Germany: The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung [Dossier - Updated) - THE INTEL DROP
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Germany: The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung [Dossier – Updated)


The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung [Dossier]
Xavier Philipp Schlesinger – May 14, 2024

Editor: After the Unification of the BRD and the DDR in 1991, the former Defense Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg had to manage the merging of the former eastern NVA and the western Bunderwehr into a unified military force. During this process, many former military bases where closed and others where built. Unknown to the vast majority of the German people, a quite similar process took place in each of the clandestine security branches. Ofiicially, there was no person nominated for this job, but inofficially, for all who knew better it was clear that this very special task was given the at that time most high ranking Mason (here concrete: Illuminati) and President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble.

During his presidency, he silently did his main work – bringing the former eastern STASI and the western BND into one big club of agents of all kinds. He specifically choose Thuringa to be the place where all activities where bundled, despite the fact that Berlin was choosen to be the official place of the BND. The German Verfassungsschutz is only a branch of this big conglomerate of agencies.

During this time, the former long time chief of the STASI (he was never tried), Markus Wolf, showed up in many western talk shows. Then he flew to the USA, where he was busy for some years to help structuring and building up the homeland security of the US. Then he “vanished”, no one has seen him ever since. A simple death message was given with no further information about the cause of the sudden death. I guess, he is now in Israel – his true homeland.
The foundation was named after Amadeu Antonio Kiowa, a victim of right-wing extremist violence in Germany. The head of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation is Anetta Kahane. Kahane was the unofficial employee (IM Viktoria) of the Stasi in the GDR.
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the decomposition of adults
The GDR was not squeamish with opposition members. The Stasi had its own program to combat unwanted opposition members. The program was aimed at people who expressed criticism of the government, i.e. those who had a different opinion than the prevailing opinion. The GDR legislature called this anti-state incitement. The program was called Decomposition. Decomposition was the covert influence of people with the aim of undermining their ability to act, personal integrity and reputation. For this purpose, the Stasi invaded the privacy of the target persons in order to rearrange them or damage property. Objects could be moved from one day to the next or tires could be punctured. In addition, stasis used the systematic discrediting of the target’s reputation through irrefutable but not necessarily true claims and the creation of distrust, mutual suspicion and rivalries in groups. For this purpose, the Stasi relied on a constantly growing number of unofficial employees. And in order to endanger the target person’s livelihood, the Stasi systematically organized professional and social failures. The Stasi was able to do this because the GDR’s economy was state-run. [1]
However, this approach is even older. During the Weimar Republic, decomposition was a strategic measure used in psychological warfare to weaken soldiers’ morale. During the Nazi era, the criminal offense of undermining military strength was introduced. The destruction of military strength included conscientious objection, self-mutilation and the expression of doubts about the Wehrmacht and its leadership. Doubts could include Nazi ideology, orders or military reports. Actions or statements that questioned or could damage the Wehrmacht and its leadership were therefore prohibited. [2] [3] [4]
In 2016, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation published the paper “Ask, clarify, set limits – recommendations for action on dealing with the AfD”. [5] The foundation was named after Amadeu Antonio Kiowa, a victim of right-wing extremist violence in Germany. The head of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation is Anetta Kahane. Kahane was the unofficial employee (IM Viktoria) of the Stasi in the GDR. During her time as an unofficial employee, she described Thomas and Klaus Brasch as “enemies of the GDR” in 1976. The program to dismantle the GDR government then drove Thomas Brasch to suicide. [6] Kahane was supported in 2003 by the Heidi-Knake Werner (Left Party, then PDS). Kahane wanted to make her the immigration representative. [7]It is noticeable that their German Wikipedia entry is significantly shortened compared to their English Wikipedia entry. Her work for the Stasi is only a minor side note in German. [8] [9]
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation is financed by the German federal government. In response to a parliamentary question, the federal government announced that the Amadeu Antonio Foundation has been receiving three million euros annually since 2010. The financing is justified by the fight against extremism. [10] According to its own information, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation only has 15 employees. [11]
