Any Woman by Katharine Tynan - Summary, Analysis, Theme and Questions Answers | Plus Two English - Smart English Notes

Any Woman by Katharine Tynan โ€“ Summary, Analysis, Theme and Questions Answers | Plus Two English

โ€˜Any Woman,โ€™ by Katharine Tynan, is a truly moving poem that honours mothersโ€™ selfless devotion. It informs us of the concerns, fears, and responsibilities that women everywhere undergo in order to keep their houses in order. Additionally, the poem expresses Tynanโ€™s perspective of motherhood as the highest gift for which she would cheerfully accept a diminution of her literary stature.

Summary 1#

โ€œAny Woman,โ€ a poem by Irish poet Katharine Tynan, discusses the role of a mother. The feelings mentioned here by a mother poet regarding her role in a family are universally accurate. The poet expresses the value of a mother in a family in this poetry. She is the houseโ€™s cornerstone. The poet cautions that if something happens to her, the entire family would be destroyed. Children survive as a result of their mothersโ€™ love. She fortifies herself against all hazards and shields her family from the โ€˜wind and snow,โ€™ which represent exterior forces attempting to damage the family.

The poemโ€™s final section expresses the motherโ€™s simple longing to live long enough to see her children develop. She is selfless enough to consider her children. Indeed, she is the pillar of the home, without which the house โ€“ family โ€“ will undoubtedly fall apart. Nowadays, a motherโ€™s presence in a household is rarely observed. She is regarded solely as a machine that is never bored with anything. She is abused and confined within the confines of her homeโ€™s four walls. This poem implores all readers to be sensitive of a womanโ€™s inner sentiments and to view her as an individual.

The poem โ€˜Any Womanโ€˜ demonstrates a womanโ€™s all-encompassing ability to keep her family together. The mother figure and her intimate emotions are depicted in the poem through a variety of metaphorical symbols, including pillars, keystone, fire on the hearth, and light. Except for the first stanza, the poemโ€™s rhyme pattern should be ab, ab, cd, cd, โ€ฆ..

Summary 2#

The poem begins by introducing the core metaphor of the house. The mother asserts that she is one of the houseโ€™s cornerstones. She is the cornerstone of the arch; without her, the roof and wall would collapse, destroying the home.

A mother is not simply the โ€˜vita lux et amorโ€™ โ€” the life, light, and love that fill a home. As the sun warms the land, she is the hearth fire. Children extend their hands toward her. Without her, the house would be lifeless and chilly, and the children would suffer.

The mother is also similar to a twist or a knot in the ring that connects the many strands. She encircles the children in a sacred ring of love. Without the love tie, many a youngster would wander and become lost.

Finally, the poet discusses the numerous household activities that a mother conducts on a daily basis, which may leave her children wondering if she possesses a thousand hands. She beautifies the house, prepares the supper table, spins the draperies, and makes their bed. Additionally, she is compared to a mother bird who constructs the nest, feeds the nestlings, and covers them in her own soft feathers. She shields them from the wind and snow and keeps them safe from harm. The poem concludes with the motherโ€™s petition to Jesus for continued survival till the children reach adulthood.

Analysis and Critical Appreciation of Any Women

The poem is rife with metaphors. The speaker compares herself to โ€˜pillars of the houseโ€™, โ€˜keystone of the archโ€™, โ€˜fire on the hearthโ€™, โ€˜light of the good sunโ€™, โ€˜heat that warms the groundโ€™, โ€˜light of loveโ€™, โ€˜knot of loveโ€™, โ€˜home from floor to roofโ€™, โ€˜wall against every dangerโ€™, and โ€˜door against the wind and snowโ€™. All of these analogies allude to maternal love. The metaphor of theโ€™sacred ringโ€™ is intentionally employed to convey the holiness associated with marital vows and the consequent bondage by which children are bound inside the family. The ring is shaped like a circle, which symbolises โ€˜foreverโ€™. It is a sign of completeness, harmony, perfection, and tranquilly. Motherโ€™s love and devotion exert a gravitational pull on her children, compelling them not to stray.

Another beautiful metaphor is โ€˜the wind and snow,โ€™ which represents family conflicts. The line โ€˜Their door against the wind and snowโ€™ is adjacent to the sentence alluding to the birth of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary. This excellent example exemplifies the โ€˜wind and snowโ€™ that a woman encountered in the world. The final prayer becomes the most moving passage, eliciting a tear from us. A woman cherishes her life and desires to live in order to witness her children grow and provide them her support.

The artistic effect is produced through the repeating of the words โ€˜I amโ€™. Another poetic approach for conveying a sense of natural motion is โ€˜enjambment.โ€™ The line โ€˜Take me away, and roof and wall/Would collapse, entirely ruining meโ€™ is an example of an idea running into the next line. With the exception of the first stanza, all the stanzas rhyme in a pattern in which the first line rhymes with the third and the second line rhymes with the fourth.

