film and edit it. Also the scenes of Sol using the time slip rules to her advantage and shouting marriage news spoilers in order to stall for time.

I hope this is the last we see of the petty swimmer rival!


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imagine how much fun it would have been for the actor playing TS because he would have seen the video for the first time during shooting this scene itself... lol


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Yes, some days at work must be such a joy🤣


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Oh gosh, I hope you don’t suffer too long this season.

Yes, please can petty swimmer be a distant memory in future parts of the story.


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I wonder if the show will instead go with the swimming career for Sun Jae. According to the doctor, the chances are miniscule but there are some, right? That would also explain why the petty swimmer is still in the story.


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This has gotten really interesting! I like the back and forth with the different timelines, and the repercussions each Sol has on the other. I'm wondering though what happened in the original timeline. Did he recognize her the first time around when she was stuck in the snow, as well?


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The teenage vs adult Sol dilemma is indeed an interesting layer. Tho am I glad young Sol has amnesia vs being trapped in a cell of her own mind while her body is inhabited by another. I was so worried we’d go the troubling Someday route. That said the occupier here isn’t someone else but her older self.

He definitely knew her the first time around. He had a hidden crush and was somehow involved in her accident.


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I thought it was an intentional call-out to Someday when the 19 y/o Sol regains control of her body, and demands exorcism, because she thinks she's being possessed by a Ghost (of the Christmas Future, lol!) :P


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in original timeline, it was fairly obvious by end of ep 1 that SJ recognized Sol on bridge, he called her number on purpose (i called that out because i figured radio host was asking idols to dial the number themselves so it is too much of a coincidence that SJ got Sol's number and was sad when no one was picking up the phone)


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During week 1, I was confused as to whether Sun Jae recognized Sol during the radio and on the bridge so I'm glad that was clarified this week. I'm even more curious about what exactly happened in the original timeline that led to her accident (at that same location where she fell into the water this week, I assume)

Originally, I thought maybe the "bad girl" who's interested in Tae Sung may have had something to do with the accident; like maybe she ran her over in a jealous fit. Now, I'm not so sure especially since the appearance of the creepy cab. Sidenote: I know people on here often comment about how there's seemingly NO romcoms or at least no korean romcoms that don't feature a murderer or serial killer or psychopath but this was the first time that came to mind when watching something so it made me chuckle haha. As ominous as it the creepy cab was, I still chuckle at the idea that as wholesome and nice as this drama probably will be, we can't get away from potential murder haha.

I didn't like the fire scene cause ALL I could think was how can not one but TWO people miss an on going fire not even 10 feet away from them? They didn't see it in their peripheral vision? They didn't smell anything? How can you be so absorbed in an argument that you miss a fire?! Also the fact that the guy turned off one thing but not the other just makes me sigh but I suppose it's possible to have some an absent minded moment like that but still, I am not enjoying how the arguments between the guy and the friend seem to give them crazy tunnel vision. It doesn't amuse me at all.

Sun Jae being interested in Sol is quite cute haha. Sol trying so hard is quite sweet.

Is Sol's accident the reason Sun Jae ended up so depressed and suicidal? Is that what needs to change to prevent his death?

Why did Tae Sung asking her to date trigger the time slip back to 2023? He must play a role in things somehow.

Oh, that cringy dedicated happy birthday video haha
An embarrassing moment for Sol, a bright moment for Tae Sung haha


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Yes, the sinister taxi driver is likely a serial killerj, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is the cause of the both crippling accident AND maybe plays a role in the ML’s “suicide.” I would have preferred not to have that plot twist, but I would also have preferred the show to be 12 episodes rather than 16, and serial killers are a surefire way to extend runtime!


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The fire scene drove me nuts. To be honest, I'm not a fan of any of the scenes with the brother and the friend. I had a good impression of the brother initially, but I feel they've turned him into a gag character to add unfunny potty humor no one needed.


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The ridiculous thing about it is that regardless of how engrossed they were in bickering with one another, they would have certainly have seen the flames out of the corner of their eyes. Plus, even before smoke actually reached them, they would have smelled the fire. But just like the poop humor, it was thrown in for comic couple "laughs."

I wonder, though, how their relationship fits into a changed timeline. Is it developing differently because of Sol's return, so that they will be together in the future if she also successfully saves Sun-jae?


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Just thinking about it again is so irritating because of the stupidity haha. Like the friend didn't smell anything until she took the biggest whiff possible to knock herself out.