In the paper “Ask, clarify, set limits – recommendations for action on how to deal with the AfD” the Amadeu Antonio Foundation wants to provide suggestions to combat the AfD. Already in the foreword the AfD is put on the same level as right-wing extremism. The German debate culture is described as racist and sexist. In addition, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation claims that the AfD is undemocratic. Sources for the claims are not provided. [5, p.3ff]
Educators, journalists and politicians are called upon to take action against the AfD. Journalists should report neutrally; under German law, educators are even obliged to teach neutrally. Educators should, among other things, address the anti-Semitism of the AfD. Sources for this claim are not provided. [5,S,4/6/10] The AfD is also accused of wanting to establish an authoritarian social order and rejecting pluralism. Sources for this claim are not provided. However, due to the lack of sources and the presumption of innocence, it must be assumed that the AfD does not have this as its goal. But then the Amadeu Antonio Foundation is authoritarian and against pluralism if it wants to take action against those who think differently. [5,S,5/6] There are also calls several times to use house rules against the AfD. According to German law, organizers are allowed to exclude people from an event. [5,S,7/11] Later there is also a call to use politics lessons to sabotage or stop the AfD’s election campaign. This is also a break with the neutrality requirement of educators. However, under German law, parties are entitled to conduct election campaigns. And due to a lack of evidence for the allegations against the AfD and the presumption of innocence, the suspicion of authoritarianism and a lack of pluralism is again obvious. [5,S,11] Curiously, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation recommends questioning facts and figures. That’s ironic. They don’t seem to see or ignore the contradictions in their own approach. [5,S,9/10]
With the paper “Ask, clarify, set limits – recommendations for action on how to deal with the AfD”, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation proposed breaking up the basic democratic consensus in Germany. The methods are partly authoritarian and deny those who think differently the freedom of speech and assembly. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation regularly outlines larger-than-life straw men as justification for these border crossings. Resist the beginnings.
German proverb
In German-speaking countries there are large petitions against the financing of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation: -amadeu-antonio-stiftung/
[1] Guideline 1/76 for the processing of operational processes: [2] German Reich Law Gazette Part I:
http:// [3] German Reich Law Gazette Part II: =dra&datum=1943&page=281&size=45 [4] German Reich Law Gazette Part III:
[5] Inquiries, clarifications, Setting limits – recommendations for dealing with the AfD: [6] Birthler-Behörde had Stasi spies invited 2007-09- 25:
[7] A Stasi debate that has not been ended 2003-04-02: https ://–die-nicht-beendet-wurde-16532176 [8] Anetta Kahane de: [9] Anetta Kahane en:
[10] Federal funding to combat extremism 2018-03-21: .pdf
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the decomposition of children
If you have relatives from the former GDR, then you probably know the stories about how your own people were spied on by the government. Visitors were checked for hours at border crossings until they were allowed to enter the GDR to visit their relatives. In kindergartens, children were asked to draw the clock on the television news in order to find out whether their parents were watching television from the West. And unwanted opposition members were fought by the Stasi. The Stasi had its own program to combat unwanted opposition members. The program was aimed at people who expressed criticism of the government, i.e. those who had a different opinion than the prevailing opinion. The GDR legislature called this anti-state incitement. The program was called Decomposition. Decomposition was the covert influence of people with the aim of undermining their ability to act, personal integrity and reputation. [1]
In 2018, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation published the paper “Ene, mene, moo – and you’re out! Inequality and early childhood pedagogy”. [2] The foundation was named after Amadeu Antonio Kiowa, a victim of right-wing extremist violence in Germany. The head of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation is Anetta Kahane. Kahane was the unofficial employee (IM Viktoria) of the Stasi in the GDR. During her time as an unofficial employee, she described Thomas and Klaus Brasch as “enemies of the GDR” in 1976. The program to dismantle the GDR government then drove Thomas Brasch to suicide. [3] Kahane was supported in 2003 by the Heidi-Knake Werner (Left Party, then PDS). Kahane wanted to make her the immigration representative. [4] It is noticeable that their German Wikipedia entry is significantly shortened compared to their English Wikipedia entry. Her work for the Stasi is only a minor side note in German. [8] [9]
