The Meaning Behind The Song: No Ordinary Love by Sade - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: No Ordinary Love by Sade

The Emotional Power of Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”

When it comes to iconic songs that have touched hearts and souls, “No Ordinary Love” by Sade is undoubtedly among them. Released in October 1992, the song has become a timeless classic that still resonates with listeners across generations. It’s a testament to Sade’s incredible artistry and the emotional depth of the song that it has been covered, remixed, and played on repeat for nearly three decades. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind the lyrics, the inspiration for the song, and the reasons for its enduring appeal.

What the Lyrics of “No Ordinary Love” Mean

Sade Adu, the lead singer and songwriter of the eponymous band, has always been known for her deeply personal lyrics that speak to the human condition. “No Ordinary Love” is no exception. It’s a song about the complexity of love, expressed through the perspective of someone who has experienced intense and all-consuming feelings for their partner.

In the first verse, the singer describes the intensity of the love she feels, saying, “I gave you all the love I got / I gave you more than I could give.” The lyrics suggest that the narrator has been giving her all to her partner, putting him at the center of her world. However, her partner doesn’t reciprocate the same level of devotion, leading her to feel insecure and uncertain.

The chorus is where the song’s emotional power comes to the fore, with the repeated phrase “This is no ordinary love.” By underlining the fact that what she feels is special and extraordinary, the singer acknowledges the depth and intensity of the emotions she’s experiencing. It’s a subtle but powerful way to convey that what she’s feeling is not something that can be easily explained or rationalized.

The second verse reveals the source of the singer’s insecurity, as she tells her partner, “I know I’m alive if you’re by my side.” This line speaks to the idea that the singer’s identity is somehow tied to her relationship. Although this can be a healthy and positive thing, it can also lead to a sense of dependency and vulnerability.

In the bridge, the singer seems to come to terms with the fact that her love may not be reciprocated. She sings, “I’ll keep crying for you / I’ll keep dying for you.” This line speaks to the self-sacrifice that often accompanies deep love, even when it’s not being returned.

The final chorus brings the song full circle, with the singer repeating the line “This is no ordinary love” with more conviction and urgency than before. By the end of the song, the listener gets the sense that the singer has come to terms with the complexity of her emotions and is determined to embrace them, even if it means being vulnerable.

The Inspiration for “No Ordinary Love”

It’s rare that a songwriter can pinpoint the exact inspiration for a song, and Sade Adu is no exception. However, she has given some insights into what led her to write “No Ordinary Love.” In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1993, she said that the song was about “the fear of losing someone” and “that final break when you know it’s over, even when it’s not.”

Although the lyrics are personal and specific, they also tap into universal emotions that many listeners can relate to. The fear of losing someone we love, and the pain and uncertainty that comes with it, is something that almost everyone has experienced at some point in their lives.

The Enduring Appeal of “No Ordinary Love”

Despite being released almost 30 years ago, “No Ordinary Love” has endured as one of the most powerful and emotionally resonant songs in contemporary music. There are a number of reasons for this. For one, the song has a timelessness to it that transcends genre and era. It’s a slow-burning ballad that builds in intensity, with Sade’s smoky vocals and the band’s instrumentation working together perfectly to create a mood that’s simultaneously melancholy and uplifting.

Additionally, the themes of the song continue to be relevant today. The idea of a love that’s “no ordinary” is something that many people still aspire to, even if it’s not always attainable. The song’s exploration of the complexity and vulnerability that comes with deep love is something that speaks to people across generations and cultures.

Finally, Sade herself has become a cultural icon in her own right. Her understated elegance, powerful vocals, and deeply personal lyrics have made her a role model for many aspiring artists. Her ability to create music that’s both accessible and deeply meaningful is something that sets her apart from many of her contemporaries.

In Conclusion

“No Ordinary Love” by Sade is a song that has stood the test of time, thanks to its emotional power, universal themes, and timeless quality. Its lyrics, which explore the complexity and vulnerability of deep love, have resonated with listeners across generations. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Sade or just discovering her music for the first time, “No Ordinary Love” is a song that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.

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