Was it mentioned if the friend and the brother were a thing in the present? Fairly certain the brother had given up his acting dream for office work but I don't remember if it was mentioned whether he was involved with anyone.


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My assumption is that is why they had him go clean the toilet, presumably, the smell of poop was meant to overwhelm the smell of smoke, stupid, but I think that is what they were going for.


True. The fire scene was extremely idiotic. I kept fast-forwarding. But it's okay, I can forgive that.

About TaeSung, I'm not sure but time didn't freeze when Sol told him about the future - that there would be a fire in her house. He didn't question her later either. Makes me wonder if he KNOWS something. I think he does play a role in things.

The cringey happy birthday video almost got me laughing out loud in the midnight. Would've woken my roommates.

I'm loving this drama and looking forward to the next episodes. Hopefully, the drama won't disappoint badly.


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maybe because fire comment is not too distant in the future. Like shoulder injury was still a prediction about a week in advance. Time did not stop when Sol told SJ she is from 2023... so major spoilers stop time i guess


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The fire thing made me roll my eyes too


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I love this drama, but the fire scene was too ridiculous. I get not seeing it, but not smelling it either? Smoke not making your throat feel a little dry as the 10 foot of your kitchen is going up in flames? And yes, the friend was unconscious, but weird that the brother would carry her out right away instead of helping his little sister fight the fire.

I'm on the camp that while Sun Jae was depressed, someone killed him. I'm inclined to think it's the Entertainment CEO. Maybe he even masterminded Sol's accident so he could dash Sun Jae's dream of getting together with her and somehow guilt him into becoming an idol.


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About the fire, the question that I have is that the brother carried the friend on top of the building instead of outside of the building. What if the fire could not have been stopped?


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The entire scene was ridiculous, but I was also like, why are you taking her up the stairs??? Lol


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Exactly 🤣


LOL! I noted that too! I'm amazed that both managed to live another 15 years if their basic survival instincts are that poor.


I mean, it doesn't have to a premeditated murder specifically - he could've been accidentally pushed off that balcony during a heated argument or something, and then the person responsible fled and covered their tracks somehow, using SJ's medical history to make it look like yet another celebrity suicide. I know we're all trained to look for nefarious psycho killers in our romcoms, but this is not the only logical option. For now, ofc. Maybe there's even BOTH serial killer and someone else who murdered SJ - the more, the merrier!)))


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i think the idea of having a killer is to link it to SJ's murder. Because none of the other characters have it in them to be a murderer 15 yrs. later..

SJ being an idol, where he stays etc all his personal information is easily available in public forums (thank the crazy fandoms)... so not difficult for serial killer to find out details and go hunting him


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I'm with @vienibenmio that what I really liked in these episodes was that the teenage FL was working counter to the interests of the adult FL. That certainly fit with my experience of the many ways I behaved as a teen that I deeply regret today.

However, I had to give a slight squee of skepticism, when the teenaged FL as a 19 year old, acted in such a cringeworthy baby-talk fashion to the boyfriend she barely recalled as an adult. I did humiliatingly stupid things in my youth, but not because I was acting that far out of my adult character. A person doesn’t change that much between the late teens and the late 20s/early 30s, even if a traumatic accident wipes out her memories.

But that does bring up the idea that occurred to the FL after being saved from drowning in the last episode, that I actually found pretty intriguing. What if the magic watch is not something that is rewriting her timeline, but rather something that is allowing her to recall lost memories? So really, its not magic at all, but rather something Proustian, triggering pre-accident recollections? The photobooth snapshots could have been there all along, with the trauma of the ML’s suicide allowing her to “see” them again, as she remembers her pre-accident past.

Of course, if that is what is happening, then we are all in for sobbing squees, because the show will end with nothing changed, the ML still dead but the FL fully recalling how much the ML loved her.


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On a sidenote, I was very happy to see the sinking limply through deep water scene being employed in this show! Nothing is going to replace the white truck in my accident affections, but the increasing frequency of this trope outside of sageuks is beginning to bring similar chortling from me. And the advantage of this tropey scene over the white truck is that truck of doom accidents result in death, whereas the deep water scenes always have rescuers swimming down after the sinking body!


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Right, I know it’s a peninsula with thousands of miles of shoreline and of rivers but really, enough with the snatched-back-from-drowning scenes already 🤦🏼‍♀️


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I really like the fact that you have a shallow body of water like that river she fell into, and yet the depths seem endless! It actually is a pretty neat cinematic effect. @kurama once posted a youtube link that showed how it was done, I think for Matchmakers, and it does actually involve floating in a pool and then filming the rescuer swimming.