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation is financed by the German federal government. In response to a parliamentary question, the federal government announced that the Amadeu Antonio Foundation has been receiving three million euros annually since 2010. The financing is justified by the fight against extremism. [7] According to its own information, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation only has 15 employees. [8th]
In the foreword to the paper, Franziska Giffey (Federal Minister for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) writes that ethnically, politically or religiously motivated violence should be avoided in the future by educating children. So far so good. The state must therefore take active action against group-related misanthropy. She claims that the German debate culture is racist and sexist. And in fact the paper provides a legitimate example. The wife of NSU complex supporter Ralf Wohlleben worked in a daycare center. She herself was a member of the NPD and temporarily treasurer of the Jena district association. Since the NPD was classified as unconstitutional, she was terminated. [2,S,5] This scenario is repeated later with case IV.1-2. The name of the fictional person and his role in the NPD have been changed. However, the conditions are the same. [2, p.23ff] Another true but ridiculous example is number 4. In 2017, people complained because a children’s playground was built with the theme of Ali Baba and his robbers. This example is based on facts, but the topic is maximally irrelevant. The case did not harm anyone except the reputation of those who complained. [2,S,7/8]
However, many of the cases outlined are pure straw men and fake news. Right from the start there is a warning that there is no early sexualization and that the warnings about it are just to create a mood. [2,S,4] In North Rhine-Westphalia there was a scandal because terms such as darkroom, orgasm or SM were supposed to be represented in pantomime by children. In addition, a play with the theme of anal sex should be performed. [9] In example 5, the criticism of the handout “Murat plays a princess, Alex has two mothers and Sophie is now called Ben” is criticized. Any criticism is presented as illegitimate and it is claimed that there are fundamentally different motivations behind the criticism, such as homosexuality or misogyny. Sources for these claims are not provided. [2,S,8/9] However, this handout de facto recommends confronting preschool children with sex education and meets all common criticisms. It assumes that some genders and identities are oppressed by other genders and identities. It glorifies long-term hormone treatments and gender reassignment for preschool children who are far too young for such topics. [10] [11] After such events, it is not surprising if parents are particularly skeptical. Such a scenario is outlined in case II.3. Here a mother doesn’t want her son to put on clothes and use make-up. [2,S,19]
But the paper “Ene, mene, muh” also contains misinformation. Example 2 is supposedly about a case in which parents resisted the employment of a Syrian refugee in a kindergarten in Lüneburg. The hiring is said to have been prevented in this way and is therefore evidence of racism. [2,S,5/6] However, this is incorrect. The employment failed because the applicant did not provide a police clearance certificate. [12] The paper contains various and sometimes absurd claims, but sources are almost never given. In case I.2, a scenario is outlined in which a child draws Nazi symbols, thinks war is great and is noticeably aggressive. However, in the absence of any sources or evidence, this case can be seen as a gigantic straw man. [2,S,11]
There are also several scenarios in which facts are hidden. Case I.1 describes a child who is afraid of children of refugees. [2,S,10/11] Case II.2 outlines parents who are worried about the level of education when children of refugees come to school. [2, p,18] Case III.1 and Case IV.3 outline educators who are worried when children of refugees come to school. [2,S,21/26] And in case III.2, a teacher is critical or even prejudiced towards the role models of other cultures. [2,S,23] However, concern is warranted. The proportion of illiterates is 15% in Syria, 20% in Syria, 62% in Afghanistan, 35% in Eritrea and 13% in Iran. The school enrollment rate is 97% in Syria, 92% in Syria, 72% in Afghanistan, 39% in Eritrea and 99% in Iran. [13, p.15,19,23,27,31] Non-German suspects are greatly overrepresented in crimes. In the case of murder, the proportion of non-German suspects is 37.3% and in the case of manslaughter and killing on demand it is 44.5%. [14, p.19ff] The proportion of nonGerman suspects in general crimes against sexual self-determination is 28.7%. In the case of sexual harassment (§ 184i StGB), the proportion of non-German suspects is 45.9% and in group crimes (§ 184j StGB) 82.1%. [14, p.12] Support for corporal punishment for offenses such as theft is 81% in Afghanistan, 88% in Pakistan, 56% in Iraq and 70% in Egypt. [15, p.52] And that a woman must always obey her husband is believed by 94% in Afghanistan, 88% in Pakistan, 92% in Iraq and 85% in Egypt. [15, p.93]However, it is questionable why additional and needs-based educational institutions are not created. According to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the consequences of the refugee crisis should be unloaded on the weakest and most defenseless. Only these should show solidarity.