In conclusion, the poem addresses a timely issue and provides an impactful message. It maintains an upbeat tone while maintaining a serious tone. The profusion of poetic devices serves to reinforce the topic and message. Thus, โ€˜Any Womanโ€™ is an expressive encomium in which each line conveys a wealth of information on โ€˜womanhood.โ€™

Stanza โ€“ Wise Thematic Analysis of Poem

First Stanza

The poem begins with a figurative proclamation. The speaker, who appears to be a woman, declares herself to be an intrinsic member of her home. She compares herself to the pillars and keystone that sustain and reinforce the home symbolically. If these are removed, the structure will collapse. Similarly, if the woman is isolated from the family, the familyโ€™s integrity is compromised. Just as a wrecked houseโ€™s keystone and pillars cease to exist, the fragmentation of the family will entirely destroy the woman. The speaker attempts to demonstrate that a womanโ€™s identity and family harmony are complimentary (mutually dependent).

Second Stanza

The stanza is made more real by images borrowed from common life circumstances. The speaker asserts that without her, the earth would be uninhabitable.

Thirdย  Stanza

The woman nurtures and protects the children, enabling them to thrive. She claims that if she were not present, the hearth stones would be cooler. Peripherally, she refers to her role as the familyโ€™s cook. However, she appears to indicate her role in preparing the familyโ€™s spiritual meals. It is her strategies that foster childrenโ€™s development as distinct and valuable citizens.

Fourth Stanza

The speaker here identifies with the twist, another significant material component of a house or building. According to her, it is a motherโ€™s love and care that keeps her children within the family circle. Simultaneously, she instils in them the courage to move freely and without inhibitions.

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Fifth Stanza

The woman embellishes the walls. To put it another way, she is the wall decorations. The woman is the one who establishes privacy by warping and woofing curtains whenever and wherever they are required. As the mother bird shakes her beautiful feathers to prepare the nest for its young, the mother sacrifices her desires and pleasures for the family.

Sixth Stanza

The woman is the fortification that keeps her family secure from oncoming dangers. She is the gateway to overcoming adversity and terrible circumstances. The stanza concludes with a request to Infant Jesus not to take her away until her children are fully grown.

Questions and Answers

Question 1. Mention the underlying ideas in the expression โ€˜pillars of the houseโ€™.
Answer: The pillars act as the houseโ€™s primary structural support. A house without pillars is physically impossible. The pillars bear the houseโ€™s weight and ensure that it does not collapse.

Question 2. How does the poet portray the bond between a mother and her children?
Answer: Children, the poet asserts, receive their affection from their mothers. She is their source of brightness. Without her, the children will not be able to thrive. She is the tangle that binds the children together in the familyโ€™s sacred ring. The children are adamant about not abandoning her and fleeing. A motherโ€™s link with her children can be compared to that of a stem and its branches.

Question 3. Comment on the expression from โ€˜floor to roof. Attempt to coin another expression without changing the meaning.
Answer: From floor to roof refers to the entire structure, from start to finish. Every part of the home is interconnected with the lady, the matriarch. Nothing is hidden from her or unfamiliar to her in the house. Another similar idiom is โ€˜from top to toeโ€™ or โ€˜head to footโ€™.

Question 4.What is the symbolic significance of โ€˜wind and snowโ€™?
Answer: The symbolic meaning of โ€˜wind and snowโ€™ is the manifestation of trials and hardships. Life is impacted by a variety of issues. They can be diseases, financial difficulties, mental difficulties, or other calamities. The mother makes an effort to keep all of these things out of the family and away from its members.

Question 5.Explain, in your own words, the concluding line of the poem.
Answer: It is a prayer offered by the woman to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one who was laid in the manger by a woman (Mary). The woman is pleading with Jesus not to take her life before her children reach adulthood. She is well aware that her children will be unable to survive and prosper in the world without her.

Letโ€™s Discuss

Question 1.Woman: the focal point of the family.
Answer: The woman is the familyโ€™s focal point. She is the houseโ€™s pillar. She is the archโ€™s keystone. Without her, the roof and wall will succumb to the elements. She is the hearthโ€™s heat. She is the source of warmth in the home. Without her, the house would become as cold as a stone.

She is the source of warmth for the youngsters. She is the source of their affection. Her children will not thrive without her. She binds the children together in the homeโ€™s love ring. They are connected by the knots of love. The children do not wish to cut the thread and wander off.

In the home, the woman is everything. She is the one who stuffs the childrenโ€™s beds with down (soft animal hair) and covers them in leather. She is the protective wall that shields the family members from any threats. She guards the membersโ€™ safety from harsh winds and snow. A family would be unthinkable without her.