That doesn't mean it needs to appear in every kdrama, though. For this one, it was appropriate because of the ML's swimming, but I noticed it also showed up in Midnight Studio. Not sure it served much of a purpose there.

Still, now that its become commonplace, I'll be enjoying it whenever I see it. In kdramas, familiarity breeds affection!


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At least the truck of doom is faster. The sinking body shot goes on what feels forever. It also needs a good name. Deadly deep pool? Saving of the sinking?


@abalyn DB terminology is the Water (or Pool) of Immeasurable Depth - which usually induces the Closed Eyes of Instantaneous Drowning. It's better in sageuks because it's usually shown from the surface as a shallow river or pond into which the character falls from a great height, and floaty hanboks are nicer than floaty hoodies or other modern garments. I'm with @hacja in enjoying it whenever we get to sink in super-slo-mo through its greenish gloom. But only ironically, of course.


why did you have to put this depressing thought into my head and out into the world? now i won't be able to sleep.


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I wouldn't have thought of it either, had not the FL referred to it, and @dramaddictally quoted it. It would be an unexpected and actually kind of intellectually serious twist, taking the show abruptly away from a fantasy time travel to a more bittersweet healing drama. Of course, like all healing dramas, that shift in genre would generate its own shrieks of pain from viewers!


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I don't like your take on what the story is about! I refuse to think that this will be the ending! I will forget that I read it! 🤣
And to prove you wrong I will bring the evidence: mom's hand changed, it did not have burn marks after her first trip. So something changed and it was not only that she remembered it now.
This will have a happy ending! She will change both fates and they will live happily ever after! Don't want to hear any other negative thoughts, beanies! 🙏🥺


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except, if all of this is her dreaming/recalling then her hopeful wishes would be to see mom's hand not burnt.. only to wake up and find it is burnt...

What was that drama about alzheimer's - Jimin and the actor from 2521


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The drama is called The light in your eyes.


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"the ML still dead but the FL fully recalling how much the ML loved her."
That would be the worst ending ever!
The writer would need to escape to secluded island, saving life from outrages viewer.


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I agree that part of the time slip was triggered by the fact that he died without her ever knowing how much he loved her, it was so unfair that the universe HAS to interfere 😅 But I'm going to believe that she will save both her and him and they will finally be able to date each other at 34, nothing can make me believe any otherwise 🙏


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I think in the OG timeline Sol and Tae-sung did not date so that’s why she did not remember him—and not that those memories were wiped out by a traumatic accident, if I’m understanding your concern correctly. I believe he became more attracted to her grandma personality. Another similarity to Someday.

However, I had to give a slight squee of skepticism, when the teenaged FL as a 19 year old, acted in such a cringeworthy baby-talk fashion to the boyfriend she barely recalled as an adult. I did humiliatingly stupid things in my youth, but not because I was acting that far out of my adult character. A person doesn’t change that much between the late teens and the late 20s/early 30s, even if a traumatic accident wipes out her memories.


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Another similarity to Someday.</i

Let this be a better korean remake of Someday.


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Oh, I'm not sure. While I absolutely loved Someday myself, it was clear from the get-go we were getting a mediation on grief and loss. This one, I might consider bait-and-switch. I welcome with @dncingemma any layers and complexities we might get, but it would be a marked change in tone for this relative lightweight to become another Someday. It's walking that tricky line between comedy and pathos. Let's see if it manages it.


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From your lips. I disliked the Korean remake of Someday for a number of reasons and have tried to block it from my memory.


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Absolutely! This is why sometimes unofficial remakes and homages work better than scene-for-scene, dialogue-for-dialogue remakes. For ex. the recently released c-drama version of One Spring Night... as well as Secret Love Affair (the k-drama)... as opposed to the Someday remake.

I had a feeling since the announcement that a 'tribute' work would make more sense than an official remake, because the 'k-drama filter and logic' does not gel necessarily well with something as heavy as what Someday was.

IF Lovely Runner, otoh, was planned as intentionally as I think it is ['inspired by Someday...?'], then I must say it vibes much more authentically to the 'spirit' of Someday than ATCY. If the TT logic works similarly as the tw-drama, I'd be even more convinced of this opinion! :D


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"I think in the OG timeline Sol and Tae-sung did not date so that’s why she did not remember him."