But the paper also wants to go beyond the laws. Example 3 describes how a collective of authors excluded the NPD in the past because the NPD was classified as unconstitutional. That is why the AfD should also be excluded from as many events as possible because it normalizes racist, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist positions. Sources for this claim are not provided. And the AfD is not classified as unconstitutional either. [2,S,6/7] Case I.3 has now received significant media attention. In a daycare center, two siblings stand out who are particularly reserved and don’t say much about home, for example about the weekend. So they behave silently and passively in the morning circle at the beginning of the week. At the same time, there are no so-called discipline problems; these children seem to be particularly “tracking” well. In addition, traditional gender roles can be seen in the upbringing styles: the girl wears dresses and braids, she is instructed in housework and handicrafts at home, and the boy is subjected to strong physical challenges and drills. Both often come to the facility in the morning after having already completed a 1.5 km run.
Now the girl invites several other children from the daycare to the children’s birthday party. Some parents whose children are invited know that the parents belong to a right-wing extremist group and are worried about what could happen at the children’s birthday party. At the same time, they don’t want to simply forbid their children from participating and thus from being able to become friends with the girl. They ask the educators for advice. [2, p. 12ff] Please note that no error behavior by parents or children is listed here. Nevertheless, on the following pages it is assumed that the children are growing up in a right-wing extremist home. Therefore, the well-being of the children is at risk and withdrawal of custody is justified. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has this gross condemnation of harmless stereotypes in common with totalitarian and fascist societies. A similarly hasty judgment can be made in case II.1. You are an educator in a day care center in a rural area. A mother who moved to the town with her family a year and a half ago is involved in the parent representatives. She campaigned for the local playground – long destroyed and barely usable – to be repaired and restored by parents in a community effort. She now has many friends in town. At the parents’ meeting she raised the question of whether the group rooms should be painted and new pictures hung in this context. She would like to hang up photos that show “our children.” “We don’t have children like the ones you see in the current pictures here anyway,” she says. Many parents find this understandable, including her colleague. [2,S,16/17] Please note that parents’ error behavior is not listed here either. Instead, on the following pages one is bothered by the distinction between children. For all those without children, it should be mentioned that parents like to have their own children in pictures. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation also turns this woman into a potential criminal and brings her close to the NPD.
The AfD is now calling for funding for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and such programs to be stopped in general. She is also surprised that the federal government could not find any violation of neutrality. [16]
In 1948, George Orwell wrote the book 1984. At that time, the book was considered a synonym for the failure of socialist states. In 2018, the book serves as a synonym for the transformation of the Federal Republic into the new GDR. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has provided a clear example of this with the paper “Ene, mene, muh”. And Anetta Kahane has proven that she still knows her craft. The methods are partly authoritarian and as a justification for these border crossings, the foundation draws a straw man larger than life on the wall. Resist the beginnings.