Question 2.The qualities a woman needs to face the challenges of life.
Answer:A woman should possess a variety of characteristics in order to meet lifeโ€™s obstacles. To begin, she needs be educated. Education informs a woman of her rights and responsibilities. Second, she should have some source of income. Income enables her to succeed. Then she should possess leadership characteristics. These include discernment, comprehension, courage, resolve, compassion, sympathy, and empathy. Women must not continue to be the weaker sex. They are not โ€˜weakโ€™ in any way. They should embrace their differences and ascend to positions of leadership, achieving equality with males in all spheres of life.

Think and Write

Question 1. Analyse the theme of the poem keeping in view the plight of women in the Indian social scenario.
Answer: The poemโ€™s theme is the womanโ€™s importance in the family. A family is simply inconceivable without a woman. This is especially true for Indian women. Women care for children, cook, clean, and perform all other household duties. Nothing happens at home without her awareness or participation. She is the houseโ€™s pillars, roof, walls, and doors. She is the source of all love. It is the woman who transforms a house into a home.

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Question 2. Identify the major figure of speech used in the poem and describe its significance.
Answer: The main figure of speech used in the poem is a metaphor. A metaphor is a comparison where one thing is seen as another. The entire poem is a metaphor because the woman thinks she is the pillars, walls, roof and doors of the house. She is the heat and light of the house. In fact she is the house!

Question 3. What is the quantum of work done by a woman in the household? Can it be reduced? How?
Answer: A woman accomplishes an enormous amount of work. She prepares meals for the entire household. She cleans the dishes, pans, and pots. She washes and irons the clothing and stores them in the cabinet. She is responsible for cleaning the house and yard. She is also responsible for the discipline and education of the youngsters. Indeed, she has a lot on her plate.

Her work can be distilled into two categories. One way is to enlist mechanical assistance through the use of advanced labor-saving equipment. However, more crucially, her job can be minimised with the assistance of an understanding husband and adoring children. They can provide a hand with the numerous tasks she performs at home.

Extract Based Questions

I. The following lines are taken from the poem, โ€˜Any Womanโ€™. Read the lines and answer the questions that follow.

โ€œI am the pillars of the house; The keystone of the arch am Iโ€.


1. Who is referred to as the pillar of the house?

Ans. Mother is referred to as the pillars of the house.

Q. 2. What is the meaning of the word โ€˜keystoneโ€™ here?

Ans. โ€œKeystoneโ€ here means the most important part of a family โ€“ house.

Q. 3. What is the figure of speech used here?

Ans. The figure of speech used here is Metaphor. The poet metaphorically says that mother of a family is the โ€˜pillarโ€™ and โ€˜keystoneโ€™ of the house.

Q. 4. Elaborate on the idea of the above lines.

Ans. According the poet the mother in a family is the most important part of it โ€“ keystone of an arch. If something happens to her, the family will be ruined. Hence give such a consideration to her.


โ€œThou whom a woman laid in a manger Take me not till the children grow!โ€


1. Who is the โ€˜womanโ€™ referred to here? Ans. Holy Mary, mother of Jesus Christ is the โ€˜womanโ€™ referred to here.

2. What is the meaning of the word โ€˜mangerโ€™? Ans. โ€˜Mangerโ€™ means the box or trough for horses or cattle to feed from.

3. What character trait of a mother is shown here?ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Ans. It shows selfless love and protective attitude of a mother.

4. Elaborate on the idea of the above lines.

Ans. The last two lines ring a biblical reference where one finds the element of sacrifice. Jesus Christ was born to wash off the sins of humanity. Soon after his birth, Mother Mary put him in a manger wrapped in old cloth. These lines are a prayer to Jesus Christ to keep the mother alive till her children grow. At the same time these lines speak of a motherโ€™s selflessness. She prepares to lay down or sacrifice her conscience for the sake of her children.


1. What is the significance of the adjective โ€˜preciousโ€™ in the poem โ€˜Any Womanโ€™?

A. The adjective โ€˜preciousโ€™ is attached to children so as to express the dearness, sweetness and the importance of children felt by the mother figure in the poem.

2. What is the significance of โ€˜sacred ringโ€™ in the poem Any Womanโ€™?

A. โ€˜Sacred ringโ€™ suggests the divine, godly circle or halo that is around the family binding them (the young ones) within the protective powers of the mother.

3. What is the significance of โ€˜wrap and woofโ€™?

A. This is an imagery brought from weaving. The expression is used as a metaphor underlying structure or strength on which something is built. Here it is indicative of the grandness and immensity of the motherโ€™s strength to protect her little ones.

In the first stanza, 3rd and 4th lines, what do the words โ€˜ruin meโ€™ mean?

Does it mean ruin the home or mother?

โ€˜Take me away,and roof and wall
Would fall to ruin me utterlyโ€™

โ€˜Meโ€™ stands for mother or home?

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