Yes, they didn't date in the original timeline. Tae-sung was just her teenage crush. And from what we've seen of Tae-sung, he would not have given the teenage version of Sol the time of day. He doesn't like girls who fawn over him. It's the different version of Sol that intrigues him.


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Tae-Sung's arc as the bad-boy on a bike with a twinkle in his eye and (secretly) a heart-of-gold, who did not like our FL pre-TT, but is somehow intrigued by this 'noonim from the future' developing a raging crush on her along the way (will happen, I tell you)... similarly, Sol's treating Tae-Sung as this adolescent teen full-of-himself, knowing no better of the realities of adulthood... really mirrors the lead's plot development from Someday, more than it should. Ahhhh, I cannot unsee it! Perhaps why I really like this story as much as I do!


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you must be put behind bars trying to committ mass murder through mental torture



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@hacja: That idea of yours is going to haunt me now. Thanks a lot.


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God knows I checked for this recap like 55,000 times today alone. So, this is the drama that'll bring me back to commenting? Amazing! I've been passive-active on this page, reading both old and new recaps but not commenting but I just have to comment here! I love love this drama so far that I've decided to watch it LIVE (weekly anxiety and all 😂) and enjoy with others.

Now, to the drama. I'm not gonna lie, this drama triggered me a lot, being a SHINee follower. I cried a lot everytime we went to the 2023 scene, especially when Sol was watching the video where they were trying to resuscitate SunJae. However, I still love the drama and I really hope Sun Jae's fate will be changed or elseeeeee.

I have an exam later today, so, gotta go. Looking forward to reading all the amazing comments. Oh! And there's this OST I can't find. Maybe it's yet to drop. It was sung during the petals scene where SunJae tried to confess. It goes:

"Falling falling in love with you"

I love it so much. It was love at first listen. If anyone knows the name of the song, please do lemme know. Byeeeee!


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👋🏾welcome back to the comments. I hope the exam went well.


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Thank youuu. It went well, thank God.


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As a fellow Beanie, am sending you a 🤗 so maybe you’ll feel a tiny bit less sad about J’s loss.
I also hope you will do well in your exam.


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Thank you so much for the hug and good wishes. 🤍 The exam went well.


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A shawol here. Shinee is five (hugs).
And, all the best for your exam :)


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Forever five! Thank you, Ga. The exam was okay.


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I was laughing so hard when Sol made use of her power!
Glad it wasn't wasted.

I can't believe they already kissed! Gave me some heart flutters, but omg, Sun Jae, you picked the wrong timing! All his overthinking.. and he still messed up lol.

The drama is doing a good job of juggling the cute and heartwrenching parts of the story. Plus the mystery.

I'm not a fan of all the poop and bodily functions jokes, but they weren't a surprise. They also fit the immature, high school vibes.

I'm enjoying all the interactions between Sol and Tae Sung while I can! I won't have SLS and it's gonna hurt later when his heart truly breaks. But right now, I love all their teasing and bickering. I also like the care they have shown each other in different ways like her sage advice and his bandaging of her wound. He also believed her and wanted to help her when she was worried about her house. He's so intrigued by her. I loved him calling her noonim. Then it cracked me up more when he started calling her halmoni (granny).

The time traveling element is fun, but I'm wary if it will all make sense or be convincing by the end of the story. Sooo.... I won't analyze it too much now.

I like Seo Hye Won and it's nice to see her again and in a likely loveline. However, I'm not feeling the romance between her and Sol's brother. How much older is he? Their scenes are silly, not swoony. Even though the writer tried with his slo-mo protect scene. I'd like to see more scenes of In Hyuk instead. The main leads are so fabulous and magnetic that I'm totally hooked on this drama anyway.

I'm concerned about the unknown creeper character who has his eyes on Sol. I was thinking the person behind Sun Jae's death would be enough of a antagonist. There may be too many things going on.


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Not feeling their romance either since they just yell at each other without really hearing what the other is saying. I got to say he was pretty heroic in the poop herself scene. Seo Hye-won is so good so I'm hoping they will give her and the brother better scenes.


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Sun Sol are literally the heart of the show. The very definition of squee and swoon. 🤞 for them to have an amiable time together in both timelines. While the time loop / past-future timelines are confusing at best ... I'll just stick to swooning for now. 😊🥰


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What’s the point of time travel if you can’t even stop your cringiest public display of affection video ever. Lol.

So, when the accident happened this time she didn’t lose her leg? While she did in the OG timeline when she was saved by Sol? I was a bit confused since it looked like there was time until accident when she flipped the calendar.