German proverb
In German-speaking countries there are large petitions against the financing of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation: -amadeu-antonio-stiftung/
[1] Guideline 1/76 for the processing of operational processes:

Click to access dok540.pdf

[2] Ene, mene, muh – and you’re out you! Inequality and early childhood pedagogy: [3] Birthler-Behörde invited Stasi spies 2007-09-25: https://www
[4] A Stasi debate that has not been ended 2003-04-02: https://www.berliner-–die-nicht-beendet-wurde-16532176 [5] Anetta Kahane de: [6] Anetta Kahane en: https:/ / [7] Federal funds to combat extremism 2018-03-21:
[8] https: // [9] Children should play anal sex in school 2016-06-19: article156317177/Kinder-sollen-Analsex-in-der-Schulespiele.html [10] Berlin Senate distributes sex brochure for daycare children 2018-02-16: kolumne/berliner-senat-verteil-sex-broschuere-fuer-kita-kinder [11] Murat plays princess, Alex has two mothers and Sophie is now called Ben: QF-Kita-Handreichung-2018-Druckfassung.pdf [12] Kindergarten does not hire Syrians after parents’ protests 2016-01-29: calmt-eltern-syrer-wird
[13] Education and training in the main countries of origin 2017-12-21: -denhauptherkunftslaendern.html
[14] “PKS 2017 – Yearbook Volume 4 – Individual crimes: Jahrbuch4Einzelne.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v= 5 [15] pew research – The Worlds Muslims (2013) 2013-04-30: [16] Brandner: Federal government promotes left-wing radical agitation in kindergartens – this is political child abuse and intolerable! 2018-11-26:
Democracy in danger – Dare to be less democratic with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Shortly before the state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation published a so-called instruction manual against the AfD. The 80-page paper has the inconspicuous name “Democracy in Danger. Recommendations for action on how to deal with the AfD”. In terms of content, this is a direct intervention in the election campaign by a state-funded institution. In addition, the paper is explicitly directed against an opposition party and not against dynamics or parts of the political spectrum. The paper can therefore be seen as a partisan intervention.
AfD and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation complains right from the start that the AfD has continuously become radicalized and disinhibited since its founding. This is so obvious that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is not needed for this. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation is alluding to the AfD’s classification as a test case. [1, p.4]
The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution also announced in 2019 that the AfD as an entire party was being processed as a test case. In addition, the youth organization of the AfD Junge Alternative and the sub-organization Der Wing were declared suspected cases. This also means that, based on this level of knowledge, the conditions for observing the AfD are not met.
In a test case, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution only uses publicly accessible sources such as party programs, flyers or social media. The next level is the suspected case. In the event of a suspected case, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution uses additional information from authorities and the observation of individual people is possible. In both cases, intelligence means such as wiretapping or the use of undercover agents may not be used until the suspicions have been confirmed. [2] [3]
The Süddeutsche Zeitung and Focus quote from a confidential report on how the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution assesses the AfD. In a test case, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution only uses publicly accessible sources such as party programs, flyers or social media. This report was repeatedly based on information from Antifa. According to this, the youth organization Junge Alternative supposedly has connections to supposedly right-wing extremist fraternities. Also cited is the requirement of citizenship law based on descent, as is applied in Israel and Hungary, for example. In addition, four former members of the now dissolved and supposedly right-wing extremist Citizens’ Movement Pro Germany party are allegedly active in the AfD in Berlin. [4] [5]
This information is questionable for several reasons. An anonymous and non-binding group of people cannot be held accountable if they violate data protection and deletion regulations. In addition, their information is not always verifiable or reliable. They can therefore serve as indications but not as more sufficient evidence. What is particularly interesting is that Maaßen has already said exactly this. Maaßen has claimed that left-wing radical forces are active in the co-ruling SPD and have brought him down. [6] [7] [7]
On August 25, 2018, a man was murdered and two others were injured in Chemnitz. According to police, the three victims were attacked without self-defense. [9] [10] There were demonstrations on several days after the crime and the federal government spoke of hunts against foreigners and mobs that would not be tolerated. [11]
And on September 7th, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, contradicted this. [12] Maaßen was then questioned by various politicians. [13] According to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the demonstrations were a declaration of war on plural democracy. [1,p.4]
However, a parliamentary question has now been published which exposes the federal government’s statements after August 25, 2018. On March 20, 2019, the federal government responded to a parliamentary question about what level of knowledge it had about the events after August 25, 2018 in Chemnitz. [14, p.3] In it, the federal government admits that it had no evidence of its own for alleged hunts in Chemnitz. The statements about alleged hunts in Chemnitz were based on media reporting. The federal government has admitted that it had no knowledge of its own or a situation report from the authorities. [14, p.4]
According to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the reaction to the crimes was based solely on the origin of the accused. [1, p.10] However, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation conceals the statistical distribution of the perpetrators. Of the 247,422 people with their main residence in Chemnitz as of December 31, 2017, only 18,721 (7.6%) were non-German citizens. [15] In Chemnitz in 2017, of 618 violent crime suspects, 281 (45.5%) were non-German suspects. [16,R13995] Non-German citizens are therefore overrepresented by a factor of 6. The number of violent right-wing extremist crimes in Chemnitz in 2017 was 6. [17, p.106]
On December 3rd, the Center for Political Beauty published the Soko Chemnitz project. The goal was to identify those who demonstrated in Chemnitz after the murder of Daniel H. and report them to their employers. The aim was to make the suspects lose their jobs. The ZPS directly called for colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances to be denounced. [18] [19]
The ZPS justifies its actions by saying that criticism of immigration is illegitimate and that the AfD is undemocratic. It is implicitly assumed that the demonstrators are AfD voters. So the ZPS creates an oversized straw man to justify its own actions. [20] However, these events are completely kept secret by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.
Prohibition of opposition
Furthermore, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation equates the AfD’s opposition in its points with a violation of the Basic Law and parliamentarism. In the absence of an explanation as to why these points go against the Basic Law and parliamentarism, this behavior amounts to banning opposition. This is not just a fight against the euro, migration, refugees and a plural understanding of family and gender, but a fight against the “establishment”, the “system” and “those at the top” – and thus against the parliamentary system, the Basic Law and the existing state constitution. [1,p.4] In response, according to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the Democrats are uniting against the AfD. The AfD is denied to be democratic. [1,p.5]
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation makes various accusations against the AfD as well as its demands and statements that are either without evidence or are misinterpreted. An unspecified ethnic culture war is taking place that aims to create an authoritarian system. And the goal is that there is no longer any civil society and that society receives strict guidelines from the state. [1, p.15] The AfD is not a completely normal party and would evade the rules of democratic discourse. And that’s why the AfD shouldn’t be treated like that by the press. The reporting should reflect this and not report neutrally about the AfD. [1, p.19] Then the AfD is often accused of homophobia and transphobia. [1,p.4] [1,p.11] [1,p.14] [1,p.48] [1,p.52] [1,p.58] [1,p.67] [ 1, p.77] On the one hand, a parliamentary question about the number of non-heterosexual people and the number of attacks on them is criticized. However, the request does not provide any clear reason to believe that it was made with malicious intent. [1,p.21] [20] The AfD is avowedly against children being raised alone and non-heterosexual lifestyles being propagated. The AfD is also accused of this. [1,p.49] [21,p.38] [21,p.40]
The paper from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation states that the AfD is spreading a fairy tale by declaring the illegal opening of the border in 2015. According to the AfD, this is not a decision by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), but according to the
Amadeu Antonio Foundation. And according to the AfD, this is not a violation of the EU’s Dublin Agreement, but according to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. [1, p.22ff] However, from January to September 2015 and in the wake of the migration crisis, financial support for the UNHCR was much lower than necessary and much lower than the previous year. [23] [23,archive] [24] [25] In November 2015, the then head Antonio Guterres reported that the UNHCR’s resources were no longer sufficient. As of November 2015, only 37% of the funds requested for care had been transferred. As a result, food vouchers for 211,000 people in Jordan and 638,000 in Lebanon were halved. Therefore, according to Guterres, the migration crisis of 2015 was triggered by the lack of funds for humanitarian tasks. [26] [27] [28] [29] [29,archive] [30]
In addition, the German federal government canceled the Dublin Agreement with special trains. According to the Dublin Agreement, asylum seekers must submit their asylum application in the EU member state in which they first entered the EU. In 2015, the German federal government brought asylum seekers from other EU member states to Germany using special trains. In addition, the German federal government has signaled to people who have not yet come to Europe that they do not have to stay in the first EU member state. [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] This policy continues afterwards in that there are still no deportations to Syria. The German federal government continues to oppose deportations to Syria. This is justified by the human rights situation in Syria. [36] [38]
Furthermore, the AfD is accused of spreading false statements about demographic developments. [1, p.23ff] In fact, in Germany in 2016, 9.2 million people or 11.2 percent of the population had foreign citizenship. Most of them, 70 percent, came from Europe. The largest groups were Turkish with 15 percent, Polish with 8 percent, Syrian with 6 percent, Italian with 6 percent and Romanian citizens with 5 percent. Overall, the number of people with a migrant background in Germany was around 18.6 million in 2016. Of these, 2.3 million people in Germany have their roots in the Near and Middle East and 740,000 people are of African origin. The trend is increasing. [38]
Legitimate Criticism