I am not sure how this will also make sense. But the drama has its moments especially when the leads are together. He is too pretty. Way too pretty.

And please, can we stop with the toilet poop humor.


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I think, this accident in different time with real accident that makes Sol paralyzed. This accident just makes her remember who save her life in the 'real' accident later.


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The actual accident hasn't happened yet, that was supposed to happen in September, it's only about July now at this point in the show. This one only serves as a trigger to help Sol remembers that SJ was the one saving her.


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Thanks both @parksooha13. I was quite confused.

So she finally knows it was him!! can’t wait for her to connect to the call she receives in the OG timeline.


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The funny thing about the video is that the video only happened because she has been time travelling. Her more mature and cranky personality incurred the interest of Tae-sung enough for him to ask her out, and then that resulted in that birthday video!


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hehehe! True lol!


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That the butterfly effect of her time travelling LoL
in the OG timeline, she never date Tae Sung. I think in this time travel, she will also 'save' Tae Sung life.


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I don't think that's correct- she knows what is coming and tries to stop it. That means she remembers it from the original time line. Tae Sung not being interested makes it even More Cringy in the original timeline of course. At least this time around he thinks its cute


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Yes, but she only knows it after his death. So all the events before he dies is still 17 year old Sol with no memory. And that will not change unless she is able to change the destiny so she can meet him post the day of his death.


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I don't know if it happened in the OG timeliness. I agree with what @John Doe said: "So when sol goes back to 2008 for the 2nd time, her memory is "changed"(?) since now she remembered that she gave a birthday surprise for taesung. As far as we know they don't date in the original timeline."
She has new memories that formed after her first trip. It seems that her life changes but unsure if she experiences it in real time. Maybe that is when she gets thrown back to the 2023 time or when certain events happen to change. This time had to do with the 2ML, she got bumped right when she was about to refuse him.
Oh, it's too complicated...I will just focus on something more enjoyable, like his smile. 😜


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My apologies @John , I didn't mean you. I still haven't figured the whole tag thing yet...


But if sol 3 ( 2008 Sol = sol 1; 1st trip = sol 2; 2nd trip = sol 3) knew about sol 1 song that didn't happen in the original timeline and only after sol 2 arrived that means that sol 3 has the memories of all 3 sols thus far. Right? But sol 1 doesn't aquire sol 2's memories so whatever sol 3 or 4 will do then sol 1 would never know and will continue to live and probably make the same choices. Unless one of the future sols will take over and have another life. But we know that this is impossible because her time in the past is limited by the watch. So from what I gather, future sols can change events but not memories in sol 1, the one that has to live the entire life. She already changed what sol 1 really wanted at that time which was to be 2ML girlfriend ( not because sol 2 or 3 wanted it though and I wonder about that also). So where I want to get at is how and when will SJ make Sol 1 fall in love with him? Because whatever sol 2 and 3 and 4 will do she (sol 1) will not know and that is whom he meets at the bridge after the concert. Will she become his fan without the accident? Did he become an idol because of the accident? It appears that he is hurt that she doesn't remember him. But is it because she lost her memories after the accident or is it because she is sol 1 and not sol 2 or 3 or 4 with whom he had all those memories of? Could it be that there is another pre-original timeline where they never meet again and because of the watch things change to what the original timeline is now and is a loop with him saving her but her not remembering him? And that is really his guilt? What if he started all of this (is his watch after all) in order to save her from dying in that accident but ended up with her being disabled and not remembering him because he loved her and died?
Oh boy, I realize that I have gone insane. Going to the fanwall to look at those blowing kisses again to recover.


@kodra i think sol 1 will regain all the memories the moment she reaches the point sol 2 first time traveled back to sol 1's time right after seonjae's death. so if she's able to prevent seonjae's death, she still would only remember him and their relationship only on the day she was supposed to die bc that is the moment that sol 1 catches up to sol 2 in real time.


But if she saves SJ then the loop ends and there will be no sol2 catch up to. Will she have to make that decision at some point, to forget everything about him so he could to live?
It's better than him dying but still not the ending I wanted. Hope writer-nim is a good and kind one and will give us an ending with both alive and together.