Legitimate criticism in the Amadeu Antonio Foundation paper is the criticism of the AfD’s outrage strategy and the change in what can be said publicly. The AfD is changing what can be said publicly by announcing previously unaccepted statements with increasing clarity and varying degrees of strength. For this purpose, it has staff from a wide range. [1,p.15] [1,p.18ff]
In order to make itself heard in the media, pointed and sometimes provocative statements are essential for the AfD. They give the AfD the necessary attention and the media time window to present their demands in more detail. And as evidence of the intent of this strategy, the paper cites an AfD internal email admitting this. [1,p.8] [1,p.18ff]
[1] Democracy in danger. – Recommendations for action on how to deal with the AfD 2019ähr/ 2019/08/AFD_Handreichung_web.pdf
[2] Technical information on the party ?Alternative for Germany? (AfD)
[3] Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) gives the test results for the party “Alternative for Germany”. (AfD) announced 2019-01-15
[4 ] Constitutional protection officers also used Antifa research for AfD reports 2019-01-21
[5] AfD report – Constitutional protection officers rely on Antifa research 2019-01-21
xzfZ_Iv9hCgKkFTVL8 [6] Hans-Georg Maaßen: The mischief in secret 2018-11-08
[7] Maaßen- Speech to the ?Berner Club? – “Left-wing radical forces in the SPD wanted to provoke abreak in the coalition?” 2018-11-05
[8] SEEHOFER CLAIMED ?UNACCEPTABLE STATEMENTS? – ?Left radical forces? and ?naive politics?:
Maaßen’s controversial speech verbatim 2018-11-15 zr-10494978.html
[9] Fact check on the Chemnitz death: Perpetrators did not act in self-defense 2018-08-28
[10] Suspects of the knife attack in Chemnitz apply for a habeas corpus 2018-09-14
[111] Black Sunday from Chemnitz: stabbing, hunt, loss of control 2018-08-28
[12] Maaßen sees no evidence of hunt in Chemnitz 2018-09 -07
[13] No information about hunts against foreigners in Chemnitz 2018-09-07
[14] Printed matter 19/4313 – Answer from Federal Government – Alleged “hunts” in Chemnitz on
August 26, 2018 2019-03-20
2018 /dip21/btd/19/085/1908570.pdf [15] The city’s population also grows in 2017 2018-01-23 49.html [16] Basic table – districts – selected crimes/groups 2018-05-08. Statistics/PKS2017/BKATables/bkaTablesLaenderKreiseStaedteFaelle.html;jsessionid=6CE67EE745DA2CCBE1578BC547EF6 EDA. live2292?nn=96600
[17] Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2017

Click to access VSB2017_webversion.pdf

[18] Online pillory for participation 2018-12-03 /kultur/zentrum-political-schoenheit-chemnitz-1.4237167
[19] Violent dispute over online pillory 2018-12-04!5556526/
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Go Die – Dare to have less freedom of expression with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Open racism or group-related misanthropy are of course to be condemned. However, freedom of expression as a necessary prerequisite for a democracy must continue to be guaranteed. In 2015, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation published the paper “>>Go Die<< – Dealing with Hate Speech and Comments on the Internet”. False claims It is true that verifiable or verifiable statements in the paper are rare. However, the first provable or verifiable statement that exists is already wrong. Already in the foreword, the then Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas (SPD) claimed that the increase in attacks on refugee accommodation could be attributed to intellectual arson. The sharp increase in attacks on refugee accommodation shows that “mental arson” far too often turns into violence: In 2014, the number of attacks tripled compared to the previous year. Heiko Maas (SPD), then Federal Minister of Justice [1, p.5] In fact, a total of 1,248 fire incidents were recorded in refugee accommodation in 2015 and 2016. 24% of this is proven to be attributable to third parties and 46% to the residents, for example due to errors in the operation of kitchen appliances, while the rest was not explained. However, it remains unclear what lies behind the unsolved cases. [2] [3] Defects in the explanation The paper openly admits that it remains controversial what hate speech actually is. Furthermore, there would be neither a fixed definition nor a catalog of words for hate speech. Hate speech is a political term and depends on the context. [1,p.9-10] [1,p.13] It is even admitted that hate speech cannot be legally limited and that German law does not include hate speech. [1, p.33] Unlike specific criminal offenses, no common denominator is found. This raises the question of how to regulate something that is not clearly defined. If something is regulated without a clear definition, then the regulation is inevitably subject to the attitudes or political classification of the decision-makers. And judgments depend on the political balance of power. Reinterpretations What is striking about the paper is that hate speech is never clearly defined. Instead, various reinterpretations are used. For example, the sovereignty of interpretation is assigned exclusively to the declared victims and their subjective perception. [1, p.1011] The Amadeu Antonio Foundation is already relying on the fact that there is a competition. However, this does not outline any social debate or competition of ideas. As a basis for a definition, the perspective of those affected is more suitable than the intention of the speaker. [1,p.10] In the Amadeu Antonio Foundation paper, racism is differentiated according to the victims rather than the dynamics. [1, p.14] This reveals the double standards of the victim hierarchy. Future negative developments are ignored or not taken into account. Hate speech only works if it addresses a collectively anchored devaluation and is consistent with social discrimination. Racism against white people, for example, can take place situationally, but has no social dimension. Accordingly, derogatory statements about white people (e.g. “potato”) do not fall under hate speech because they simply lack social consequences. [1,p.14] Furthermore, it is generally assumed that the cases are solely intentional. [1,p.19] Negligence and even misunderstanding are excluded and intent is assumed. However, no evidence of this organization or planning is presented. These are not randomized events, but rather organized and planned actions. [1,p.19] Recommendations for action When dealing with hate speech, the AAS (Amadeu Antonio Foundation) makes recommendations on what to do and what not to do. Supposedly false posts should be deleted because moderating or debating is not considered helpful. Journalists should also take a stand and make fun of the authors of the supposedly false articles. [1, p.22] On the other hand, there is also occasional legitimate criticism, for example when the authors of group-related misanthropy are classified as a loud minority. [1, p.24] In addition, publishing private data, such as home addresses, photos or account details, is condemned. [1,p.26] The ethics of censorship Being against group-based misanthropy is, to a first approximation, correct. However, measures should not restrict potential criticism and thus freedom of expression. Freedom of expression and democracy go hand in hand. For the free competition of ideas, the opportunity to get to know information and ideas and to be heard is, by definition, essential. Exceptions are calls for criminal offenses and calls that are likely to disturb public peace, for example false warnings of fire in crowded rooms. Anything else would be a political dictatorship. Censoring hate would require people or rules from people who distinguish hate from criticism. In any case, it would be up to people to differentiate. However, hatred and criticism have a common intersection whose interpretation depends on one’s own position. In addition, it is not yet clear whether the statement or position of the addressee is questionable or illegitimate. Censorship would again be a projection of power, even if it were driven by morality. In addition, a restriction on freedom of expression threatens deradicalizing dialogue and the visibility of illegal expressions. The title of a free democratic basic order and the possibility of free exchange cannot be lived up to without freedom of expression. And the rules of this exchange are determined by the legislature. To this end, most states protect freedom of expression. In addition, there are already paragraphs in criminal laws against public incitement to commit crimes. [4] [1] >>Go Die<< – Dealing with hate speech and comments on the Internet [2] Fire statistics refugee accommodation – A first balance sheet – 2017-01-13 [3] Most refugee homes are set on fire by residents. Or not? | reporter – 2017-01-18 [4] Criminal Code Art 111

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Whenever I hear “Masonic”, “Illuminati”, “Jesuits”, etc,. I automatically dismiss these, and immediately and properly think, “Zionists”.

I assume you did not read the article

nor did i

but i did browse through all of it
I will say this
ZIONISTS masonic Illuminati are all limited hang outS for the Swiss octagon



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