I think the cringey video happened in the original TL too, except it was more cringey because she and TS weren't dating, and she likely still made it, as a fangirl, and to confess publicly. Yes, 19 y/o Sol was cringe af. Even her present self acknowledges that. It's just that as a 31 y/o in her 2008 body, the events are taking place under a totally different context (them dating)


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Never thought of it like that but so true. 👍👏


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actual accident yet to take place... this wasn't because of cab driver but because of drunk man

I think we didn't see it but Sol is already on the radar now. Cab driver noticed her. Pretty sure he has started following her and trying to find out about her whereabouts, stalking etc... I am hoping TS and SJ to notice his presence sooner than later.. we have only little less than 2 months left


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I have a marathon to write, but before that I need to finish a few things. But swung by to say Thank you to @dramaddictally for a fabulous recap. Reading through this made me realise once more how hard it is to write recaps.

This is a difficult series to summarise because there is so much to and fro.


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You're right. Writing a recap is difficult. Well done @dramaddictally

And I look forward to reading your epistle after you're done writing.


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Thanks for reminding me that I need to do things the properly. I jumped in as soon as I saw the recap had dropped but in my haste forgot to thank @dramaddictally for doing a great job, as always. Like you said it is a tough one to recap so praise is indeed due.


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Will happily read your marathon. 😍👏


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One final thing from me. I appreciated the metaphor of the FL's friend and the FL’s brother bickering as the fire burned beside them—representing pretty well the hot flame of teen physical attraction.

Of course, this show has not deviated from the standard kdrama portrayal of good guy male lead sexuality as being something that even hormonal teens repudiate or try to suppress. The ML fanning himself when he touched the FL hand is a great example of this, as is his sprinting to put on his shirt when he discovered the FL in his room.

But this unwillingness to expose their naked torsos to girls because of sexual timidity would be absurd U.S. real life. I know this not just from my and my brothers experience in the 1970s, my son's in the 2010s, and even today. Daily a coed group of high school track athletes run by my house, and while the young women are modestly dressed, some in sweats, every young man running with them is shirtless, regardless of the temperature outside. They clearly are under the delusion that their shirtlessness make them attractive to their female teammates, something this show's male lead should have considered when he was trying to confess!


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But this unwillingness to expose their naked torsos to girls because of sexual timidity would be absurd U.S. real life.

I cannot speak of Korea, but this is not surprising in our culture at all. In fact, there is a entire wedding ceremony ritual in my community that encourages the groom to shed his shyness and 'expose' his torso :-)


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Yes I know there are cultural differences--although having just watched (a very little bit) of "Physical 100" I don't think the kind of exaggerated anxiety about torso exposure shown in kdramas prevails among all Korean men. Also, of course, every show has a shower scene largely for female viewers, so its a little hypocritical to suggest that a virtuous ML should shriek and cover his chest if spotted by the FL.

I also have a feeling that in real life (not kdramas) Korean high school boy athletes, would be just like those in the U.S.--if they knew were spotted by high school girls, they might be a little slow about putting on their shirt!

But I well know its a kdrama trope, that the ML has to be shown as bashful in the face of a more aggressive FL. It just struck me that the late teen years might be a time when that trope least corresponds to reality.


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I don't think the kind of exaggerated anxiety about torso exposure shown in kdramas prevails among all Korean men.

I absolutely do not disagree. I have always maintained that the Korean actors have to migrate to movies to have a realistic intimate scene. Else they are forever going to be in the cute zone. No matter how passionate the couple, their physical intimacy is always of Barbie and Ken variety.

2009 the movie the Won Bin movie 'Mom' was released. The school kids in that movie are so far removed from their k-drama cousins they could be from a different universe. While watching it I honestly hoped all those actors playing kids were adults because all of them looked underage (now watching BWS I can believe they were).


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Do our K-drama ML suffer from (apart from childhood trauma - that's a given) what is known as "false modesty" which prevents them from taking off their shirts!?


@seeker: I have no doubt they suffer from loads of it 😂😂😂


I remember in Shining Inheritance when Hwan covered his bare shoulders after a shower, all scandalized, when the female lead (was her name Eun So?) walked out in front of him.

That moment is actually on my fanwall haha

But anyhoo, it's stuff like this that I always end up being surprised if sex or sexuality is shown in a kdrama. Even in 2024.


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This drama have really charmed me and our two souls need their happiness after everything they been true already!

Find Sol and SJ similar in how they both approaching each other her wanting to warn him and getting closer while him wanting to confess to her, as they both failed and end up embarrassing themself. They kinda have same wavelength. 😅

At the radio show SJ face when he saw Sol phone number clearly he knew it was her on the other end. As the puzzle piece slowly coming together clearly someone have bad intentions and also the reason for Sol time traveling is to regain her lost memory.